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KK/QQ PostFlop KK/QQ PostFlop

01-30-2014 , 09:48 AM
hey guys, playing 6 max nl10 on Stars atm
my doubt is basically what to do in such a situation :

Im on the BB w QQ
UTG, MP fold. CO raises 3xBB, BTN folds, SB fold and i 3B to 9xBB. CO calls

( NO PREVIOUS READS/ NOTES on CO. Just sat down at the table )

Flop Axx rainbow ( say A93 or A74 )
i cbet approx 65% of total Pot. CO calls.

T is another blank, for example 2

my question is WHAT to do on the T once this happens? continue firing? Check call? Check Fold ? i have like all these things running thru my head the minute that T hits..feed back is appreciated

thanks guys
KK/QQ PostFlop Quote
01-30-2014 , 10:06 AM
I'm a beginner myself but if CO is opening the pot with a raise, calling a 3-bet and then calling a flop bet you'd have to figure a strong Ace or middle pair that hit a set is in his range. Title is a bit misleading as it's "KK/QQ post flop after villain calls a 3b and an Ace spikes."

As played, I would probably check/fold the turn. I may even check the flop and see what villain does. If he puts in a weak 1/3 to 1/2 pot size bet, maybe reraise to 3x that amount. That should let you know where you are at and you can safely throw away the hand if he 3bets you there or you brick the turn and he puts in a strong bet.
KK/QQ PostFlop Quote
01-30-2014 , 10:16 AM

johnny is 100%
KK/QQ PostFlop Quote
01-30-2014 , 01:18 PM
Originally Posted by johnnyBuz
I'm a beginner myself but if CO is opening the pot with a raise, calling a 3-bet and then calling a flop bet you'd have to figure a strong Ace or middle pair that hit a set is in his range. Title is a bit misleading as it's "KK/QQ post flop after villain calls a 3b and an Ace spikes."

As played, I would probably check/fold the turn. I may even check the flop and see what villain does. If he puts in a weak 1/3 to 1/2 pot size bet, maybe reraise to 3x that amount. That should let you know where you are at and you can safely throw away the hand if he 3bets you there or you brick the turn and he puts in a strong bet.
Raising for information is not a good enough reason in itself.

In this spot, this is typically a way ahead/way behind spot. As this is a 3bet pot, villain has a lot of A in his range.

If villain has a low fold to cbet and a high 3bet flatting % we should definitely cbet this flop to get value from pp, 9x and his floating range.

If villain plays fit or fold, or if his range has too many aces, we can also check-call and fold if villain shows too much aggression.

But don't check raise flop, your hand has decent showdown value so you shouldn't turn it into a bluff or you are going to fold worse and get called by better too often.

As played, OTT you should check and call small bets but fold to high aggression.
KK/QQ PostFlop Quote
01-30-2014 , 01:31 PM
^ Sorry I am speaking from a live perspective where I don't have a handy Google Glass giving me villain statistics in a HUD.

I still don't understand your argument. Since OP gave no information on reads we can't make a decision based off of that. Maybe CO raised with AJs/AQ and called the 3bet. Why can't we CR representing AK, AA or more unlikely, a middle pair made set?

I could easily see a somewhat competent V laying down AJs and maybe AQ to continued aggression. My reasoning for (potentially) CRing is to avoid having to commit more money on the turn. If V calls the CR and you miss the turn it should be easy to get away from. Yah you lose around 25 BB in the process but c/c, c/c puts you in pretty much the same situation in terms of $ spent and you have no idea where you stand since you gave up aggression and are now weak.

But as the PF 3bettor and flop check-raiser I think you have a lot of fold equity on your side, in my humble and inexperienced opinion of course.

Last edited by johnnyBuz; 01-30-2014 at 01:42 PM.
KK/QQ PostFlop Quote
01-30-2014 , 04:00 PM
Its villain dependent. Against some I am firing turn, against unknown I am shutting down after the flop. Raise more than 3x OOP, I usually add extra blind.
KK/QQ PostFlop Quote
01-30-2014 , 05:00 PM
Originally Posted by johnnyBuz
^ Sorry I am speaking from a live perspective where I don't have a handy Google Glass giving me villain statistics in a HUD.
I don't play live but except for "tells" it's the same game.
So what you mean is that you are talking about a villain with unknown tendencies.

