How should I handle loose tournament?
Join Date: Aug 2010
Posts: 18
I've been playing Holdem for the last two years with friends and now some online...
I think that I'm ok, and I have loads to learn.
I'm going to this weekly tournament with 90 players, the majority of the players are very loose aggressive... they push all-in many times even with TT,JJ without thinking too much... I even header someone say that the cards that he can't fold are K3...
How should I counter these kind of players?
I know that the fast answer is "Wait for good cards, and push all-in" but they might get lucky with 56o....
What's the best way to tackle these type of tournaments?
Join Date: Jul 2006
Posts: 1,192
Depends what the blind structure is. If it is slow and you have enough time to be patient and play a bit slower. Early on, play tight but try and get to see a few flops cheaply with hands that can hit big. Dont get fancy. When you get big hands then never slow play them, just bet for full value and get paid off.
Join Date: Aug 2010
Posts: 18
Every 15Min.
etc. with ante in lvl 7.