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LC/NC; Beg. Forum FISH FRY, October/Nov 2008 LC/NC; Beg. Forum FISH FRY, October/Nov 2008

11-05-2008 , 03:04 PM
I'm a tard, I could help.
11-05-2008 , 03:06 PM

Ship the minimum wage baby.
11-05-2008 , 03:20 PM

Ship the downsw.... Oh wait.
11-05-2008 , 03:53 PM

Boo. 10NL to regain confidence worked... almost.
11-05-2008 , 04:30 PM
Originally Posted by OziBattler
m starting to think LC/NC threads in beginners are basically inhabited by the few vets who stick around to help others out who end up moving either in the right direction (strat forums) or the wrong direction (bbv). prove me wrong?

assuming im right, we may as well tard it up and totally own it!

or perhaps we need to do some intros or something?
Yep, it is what it is baby. You should definitely start off the intros, I'm curious as to who you are myself
11-05-2008 , 04:32 PM
Originally Posted by raze
Yep, it is what it is baby. You should definitely start off the intros, I'm curious as to who you are myself
Agreed, would be good to know who I am speaking to a lot of the time.
11-05-2008 , 04:40 PM
What do you suggest?
I'll start.

As you may have guessed, Im an Aussie. My favourite beer is Coopers PaleAle which, if you know where certain Aussie Beers are made basically tells you what city im from. I started poker with $50 that i deposited on NYE 2004 whilst drunk and donked round for a while before stumbling across 2+2. this was my only deposit and ive grinded my way up all the way from 2c/4c.... i used to bonuswhore alot but cant be bothered anymore and ive withdraw a fair bit to buy **** and because it was excess to my online needs.

Limit poker was my main game up to the start of this year. A few years ago, MrWookie recruited me as a microsteakslimit mod to cover the graveyard shift. myself and a few other aussies now tard up the NC thread at night over there. I also mod limit->NL and recently offered to help out mod Beginners so i am. with a young family its hard to play a heap of poker (<10-15k/month) but its easier to find time to login for a few mins and here i am.

I used to post friendlier but like just about all people with high post counts....ive gotten jaded and blunt as ive seen it all before despite never ever posting in the tard forums otherwise known as BBV, OOT and their various offspring. So yeah, basically i post mostly strat.

earlier this year my fellow microers voted for me enough times to see me get 6 months DC membership in a promo/competition they ran so i took that as an opportunity to learn NL 6max. thanks to DC ive beaten every level ive played so far and now do NL50 6max. i basically dont play limidonk poker anymore and i have the limit poker forum regs to blame for that. haha. I run pretty good at NL 6max - when i go on drunkern monkey tilt - and am beating it pretty well and honestly, if i didnt start with watching a heap of DC videos as my starting point im not sure how i would have gone.....badly probably.

oh and im also a marlins fan courtesy of spending most of the 2004 season in Ft Lauderdale for work. ive done a pretty good job of watching, 'watching' via gamecast (because ldo, baseball isnt big in australia so its not like i can just watch every game live, even on pay tv) and generally reading their website. Aussie marlins fans are certainly a rare breed. I never thought i'd become a baseball fan but i got hooked and there you go....

well gogogo, ur turn

anyways, thats a bit about me

Last edited by OziBattler; 11-05-2008 at 04:49 PM.
11-05-2008 , 05:24 PM
Sigh, why did I play more...

Was up $200 on the day now I'm down $200 on the day, got lined up against a couple fish, they were horrendous, but they beat me.
11-05-2008 , 06:39 PM
Copied from another forum, so forgive the references that you guys won't understand:

I have always had an addictive personality and the nature of a gambler. Ever since a young age, playing on my Sega Master system, I have found myself drawn in to games and hobbies where some strategy is needed, and a good logical/mathematical mind.

I have always enjoyed taking calculated risks and 'living life on the edge', which is why I got into gambling. It started with fruit machines when I moved to Skegness aged around 16. With Skegness being a seaside town it has many arcades, which hold many fruit machines, and although many people think that these are 'rigged', just like poker they can be a gold mind if the so called 'fish' are around. The majority of fruit machines are set to around a 70% average payout, meaning that on average, every £100 put through the machine £70 will be paid out. This may make it seem like they are impossible to beat, but if played at the right times then they can definately be profitable. I won't go into details, but I never needed a paper round, or a shelf stacking job when I was around 16/17, this was because of fruit machines.

