Originally Posted by BigFish117
Exactly this. When "loaning" money to friends you can not consider it a loan. If you are going to make sure it is a small enough amount that you can consider a gift. If you happen to get it back great. Many times when loaning to friends you either get stuck sucking up the loss or you lose a friendship in the recovery process. Either way sucks.
Bottom line: Dont "loan" money to friends with the absolute expectation of getting it back, especially in a timely fashion.
That's bull****. I don't know what your friends are like, but you have the friends you choose to associate with given your own values.
It's a question of integrity.
It doesn't matter what amount of money it is.
If I tell one of my friends it's a "loan", I'm implying that the money means enough to me that I'll need it back.
And I will get it back and have always gotten it back 100% of the time.
If the money is inconsequential to me, neither of us will even mention it and nothing happened.
People who don't understand that and exploit their "friend" image to get away with not giving you your money back have no integrity whatsoever and are obviously not your friends.
I truly feel sorry for you, since this is obviously your experience of friendship.