This past month went well on the whole. Started off well at 20NL so moved to 50NL again. However, towards the end, severely turned into a donkey and went limit rushing in a stupid attempt to clear a bonus and ended up losing more than I made in the bonus, which was an entirely pointless exercise indeed! And an expensive lesson to learn. Learn the cheap way - from other peoples mistakes. Better put, from my mistakes, and dont go playing above your bankroll EVER to clear a bonus, as it generally will not end well. That aside, I am happy with my monthly profit from winnings, despite a serious glitch towards the end. if only i’d have stopped playing poker on the 18th of the month.. ah, well, had to put the hours in anyway.
Next month I will be playing 50NL all month, but with a 60bb sit down and a 3 buy in stop loss. I will also quit if I am up 4-5 buyin’s in a quick time frame and book a solid win. I’ve learned its best to just play A game poker and ignore the quantity side of things, and let the quality side come through. To the casual observer, that might well sound like an excuse to be lazy - and it kind of is. However, I believe that it’s better to not play at all if you are in a lazy mood, as typically you’ll play lazy/sloppy poker and not really get anything productive out of it. If you’ve got to be lazy and do something poker related at the same time, watch something like a sweat session from FWF or Ansky and passively absorb the goodness of subconscious learning.
Add me to Skype for Poker Sweat Sessions!
Non poker wise, things have changed big time. I’ve split up with my long term girlfriend and instead of going down to Reading next year to study Business IT, I’m going to teach english abroad in Thailand! It’s all come as a big shock to the system so I’m going to take a few days off from poker before I play again. In the mean time I will watch the Foucault series on 3betting, flop, turn and river play, as well as ama0330’s 50NL series, plus I intend on rewatching BobboFittos DVD and re-reading PNL1 and the book by Danny Ashman. Then a dose of Tommy Angelo, and a few Rhodiola rosa tablets and tiltlessness ensues. Thats the plan anyway!
The next six months are going to set up everything for next year, so I’m planning on saving as much as I can for Thailand, completing a CELTA so I can teach english over there, grinding 50NL for a big winrate and being rolled to comfortably play 100NL for the whole of 2010, passing my driving licence( finally), and buying a new Laptop once Windows 7 is officially launched.
Last months stats, graph and sessions:
Managed to also make a **** load in Bonus promos so luckily was well up over $1k this month