So with me having a gambling nature I was naturally interested in poker. I love making proposition bets, and have been visiting my snooker hall for around 5 years, playing for money whenever I went. Because a large group of us always used to play for money, the club thought it would be a good idea to introduce card games as another source of income around 2 years ago. Now with the group of us being degen gamblers, we were interested in poker so I used to watch people playing it until I picked up the rules and general idea of the game. I then played a few times at the club and thought I was the nuts so decided to play online. This is when I started to get more serious with the game.

In around January 07 I started playing online poker. I started on a site that was solely play money, , it was quite a good site for a beginner, as you can progress higher in skill levels if you become a better player. I never made it past level 3 but this was my first experience of actually poker against people who were better than me, thought I still didn't learn a lot as I was an impatient lil [censored], so I always went to tables where everyone was all-in every hand. Getting bored of xuqa, one of my mates recommended FullTilt, so I tried it out and found it to be much better than xuqa.

The only games I played for about 6 months were 90 man 250 play chips sngs on FullTilt. I suppose I learnt a lot here, basically everything I knew before I joined RTR, well when I say a lot I mean enough to beat the play chip players. Then myself and my friend found about these excellent value freerolls (cough cough), 2700 players and the top 27 actually won money! All for no entry fee! For a whole month in December 07 we both played every freeroll we could, trying to build ourselves a roll, dreaming of play the 10NL tables. We both successfully cashed once, and both times we blew it all.

Starting to get annoyed I thought I would try and improve as a player. I started reading the posts on the FullTilt forum, I thought this was one way to improve my skills and take me to the next level. It was reading a thread on FTF that I found a blog by a member called Purus (You've probably all heard of him), and he was trying to do the same thing as me, this got me excited as I had someone to compare myself to, and follow on my journeys.

In early January 08 I found a link in his blog to the UK Poker Scene. I thought to myself how good that would be, becoming a member of the UKPS, a bunch of UK players just talking about and playing poker. It sounded so exclusive, as if I would have to be a pro or something in order to join, but I still visited the link, and then saw there was a create a blog section. I got excited and requested a blog, was given a link here, and received my blog and started trying to improve my game.

I found RTR much better than the FullTilt forum, as we discussed strategies, people were friendly, and were actually prepared to speak to me about the noobish stuff I was always laughed at about on the FTF.

It was at around February I played real money for the first time, myself and our APAT champ Mair were both bored in chat, and she offered to send me $2.20 so we could both play 2 $1.10 45 man turbos on Stars. At first I was reluctant to accept, as the $2.20 seemed huge to me, more than I ever had before, but Mary managed to convince me that it was only a tiny, tiny chunk of her bankroll. So I said OK and ended up taking 1 game down for $14. I've never been so excited in poker as I had at that point, I finally had a lil bit of money to try and grind into a roll. Although she didn't want it back I sent the $2.20 back to Mary and decided I would play more $1.10 tournaments.

This was the first time in my poker career (lol), that I had experienced true negative variance. I ran so so so bad and busted my lil bit of hard earned poker money. I was well and truly gutted, and considered quitting the game, I thought online poker was rigged against me (I still do ) and that I would never win again.

This was when I was approached by the host of the RTR podcast, Rob vgj felix, he felt sorry for me and offered to lend me $20 to get myself back on track, I accepted because I had heard stories of his infamous 100 buy-in 10NL bankroll. And I started to grind. I can't remember how I got there but I had a $100 bankroll in about 2 weeks. So I sent Rob his $20 back and went on a mix of a bad run/played bad, plus my account was hacked be a "mate" from college. So again I was left with no money. Now me being a poor college student I had no way to really get money and deposit, but over the next month I scraped together £45, and bought myself £45 of paysafe vouchers, which equalled $90, and I deposited this on Stars.

I managed to grind this up, and down until a week before the staking forums on RTR were made. I went busto and got [censored] off, but then the staking forum was created and I had a way to get money again. Since that have been invented I have taken liberties with the staking forum, and thus the stake I am on will be my last, so I will have to make profit out of it and grind it up, otherwise I stand no chance of playing money poker until I have graduated college in a years time, and will have to take an enforced break.
11-05-2008 , 08:18 PM
I was going to introduce myself. But I am now intimidated by those walls of text.

My last 24 hours:

First, Run good ~35ptbb/100 over ~2k hands
Obama gets elected
Second, Run bad for about -~30ptbb/100 over ~2k hands.