I still don't understand your argument. Since OP gave no information on reads we can't make a decision based off of that. Maybe CO raised with AJs/AQ and called the 3bet. Why can't we CR representing AK, AA or more unlikely, a middle pair made set?
We can, but then we are turning our hand into a bluff. At 6max nl10 I don't think this is the best way to get max value.
Keep in mind that our goal in poker is NOT to beat villain before showdown, but to maximize value (and thus to minimize ou losses). If our hand is weak, then the only way to win is to bluff. But here, we have a decent value hand that we'd like to bring to showdown in the least expensive way.

The most fundamental rule of poker is that we are betting to get worse hands to call and to get better hands to fold. This rule has a few exceptions multiway, but heads up it's what should guide all your reasonings.
By check-raising, you are probably folding some better hands (weak A) but are never getting called by worse. You are however getting called by many hand that beat us (strong A, sets, two pairs).
At nl10 it's better to polarize our check-raising range here. We could check-raise Jx hands for example as they have no showdown value: we would be folding many better hands.

I could easily see a somewhat competent V laying down AJs and maybe AQ to continued aggression. My reasoning for (potentially) CRing is to avoid having to commit more money on the turn. If V calls the CR and you miss the turn it should be easy to get away from. Yah you lose around 25 BB in the process but c/c, c/c puts you in pretty much the same situation in terms of $ spent and you have no idea where you stand since you gave up aggression and are now weak.
If your check-raise is not a minraise but is a decent raise then it's as expensive as cbetting flop and turn.
If we check-raise:

CO bets 3bb
Hero raises to 9bb
CO calls
Pot is 18.5bb
Hero checks
CO bets 10bb (standard in a 3bet pot on a dry board)
Hero raises to 30
We invested 39bb

If we c/c c/c:
CO bets 3bb
Hero raises to 9bb
CO calls
Pot is 18.5bb
Hero checks
CO bets 10bb
Hero calls
Pot is 38.5bb
CO bets 20bb
Hero calls
We invested 39bb

The difference is that with our first line we will only get called by better and fold many worse hands. In the second case, we can win at showdown a good portion of the time. In terms of EV the second line is a better way to maximize value: we get value from bluffs and worse hands.

But as the PF 3bettor and flop check-raiser I think you have a lot of fold equity on your side, in my humble and inexperienced opinion of course.
That's absolutely true, but your goal when you bet is not to make villain fold but to make him fold better hands and to make him call with worse hands. Your reasoning is quite sound otherwise but I think that's the point you don't understand.
KK/QQ PostFlop Quote
01-30-2014 , 08:58 PM
Hmm interesting. Thanks for the insight Babarberousse. I think I am certainly guilty of trying to win a pot prematurely rather than trying to goad V's into putting more money in the pot when behind - something I need to work on.

I flopped broadway with AJ the other night as first to act in a 4 way limped pot. $1/2 NL live. Effective stacks of $250. Two to the flush on the flop.

I bet $5, 2nd to act called $5, 3rd to act raised to $25, 4th to act called $25 and I jumped the gun and re-raised to $125 and everyone folded around. After the hand 2nd told me he was on the flush draw, 3rd said she had the K high straight and 4th showed a K before folding.

I think if I raised to $75 instead I would have gotten called by the flush draw and K high straight and any non-spade I could have led the turn for maybe 1/2 the pot and gotten called by K high again. Definitely lost a lot of value on that hand but I jumped the gun and was too concerned with not losing the hand that I didn't maximize the nuts.

I've been falling in love with poker lately though. I see this being a lifelong passion and it's the only hobby I read/study books for fun. Also as a side note I've realized how fun reading can be for the sake of learning and knowledge.

/end rant
KK/QQ PostFlop Quote
