How should I study pre-flop all-in situation for hyper's?
Join Date: Feb 2014
Posts: 128
Is this question related to using sitngo wizard? How should I build a range for shoving? I see pro's saying making spreadsheet what does that mean? Is it better for me to do this with flopzilla or sitngo wizard? Thanks
Join Date: Jun 2011
Posts: 548
I just use holdem resources since it's more correct.
Sit n Go Wizard is probably more exploitative though. Also it has those quizzes which are nice. It's close enough.probably especially since you can customize ranges for your opponents. It's actually pretty good. I have used it in the past.
I've been playing hypers for a while My push/fold strategy isn't perfect but I will say that with rake it is fairly difficult to beat the higher stakes.