Thus Obama is bad for pokerz imo
11-05-2008 , 08:28 PM
I never thought i'd become a baseball fan but i got hooked and there you go....
You probably didnt realize baseball fan = Beer fan.


Good luck with the steaks.
11-05-2008 , 08:58 PM
Rather than going to bed as I should right now, I'll try and create a wall of text that resembles myself as you guys did.

I am your average college student (lawl I Freudian slipped and wrote "college stupid" the first time). Although my love and faith lie with the Nebraska Cornhuskers, I do not attend there (yet). Instead I was dragged to Germany to continue leeching off of my parents because my older brother did not have a successful couple years at college away from home. Mom&Dad concluded it was +EV to keep me around for some extra time.

Uhh... my father is a military man and has been for longer than I've been alive. So I didnt really grow up anywhere in particular. I was enrolled in 11 different schools before I graduated highschool. Many aspects to this childhood suck - and many aspects are probably very good.

My family is very competitive - and I was raised the same. I remember vividly the first time beating my father at Chess (no sympathy wins for me). My extended family lives in farmcountry, usa. I learned to play various card games at a young age. My older brother has 5 years advantage, yet I had to try and compete with him at sports while we were kids. I benefited greatly from this and was successful playing sports through school. I got to experience the whole "being the captain of the only school team that anyone cares about". Except that school was unique and mostly scholars (nerds) and the sport was soccer (nerds suck at football, ldo). It was still cool - we won the state championship but I didnt get to party afterwards because my boss forced me to go to work. I worked at a restaurant, and hated it, but it payed double any other job I could get -_-.

So yeh, thats a little about me. you can call me bacon - as that is my name... (oh noes, dont stalk me).
11-05-2008 , 09:53 PM
I'm a 24 y/o dude who finished high school, and then basically went back-and-forth with working crappy jobs, going to college for a year, getting bored, and repeating. I'm still in that cycle, studying for my real estate broker's license at the momnet, but poker has been a big part of my life for the last 3-4 years or so.

I never really played serious B&M poker. I started messing around with play money 4 years ago and was shortly granted $5 in chips at my poker room. I took the slow steady route and blew it up to $100 after a couple months, and then to $1,000 after a few more, playing 10c/20c limit gradually up to $1/2. Online, I read any and all advice I got my hands on, probably breaking my poker time 50-50 between reading and playing. I bought a poker book, then another, then 3 at a time, reading them all over and over just like the strategy sites.

After a year when my roll was $2,000ish, I gave up bonus whoring $1/2 limit and chose a run at higher stakes over steady bonus money. I hit up soft Party $3/6 6max, moved out, went 'pro', and stepped to $5/10 after a few months, also briefly touching $10/20 at the end of my 2nd year playing. At this point my roll was up to $10,000, withstanding regular cashouts for bills and beer money. I was rooming with a couple buddies right beside our college so it was just the best possible situation for me.

At the beginning of year 3 (Jan. 2007 now, I started right at the end of '04), I set aside $500 for a run at NLHE. It basically blew the **** up as I went through NL25 to NL200 in a few months, and then to NL400 & 600 by the end of the year. I cashed out my limit roll bit-by-bit as my NL roll exploded, and eventually it was all in the bank. I hit up several sites in this span, shifting from high-rakeback sites for micro-stakes, to good rakeback/soft sites for SSNL, and then to the softest sites I could find for MSNL.

To start 2008, I started playing NL600 almost exclusively, and in the spring I finally made NL1000 my home along with 600. I ripped up these limits up to the summer, when I took a serious break and basically partied it up all summer. I've been back at it again the last couple months. My rising pace has just now slowed down, as I have had trouble finding soft games at NL1K+. I have always excelled playing 3 tables at a time, intensely for about 20,000 hands a month. To try and keep my winrate steadily rising, I'm now playing 4 tables and occasionally 5-6, but I'm finding it tough to maintain the same focus and thus bb/100. I also played a LOT of HU this year, for a month straight on a couple occasions, but I got a little tilted after a rough stretch in September so I backed off. I'll be back at it very soon, now that I'm back in the zone. I'll be grinding very hard again this fall/winter, currently taking a little break between semesters.

I have had enormous success in the game, frankly, and a lot of it is because I've received a lot of great, free help with my game here on 2+2. I now post probably 80% in Beginner's, and 15% in MSNL/HSNL strat forums. For the past year or two, it's been my time to give back. I like this forum best because it has the least BS content on 2+2. People actually listen and stay open-minded, and it's where I can have the most positive impact on other players.

