Basically i was reading this thread. and i was wondering what a kill is? By the looks of it means doubling the blinds or bets. Or something similar if anyone could help me out thank you
An oversize blind, usually twice the size of the big blind and doubling the limit. Sometimes a "half-kill" increasing the blind and limits by fifty percent is used. A kill can be either voluntary or mandatory. The most common requirements of a mandatory kill are for winning two pots in a row, or for scooping a pot in high-low split.
A kill is used also if the pot reaches a predetermined amount. For instance, in my casino there is a 1-5 spread limit game (betting from 1-5 dollars on all streets) but when the pot reaches $50, then the next hand is a kill and the game becomes 5-10 (betting and raising of $5 pre and post flop and $10 on the turn and river). This is an enticing game because fish think they are getting into a 5 max bet game, but very often it is double that and so are the pots. I would say about half the pots in this game are kill pots also.