I am really struggling at make a solid profit. I feel its cause im making too many moves pre.
I generally play at 26/20 and I never have the best at showdown.
I am up $29.02 non-showdown and down $100 at showdown, is this just telling you that I cant laydown hands and am too spewy? I really wanna try at this game and feel I am really bad.
All these redline/blue line don't matter. All that matters is your overall winrate.Filter for your winrate in different positions and see where you're not winning as should/losing too much.
I'll answer you here so everyone else who need it can see.
On PT4 click on 'view stats' on the top left corner, then results on top middle then on 'by position on bottom left'
I wasn't as clear as I should on my previous post.
From BTN and CO.Make it 2,4-2,6bb from both positions.Minraise if they don't start calling more.If both blinds fold more than 80% you can profitably open any to cards with a minraise.
Cbet bluff on A,K and Q high flops.Make it 1/2 pot.
Bet bigger when It's for value(as long as they don't realize what you're doing)
Wanna a good book?Read 'small stakes' by Ed miller, it will teach you lots of the basics you need. And to steal the blinds.