Nice to meet y'all. Lets keep Beginner's the best forum on this site.
11-05-2008 , 10:00 PM
I go to college. I lift. I play Poker. I eat. I study. I sleep.

Good life.
11-05-2008 , 10:26 PM
Originally Posted by raze
I like this forum best because it has the least BS content on 2+2. People actually listen and stay open-minded, and it's where I can have the most positive impact on other players.
I definitely agree with that. Some of the worst offenders in other forums are actually mods.

Hopefully you (and others) have a great impact on my game, which has been pretty stagnate for the past few months.
11-06-2008 , 07:34 AM
Originally Posted by Cruzerthebruzer
I go to college. I lift.
Your mom goes to college.

Last edited by udbrky; 11-06-2008 at 07:35 AM. Reason: Sup man?
11-06-2008 , 10:37 AM
Last edited by udbrky; Today at 04:35 AM. Reason: Sup man?
About to go to class. Have to go do a bunch of art chapters after. =(
11-06-2008 , 12:08 PM
Originally Posted by Cruzerthebruzer
About to go to class. Have to go do a bunch of art chapters after. =(

Last edited by Bacon; 11-06-2008 at 12:09 PM. Reason: Since we're bonding here my AIM = Bacon is bass MSN =
11-06-2008 , 12:29 PM
I may as well put mine too. Feel free to add me guys...

Last edited by EvertonYorkie; 11-06-2008 at 12:30 PM. Reason: AIM: EvertonYorkie1 MSN:
11-06-2008 , 08:21 PM
Second page is a disgrace to this place.
11-06-2008 , 08:55 PM
Ooh, bonding.

Last edited by udbrky; 11-06-2008 at 08:55 PM. Reason: Phone # 614-867-5309
11-06-2008 , 11:16 PM

Born: June 27, 1985 (23 years old)

From and Lives in New Jersey in the United States.

Yankees fan.

Enjoys or has at some point enjoyed playing all 4 of the major sports (Basketball, Baseball, Football, Soccer).

I usually drink the Coors Light when I go for beer. I also enjoy whiskey and colas. I like a lot of other stuff too.

We'll skip to college and filter mostly for poker.

I went to The College of New Jersey (2003-2007) and majored in history with a secondary education program (I'm a certified middle school and high school social studies teacher in NJ). My freshman year one of the first fraternity parties I went to (I ended up joining this frat btw) as the party was winding down some of the brothers wanted to go upstairs and play poker and they kinda asked if anyone wanted to play. I went up to play, lost 5 or 10 bucks and that was the beginning. I had played some 5 card draw for spare change before, but this was my intro to Texas Holdem.

I started playing around the dorms a good bit and did pretty good. Eventually put some money on Poker Room and was a definite loser. I knew jack and 0 bankroll management to boot. I'd play like $50 and $100 sng's and some MTT's. After a number of experiences I decided to never play cash games since I always lost. It was just amazing how often I got all the $ in with TP and lost to a 3 of a kind (site was trying to juice the pots for more rake [that makes no sense of course but what did I know?]).

After a while I stopped playing online but kept playing around the dorms and such. I got in the frat in the Fall of 2004. In Spring 2004 one of the guys who joined was a poker player and was pretty good (for real). He played a lot of MTT's and he's had a good amount of success. Anyway he played at PokerStars and we'd talk and stuff (we'd talk about it more after I actually got kinda good) and I decided to go ahead and give it a try ... try to actually take it serious and make money at this thing. Mid-September 2005 I threw $410 into Poker Stars and started off 4 tabling $11 regular sng's (still tried not to play cash games cause for some reason I apparently sucked at them). Also started reading 2p2 and posting (not under this screen name though after about 600 posts I switched to this screen name). I kicked the 11's ass and moved to the 22's where i did blah and then same with the 33's. Then after hearing it a lot from my aforementioned friend I switched to turbo sng's and went to the 27's where I did fine. I spent a summer grinding a lot of $60 turbo sng's for like ~5% ROI and still played some 27's.

