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Introducing myself Introducing myself

05-28-2008 , 05:22 AM
Hi there,

(Mods, I couldn't find the correct section - excuse me)

I am reading the 2+2 forums about 1,5 years now, but I never posted anything or introduced myself. I am Quace (or Q) a 21 yr old girl from The Netherlands and I work for the biggest Dutch poker community ->

I've been playing poker for about 3/3,5 years now, but I'm still a low-staker. At the moment I don't enter limits above 100NL online. I'm not much of a tournament player btw, lack of interest for this I guess. I think that I have a great understanding of hold'em, but I usually play omaha 8ob. I consider it to be my main game. I bought PT omaha yesterday so I can work on my game, but I haven't used it yet. The reason that I finally decided to introduce myself, has to do with the fact that I want to discuss 8ob a bit more. No-one in my environment plays it seriously, but just for fun.. I want to discuss the game a bit more extensive and learn from analyses that I might find or receive here.. I figured that this was the right place to come to.

I guess that I won't be playing so much the next month due the fact that the WSOP is starting. I have to work (live reporting) and I'm really looking forward to it. Good luck to all of the guys/girls that qualified or bought in directly to one or more events. Especially to my dear friend RaSZi, this series belongs to you schmuck.

I hope that I can learn more from you and the other way around.

For good or ill,
Introducing myself Quote
05-28-2008 , 05:42 AM

Ja, is dit een afschuwelijke vertaling, maar onthaal! Ik, ook, ben nieuw aan 2+2. Ik leef in Duitsland (op dit ogenblik), zodat is het koel om meer Euro spelers te zien rond lopend.

Ik begon eigenlijk enkel in de diverse vormen van Omaha zelf te krijgen; het werkelijk is vrij een verschillend spel.

In elk geval, is het goed om u te zien Quace! Door de manier, die een werkelijk koele naam is.

Introducing myself Quote
05-28-2008 , 06:05 AM
Hehe, you can just talk in English... It would prolly be more easy to understand, hehe^^

Ty and gl to you!
Introducing myself Quote
05-28-2008 , 06:18 AM
Actually, I've always liked Dutch - it's a really cool-sounding language - and that was my silly attempt at humor.

I actually translated that back into English and it looked really horrible. Haha.
Introducing myself Quote
05-28-2008 , 06:43 AM
Nice to meet you Quance!
Sadly don't play much 8ob sorry! Just thought I would say hi!
Introducing myself Quote
05-28-2008 , 07:46 AM
Originally Posted by Not Who You Think

Ja, is dit een afschuwelijke vertaling, maar onthaal! Ik, ook, ben nieuw aan 2+2. Ik leef in Duitsland (op dit ogenblik), zodat is het koel om meer Euro spelers te zien rond lopend.

Ik begon eigenlijk enkel in de diverse vormen van Omaha zelf te krijgen; het werkelijk is vrij een verschillend spel.

In elk geval, is het goed om u te zien Quace! Door de manier, die een werkelijk koele naam is.

Google Translate imo:


Yes, this is a terrible translation, but welcome! I, too, am a new 2 +2. I live in Germany (at present), so it is cool to see more Euro players running around.

I really began only in the various forms of Omaha himself to get it really is quite a different game.

In any case, it is good to see you Quace! By the way, which is a really cool name.


Introducing myself Quote
05-28-2008 , 07:59 AM
What? It's a cool name.
Introducing myself Quote
05-28-2008 , 08:01 AM
Originally Posted by Not Who You Think
What? It's a cool name.
Introducing myself Quote
05-28-2008 , 08:02 AM
Introducing myself Quote
05-28-2008 , 09:33 AM
That name is pretty sick. I probably have no idea how to pronounce it though.
Introducing myself Quote
05-28-2008 , 09:44 AM
I know nothing about Omaha, other than you can find the Omaha/8 forum here:

Welcome and good luck!

Introducing myself Quote
05-28-2008 , 09:56 AM
Buenos días
Introducing myself Quote
05-28-2008 , 12:28 PM
Ty so much for welcoming me here!

You pronounce it like uhm... 'Kwace' :P
Introducing myself Quote
05-28-2008 , 01:12 PM

I am new here as well. I have been actively reading for the past few months, but am just now starting to get involved with posting.

I am 44 years old and have been playing poker for just over two years. MTT is my main poker vice. I will be heading to WSOP June 2 for a couple of weeks and then hope to return for the main event.

Playing O8b has improved my game in general, though I feel like I am drowning when sitting at a o8b table. How did you begin playing o8b? It seems that qualifying hands is the key to O8b, do you concur?
Introducing myself Quote
05-28-2008 , 02:11 PM
My painful journey learning started with the hi-lo split chapter in Super/System (eventually working out that an 8-qualifier made a big difference) then bought Ray Zee's ' High-Low-Split Poker, Seven-Card-Stud and Omaha Eight or Better for Advanced Players' (my first 2+2 book) which is for limit games. He wrote a short chapter on PLO8 which basically said 'loose players will lose too quickly and the game is in danger of dying out' (pre-internet text obv) which sounded to me like 'tight players will have a goldmine' so I tried it, played very tight and looking to scoop and it was ridiculously easy - I had no real clue of how to play no-limit holdem and couldn't get it at all, felt very uncomfortable, but PLO8 I could just sit there and watch and learn while money got thrown at me.
There's a section in Super/System 2, and a text by Cappalletti that I've never read (sooo many books, so little time) a section of Jeff Hwang's book I have read that's pretty clear and you get limit and pot-limit with PLO high as a bonus Linda Johnson's done a book, there's a lot out there.
The O/8 FAQ are pretty good.
Introducing myself Quote
05-28-2008 , 02:46 PM
Hey, ya I've read the book by Ray Zee as well.. :] I've learned a lot from playing and I guess being tight can be very profitable. But I don't play tight at all.. I watched some stats of only a 1,5k hands sample size (not much, but just an indication) and it turned out that I play 35/44 and that I raise 25% of the times and run 27/100 hands.. Pretty sick, but I can't recommend it to anyone.

I'm not sure yet if this is the right way to play, since everyone is saying that hand selection is so important. I do select my hands, but I exploit them mostly by playing small ball. Raise pf, fold flop if there isn't anything in it for me.

Ty for the tips, I think I'll buy another book soon.

Last edited by Quace; 05-28-2008 at 03:01 PM.
Introducing myself Quote
05-28-2008 , 04:03 PM
someone tell her to stay out of NVG imo... lol

welcome nonetheless 8)
Introducing myself Quote
05-28-2008 , 04:11 PM
Uh-oh, what does NVG mean?
Introducing myself Quote
05-28-2008 , 04:14 PM
News, Views, and Gossip, where all the high schoolers hang out lol

might as well include Brags Beats and Variance in that too

Last edited by randompokerguy; 05-28-2008 at 04:14 PM. Reason: needs more stuff
Introducing myself Quote
05-28-2008 , 04:24 PM
Originally Posted by Quace
Uh-oh, what does NVG mean?
NVG A railbirdy kinda place. Poker and yet not poker.
So you play pot-limit O8? What stakes? 6-max?
If you have an Ongame account their $20+2 PLO8 MTT are insanely soft (only ~50 players but just awful play) they have a few a day.

Last edited by sputum; 05-28-2008 at 04:26 PM. Reason: 6-max cash PLO8 info may be scarce imo
Introducing myself Quote
