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jargon questioin jargon questioin

11-09-2008 , 08:51 AM
What is a cooler:?

jargon questioin Quote
11-09-2008 , 08:57 AM
There may be slightly differing variations but I take it to mean a hand where a player has an excellent, but second best hand, and loses a lot of chips with it. For example, pocket Kings when and opponent holds AA. As opposed to a bad beat, where you get all-in as a statistical favourite to win the pot, and your opponent with the second best hand "sucks out" on you to win by the river.
jargon questioin Quote
11-09-2008 , 09:08 AM
Its a reference to blackjack. If somehow a dealer is given a stacked deck, it is cold to the touch because it not has been used yet unlike all the other decks which are warm.
jargon questioin Quote
11-09-2008 , 10:20 AM
Originally Posted by Psych0Mantis
a hand where a player has an excellent, but second best hand, and loses a lot of chips with it.
An example would be: you hold JJ versus your opponents AJ

Board comes AAJ.

There is no way to avoid losing the effective stack in this situation. Its a part of the game. There is also the reverse situation, but people tend to forget those.
jargon questioin Quote