At some point and I don't exactly remember dates I started trying to switch to cash. I started at 200NL FR and crushed it for a while and then straight down. Went to 100NL FR and the free fall continued. Then to 100NL 6max and kept losing. Then finally moved to 50NL 6max (I actually was up money from the 200NL and 100NL forays cause of how hot I ran to start). Anyway I played like 100K hands at 50NL 6 max for like 1.6PTBB/100hands and I read and posted in the micro stakes NL forum a lot and read the small stakes no limit forum a bunch and eventually got my 50NL 6 max winrate up near 6PTBB/100hands.

My first attempt to move to 100NL 6max didn't go too great, I overadjusted. A couple of weeks later it went better. 100NL winrate near 6PTBB/100hands.

I graduated college (my girlfriend had 1 year left) and I decided to rent a room in a house near the college and just play poker for one year. That year was awesome.

I'm still crushing 100NL and marginally beating 200NL after a horrendous 20BI downswing at 200NL devastated my 200NL winrate. Gonna probably go back to playing mostly 200NL soon. (I've played I think a bit over 200K hands at 100NL and ~130K hands at 200Nl in 2008.)

In August 2008 I started law school at Rutgers. I'm going through that and still trying to play poker and hell if I finish law school and can do the same thing I did at the end of college only with a better hourly that'd be awesome. Also I kinda still need to make some money to pay for the last 2 semesters ... I got the first 4 covered but I need to make enough $ throughout to pay for the last 2.

So yea yesterday was the first day I actually played poker in almost 3 weeks (hadn't had a no poker spell that long the whole 3 years). Gonna try to get back to playing a bit and as people may know in October I decided to play just 100NL for a while to get through stuff and I only ended up playing like 25 hours in October but it went good and good November so far. I actually have another Memo due 2 weeks from Monday and finals (the only test the classes have) are in like a month. So I'm not even sure when my next session is gonna be or how much I'm gonna play. But I want to get back into playing 200NL ..... and also I have just under 21K VPP's to go to 200,000 for that bonus so gotta make sure I get that even if I gotta play a ton between my last final and New Year's Eve. Yea, yea, yea I only have that many VPP's, I was kinda lazy and only played like 18 hours a week from Jan. - August 08.

And I realize I didn't say much about my girlfriend anywhere in there (we've been dating a little more than 2.5 years [met at a fraternity and sorority mixer, we played a few games of beer pong together{had the same girl against us get the ball to fall in between the 4 cups which we were playing counts as all 4 cups - called hitting the vagina or something like that, kind of amazing since I've only seen it happen like 5 times; and one of the times was there were 3 cups and the guy threw it and it stayed in the middle on top of the cups ... that was amazing} and anyway we made out a little toward the end. But anyway I'm going engagement ring shopping tomorrow. Kinda planning to ask her late December ... I think it'd be nice to do it before New Year's Eve as her family usually has a party. If anybody has any ideas on how to propose shout 'em out. Her birthday is 11/22 so I was kinda thinking about getting some Broadway tickets and give them to her for her birthday but have the show be a weekend in late December and then go and have fun in N.Y. and see the show and ask her at some point there.

And that's kinda where I'm at.

Ok, Anyway I didn't post them so here are the recent graphs.

October (22.8 hours [**** law school]):

November so far (9.63 hours):

Anybody gonna read this?

Last edited by Lego05; 11-06-2008 at 11:36 PM.
11-06-2008 , 11:27 PM
Originally Posted by Bacon
I likes rummy. I missed out on 116 posts of fun . Thats my poorly played of the month.
I actually very much enjoy Rummy 500.
11-06-2008 , 11:52 PM
Originally Posted by raze
To start 2008, I started playing NL600 almost exclusively, and in the spring I finally made NL1000 my home along with 600.

Play any 6max or pretty much all FR?

I kinda wanna be at 1000NL and doing well by the time I graduate law school. If that happens very good chance I would not be looking for a legal job. Ah even if I was doing quite well at 400NL or 600NL at the end of it I would think about it.
11-07-2008 , 02:29 AM
Originally Posted by Lego05
Play any 6max or pretty much all FR?

I kinda wanna be at 1000NL and doing well by the time I graduate law school. If that happens very good chance I would not be looking for a legal job. Ah even if I was doing quite well at 400NL or 600NL at the end of it I would think about it.
For 5/10NL, it's been probably 50% HU and 35% 6max. I play any mix of any handedness. Whatever tables are good, I play. Tough to find good 5/10 FR tables, since there's rarely more than one fishcake at any one table. Getting him HU is the best obv.

I liked your bio - good luck with the big question bro!
