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I have a set on the flop. How can I play this different. I have a set on the flop. How can I play this different.

02-16-2010 , 08:24 AM

I do not want to post my Screen name so I am free writing this hand history.

Thank you. If this is no good, then my apologies.


9 handed.

My opponent is 130 bb's. I am sitting with 120 bb's.

I am in Middle position with KING KING.

Someone up front raises 2x the bb.

Next man calls.

I raise it to 8x.

Folds around to the original raiser. He flats. Next man folds.


I fear he has the ACE ACE, because he hesitated and I thought he might reraise, but no.


ACE heart KING diamond 8 clubs.

Good flop. He bets POT. I reraise Pot.


Mistake? I want to get it in here, but If I shvoe he folds maybe some small aces.

Anyway he calls.


IS ACE diamond.

I think this is good. He must have trips now.


Is this a mistake? SHould i bet here. I think If he does not have an ace he folds, maybe he will try and bluff the river, and If he has an ace he will bet river regardless and I will raise him.


5 club.

He bets very small. Like 1/8 pot.

I think he might fold if i shove so I reraise him but not enough to get it all in in case he has Ace rag of diamonds and will not call.


He has ACE club 5 diamond

End of story.


Should I NOT raise the river?

What else?


Last edited by Mr. Giblet; 02-16-2010 at 08:31 AM.
I have a set on the flop. How can I play this different. Quote
02-16-2010 , 08:31 AM
Just a cooler, couldve bet turn and get it in there.
Any ace would've called, bummer the 5 came on the river.
I have a set on the flop. How can I play this different. Quote
02-16-2010 , 08:33 AM
But should I Raise the river in this situation?

Thank you for the responses.
I have a set on the flop. How can I play this different. Quote
02-16-2010 , 08:36 AM
Post HH and ensure the "use position" box is checked. Not sure if this is PL or NL - just shove flop? Should definitely be betting the turn if you think he has a small ace.
I have a set on the flop. How can I play this different. Quote
02-16-2010 , 08:42 AM

this is No Limit.

I think shove on the flop will have him fold out all his weak hands that I would get more vaule from later?

He was not acting insane. If he had Ace x ( which he did) He might not call a shove on the flop.?


Is the USE POSITION to hide screename?

If so I will try next time. I simply do not wish others here to prey upon me if they see me at the tables knowing Im am not an agressive shoving mule who will call any bets.

Thank you
I have a set on the flop. How can I play this different. Quote
02-16-2010 , 08:44 AM
I have a set on the flop. How can I play this different. Quote
02-16-2010 , 08:46 AM
Sadly, not this time My friend.
I have a set on the flop. How can I play this different. Quote
02-16-2010 , 08:46 AM
Lol at he flat calls with the nuts.
I have a set on the flop. How can I play this different. Quote
02-16-2010 , 08:47 AM
btw giblet Ax isn't folding at any point in a 3bet pot, especially not on turn or river

you can post hand histories without posting your screenname. if u tell me what site u play on i can help u with that...
I have a set on the flop. How can I play this different. Quote
02-16-2010 , 08:50 AM

And yes, I do not know why he acted strange on the River. But I shall remember him and act accordingly shall we ever meet again.

Also he has third NUTS(yes?). So maybe he was extra cautious, possibly. But we are not playing 500 BB's deep so i do not understand either.
I have a set on the flop. How can I play this different. Quote
02-16-2010 , 08:57 AM
Go to:

It asks you to create an account but you can just put fake details in here...a fake name and fake email address etc.

Copy and paste the hand history into the box and click post.

On the right hand side of the screen there should be some checkboxes. Untick "show player names" to hide your screen name.

Select the "2p2" tab which will convert your hand into the format used on this forum.

Highlight the text, copy it and paste it on here.

Basically it's a lot easier for people to analyse hands if they're converted directly from the HH, so in future you'll probably get better/more responses if you do that...
I have a set on the flop. How can I play this different. Quote
02-16-2010 , 09:00 AM
Originally Posted by Mr. Giblet
Is the USE POSITION to hide screename?

If so I will try next time. I simply do not wish others here to prey upon me if they see me at the tables knowing Im am not an agressive shoving mule who will call any bets.

Thank you
Yes, you can also preview your post beforehand just to check

You can hide results too. May as well give it a go here, more people will come in at some point in time. You can post it from the forum without having to create any HH converter accounts. There's an arrow at the top of screen when replying for it.
I have a set on the flop. How can I play this different. Quote
02-16-2010 , 09:01 AM
YES, Ok.

Thank you all for input.

I shall use this method in the future as it seems people find it a more easy way to comment and read.

Thank you.
I have a set on the flop. How can I play this different. Quote
02-16-2010 , 12:14 PM
Preflop: Your 3-bet is too small. You are giving Villain the odds to set-mine profitably against you. If you raise to 10-12bb, he will still think that he can call this and stack you when he hits his hand.

On the flop, there are 19bb in the pot and you have 104bb behind. As long as you get ~30bb in on the flop, you will have less than a PSB left for the turn. So you don't even need to raise pot to get it all in by the turn. In fact, you don't even need to raise at all. If you're worried about Villain folding Ace-small, you could let him commit himself on the turn before popping him. That being said, I doubt Villain is folding any ace here and you could just as easily shove and expect a call.

On the turn, there should be ~125bb in the pot with you having ~55bb behind. Just shove. He won't fold anything he called your flop raise with now, especially getting better than 3:1.
I have a set on the flop. How can I play this different. Quote
02-16-2010 , 01:44 PM
Post the hands properly, and you botched this one..
I have a set on the flop. How can I play this different. Quote
02-16-2010 , 01:47 PM
Originally Posted by Mr. Giblet
I do not want to post my Screen name so I am free writing this hand history.
Just use the hand history converter. It's much easier for you and much more readable for us.

****Official TwoPlusTwo Hand Converter Thread****
I have a set on the flop. How can I play this different. Quote
02-16-2010 , 02:19 PM
and the hand history converter hides your screenname
I have a set on the flop. How can I play this different. Quote
02-16-2010 , 04:02 PM
I'm betting this turn virtually every time. If you think he has an ace, why wouldn't he call a bet from you? He's likely to just ship right over the top based on the way he played PF and flop.
I have a set on the flop. How can I play this different. Quote
