Don't really know where to post this. Not a tin foil had guy, but there appears to be a serious issue with iPokers, and more specifically, bet365 on premium tables, currency conversion when winning/losing pots at a table that's played in a different currency than the one your account is set to.
For example, today I bought €50 for £35.95, which is 1:0.719
I won a pot for stacks, which according to their rake table should have been raked at €1. The €49 converted into a little over £30.
On another table I lost ~€55 and this converted into almost £40.
Obviously this is a pretty massive discrepancy. I was wondering if anyone else had had this issue with iPoker, so I did a google search and the most recent post I found about this was in 2012. I had assumed IPoker had cleaned itself up since then. I'm not a tin foil hat guy. I Just wanted to know if anyone else recently had this kind of experience or if anyone thinks this warrants investigation,
I have personally taken it off, since games run in both € and £. I reload manually since I don't trust iPoker regarding this issue.
The theory is something like: every time iPoker makes a currency conversion, there is some rounding done. Like 0.9122 = 0.91. I'm not sure on the exact details, but something like that.