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I lost, now what. I lost, now what.

02-20-2012 , 07:43 PM
hey guys

I just lost 7$ from my 21$ bankroll.
I am so depress now, what should I do -.-

Take a break?
Leave poker,
or study even more?
I lost, now what. Quote
02-20-2012 , 07:46 PM
It's up to you what you do. Losing is a big part of the game though, and you need to learn to live with that.
I lost, now what. Quote
02-20-2012 , 07:48 PM
Depends on what games you played if you played 5cent SnGs maybe you need a break. If you played 2NL it could be totally standard but you need better BRM skills. Even the best players have swings + - 5 or 10 BI or even more each session.
Studying can never be wrong if you study the right stuff
I lost, now what. Quote
02-20-2012 , 07:54 PM
Originally Posted by zerrogh
hey guys

I just lost 7$ from my 21$ bankroll.
I am so depress now, what should I do -.-

Take a break?
Leave poker,
or study even more?

No matter what you do (leave poker or study more), first take a break. Use the time to realize that in the course of your lifetime, $7, or even $21, is a miniscule amount. It's nothing to be depressed about.

Perhaps the reason you feel bad is that you feel you've failed. You haven't.

There's a cost of learning. Also, in poker, your bankroll will go up and down. It's called variance.
I lost, now what. Quote
02-20-2012 , 07:58 PM
Study and build a descent bank roll.
I lost, now what. Quote
02-20-2012 , 07:58 PM
Alright ok.

Because most of the money I lost is because of the "luckyness" of the other player ...

Like I got AK, nothing for me on the flop but the guy has one 6 and bam 2 6 on the flop.

I hate the lucky part in poker. But I can try to deal with it, if I am a winning player.

I have read a lot of things on poker but the stake that I like and play is 0.01/0.02 NL 9Max.
I lost, now what. Quote
02-20-2012 , 08:02 PM
Study, only that.
I lost, now what. Quote
02-20-2012 , 08:08 PM

Do someone have a guide to like, be in right state of mind and things like that?
I lost, now what. Quote
02-20-2012 , 08:10 PM
Maybe read the Poker mindset..or you can read the mental game of poker from jared tendler.

If you want add me to skype so i can give you some advices (skype: maxostoch)
I lost, now what. Quote
02-20-2012 , 08:18 PM
Originally Posted by zerrogh
I got AK, nothing for me on the flop but the guy has one 6 and bam 2 6 on the flop.

I hate the lucky part in poker. But I can try to deal with it, if I am a winning player.
Chance is a big part of poker. Hating the lucky part of poker is like hating the net in tennis. There's no point hating it, because it's part of the game and there's nothing you can do to change it.

When your opponent sucks out you should be happy, not angry. Remember they can only suck out if they are behind. And if they're behind, you are winning.

So smile, and play the next hand! And focus only on continually improving your decisions.
I lost, now what. Quote
02-20-2012 , 10:44 PM
Hey there, I also read your thread in the goals and challenges forum and I understand you're very new to the game and are still getting the basics. Don't give up , we've all been there. Keep playing the micro limits you are playing to get used to the game. You should definatly read your first book anyway, I was banging my head off a brick wall until I finally decided to learn the game properly and study it more.

You will lose money online unless you have a decent grasp of the basics, It's best you lose it at the micros while you are learning.

Also sit n go's are a good way to grasp the fundamentals.

I lost, now what. Quote
02-21-2012 , 12:27 AM
Haaa ok alright,

I am reading some good thread that KS sent me,

but like right now I am reading a part where this is like how to steal pot, and like stealing pot can be going only by chance right.

because if the opponent who is the BB example can just crush your raise then you lost the money. that's those kind of thing that I love at last
I lost, now what. Quote
02-21-2012 , 12:33 AM
How much time can it take me to become a winning player example if I study 3 hour a day about poker?
I lost, now what. Quote
02-21-2012 , 12:46 AM
Study, take at least 3 days off playing poker and bring your account back up to at least $60 or so. I deposited around $105 initially and dropped down to I think $79 before turning it around. It's pretty easy to lose than $21 you currently have.
I lost, now what. Quote
02-21-2012 , 02:48 AM
Originally Posted by zerrogh
hey guys

I just lost 7$ from my 21$ bankroll.
I am so depress now, what should I do -.-

Take a break?
Leave poker,
or study even more?
*answer in bold*
I lost, now what. Quote
02-21-2012 , 04:23 AM
One more thing -- See what Sircuddles says about beating the microstakes.

Welcome to 2p2!
I lost, now what. Quote
02-21-2012 , 04:49 AM
Originally Posted by zerrogh
How much time can it take me to become a winning player example if I study 3 hour a day about poker?
Generally for anything:
2000 hours to become competent
5000 hours to become good
10000 hours to become expert

This doesn't refer to playing time, but directed playing and studying time (ie, working hard at it - not just mindlessly button-clicking).

The shortcut of playing by formula (starting hand charts, etc) relies on other players being clueless. Well, you can't rely on other players being clueless anymore - not least because there are loads playing by the same formulae, and many players even at the lowest stakes are exploiting those. So to become a winning player at decent stakes (eg, 100-200NL) you need to get good at least.

At 3 hours/day, reckon on it taking you 5000/3 = 1667 days = 4.5 years.

You can become a winning player at the smallest micros much quicker than that if you play tight and learn good table selection skills. But you'll be earning at a rate of only a few cents/table/hour.
I lost, now what. Quote
