Born: June 27, 1985 (23 years old)
From and Lives in New Jersey in the United States.
Yankees fan.
Enjoys or has at some point enjoyed playing all 4 of the major sports (Basketball, Baseball, Football, Soccer).
I usually drink the Coors Light when I go for beer. I also enjoy whiskey and colas. I like a lot of other stuff too.
We'll skip to college and filter mostly for poker.
I went to The College of New Jersey (2003-2007) and majored in history with a secondary education program (I'm a certified middle school and high school social studies teacher in NJ). My freshman year one of the first fraternity parties I went to (I ended up joining this frat btw) as the party was winding down some of the brothers wanted to go upstairs and play poker and they kinda asked if anyone wanted to play. I went up to play, lost 5 or 10 bucks and that was the beginning. I had played some 5 card draw for spare change before, but this was my intro to Texas Holdem.
I started playing around the dorms a good bit and did pretty good. Eventually put some money on Poker Room and was a definite loser. I knew jack and 0 bankroll management to boot. I'd play like $50 and $100 sng's and some MTT's. After a number of experiences I decided to never play cash games since I always lost. It was just amazing how often I got all the $ in with TP and lost to a 3 of a kind (site was trying to juice the pots for more rake [that makes no sense of course but what did I know?]).
After a while I stopped playing online but kept playing around the dorms and such. I got in the frat in the Fall of 2004. In Spring 2004 one of the guys who joined was a poker player and was pretty good (for real). He played a lot of MTT's and he's had a good amount of success. Anyway he played at PokerStars and we'd talk and stuff (we'd talk about it more after I actually got kinda good) and I decided to go ahead and give it a try ... try to actually take it serious and make money at this thing. Mid-September 2005 I threw $410 into Poker Stars and started off 4 tabling $11 regular sng's (still tried not to play cash games cause for some reason I apparently sucked at them). Also started reading 2p2 and posting (not under this screen name though after about 600 posts I switched to this screen name). I kicked the 11's ass and moved to the 22's where i did blah and then same with the 33's. Then after hearing it a lot from my aforementioned friend I switched to turbo sng's and went to the 27's where I did fine. I spent a summer grinding a lot of $60 turbo sng's for like ~5% ROI and still played some 27's.
At some point and I don't exactly remember dates I started trying to switch to cash. I started at 200NL FR and crushed it for a while and then straight down. Went to 100NL FR and the free fall continued. Then to 100NL 6max and kept losing. Then finally moved to 50NL 6max (I actually was up money from the 200NL and 100NL forays cause of how hot I ran to start). Anyway I played like 100K hands at 50NL 6 max for like 1.6PTBB/100hands and I read and posted in the micro stakes NL forum a lot and read the small stakes no limit forum a bunch and eventually got my 50NL 6 max winrate up near 6PTBB/100hands.
My first attempt to move to 100NL 6max didn't go too great, I overadjusted. A couple of weeks later it went better. 100NL winrate near 6PTBB/100hands.
I graduated college (my girlfriend had 1 year left) and I decided to rent a room in a house near the college and just play poker for one year. That year was awesome.
I'm still crushing 100NL and marginally beating 200NL after a horrendous 20BI downswing at 200NL devastated my 200NL winrate. Gonna probably go back to playing mostly 200NL soon. (I've played I think a bit over 200K hands at 100NL and ~130K hands at 200Nl in 2008.)
In August 2008 I started law school at Rutgers. I'm going through that and still trying to play poker and hell if I finish law school and can do the same thing I did at the end of college only with a better hourly that'd be awesome. Also I kinda still need to make some money to pay for the last 2 semesters ... I got the first 4 covered but I need to make enough $ throughout to pay for the last 2.
So yea yesterday was the first day I actually played poker in almost 3 weeks (hadn't had a no poker spell that long the whole 3 years). Gonna try to get back to playing a bit and as people may know in October I decided to play just 100NL for a while to get through stuff and I only ended up playing like 25 hours in October but it went good and good November so far. I actually have another Memo due 2 weeks from Monday and finals (the only test the classes have) are in like a month. So I'm not even sure when my next session is gonna be or how much I'm gonna play. But I want to get back into playing 200NL ..... and also I have just under 21K VPP's to go to 200,000 for that bonus so gotta make sure I get that even if I gotta play a ton between my last final and New Year's Eve. Yea, yea, yea I only have that many VPP's, I was kinda lazy and only played like 18 hours a week from Jan. - August 08.
And I realize I didn't say much about my girlfriend anywhere in there (we've been dating a little more than 2.5 years [met at a fraternity and sorority mixer, we played a few games of beer pong together{had the same girl against us get the ball to fall in between the 4 cups which we were playing counts as all 4 cups - called hitting the vagina or something like that, kind of amazing since I've only seen it happen like 5 times; and one of the times was there were 3 cups and the guy threw it and it stayed in the middle on top of the cups ... that was amazing} and anyway we made out a little toward the end. But anyway I'm going engagement ring shopping tomorrow. Kinda planning to ask her late December ... I think it'd be nice to do it before New Year's Eve as her family usually has a party. If anybody has any ideas on how to propose shout 'em out. Her birthday is 11/22 so I was kinda thinking about getting some Broadway tickets and give them to her for her birthday but have the show be a weekend in late December and then go and have fun in N.Y. and see the show and ask her at some point there.
And that's kinda where I'm at.
Ok, Anyway I didn't post them so here are the recent graphs.
October (22.8 hours [**** law school]):
November so far (9.63 hours):
Anybody gonna read this?
Last edited by Lego05; 11-06-2008 at 11:36 PM.