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how prominent are cheaters? how prominent are cheaters?

03-15-2012 , 03:51 PM
I was just looking through my poker tracker stats to find the second most profitable player was a guy who played 51 hands.

He only VP'd 5 of those hands
TT where he hit trip 10's winning $2.56
KQs where he flopped top pair winning $4.60
KQo where he flopped top pair which turned into a full house against some guy who hit a low fullhouse back. Winning $7.86
AQo where he committed his entire stack on the flop (16 dollars worth) to hit a gut shot straight. Which upon going all in the flop he hit the J needed for the straight on the turn.
His opponent was a ****** and committed his entire stack to KQ upon flopping top pair

Total result of $31 in just 5 hands. No lost hands played.

Im not here to moan, I was just curious how big an issue people think this is. Was this guy just insanely lucky or are hacks available out there and we should be reporting people like this ?
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03-15-2012 , 04:01 PM
running hot in a 51 hand sample isn't cheating!
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03-15-2012 , 04:05 PM
This guy stacks off with a gut shot and got lucky, maybe it was a big pot preflop enough to warrant a bluff for the pot?

Other hands are not uncommon to see a stack off, maybe his image got him paid?

even if these hands all happened in a row I wouldn't be suspicious of cheating either. It's not because I have trust in the software I just seen this happen a lot in live and online.
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03-15-2012 , 04:13 PM
Yes there are cheats out there but
A. What you posted isn't evidence, its a guy getting lucky
B. The cheating isn't the abililty to see hole cards (unless u are playing hi stakes at ub/ap)

The cheating that people try at low stakes is usually along the lines of collusion, chip dumping, slowplaying etc

Or to look at it another way, if this guy knew the cards then why not play high stakes and actually make real money and why only play 10% of hands when you could play all sorts of hands and make your opponent fold when they don't have anything etc
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03-15-2012 , 04:13 PM
Fish on a heater.
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03-15-2012 , 05:55 PM
"Fish on a heater."

Chipdumping ?
You count slow play as cheating ?
how prominent are cheaters? Quote
03-15-2012 , 06:02 PM
Originally Posted by OziBattler
The cheating that people try at low stakes is usually along the lines of collusion, chip dumping, slowplaying etc
When did slowplaying fall into the category of cheating?
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03-15-2012 , 06:06 PM
prolly meant softplaying
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03-15-2012 , 06:20 PM
Originally Posted by VBAces
When did slowplaying fall into the category of cheating?
I'm just a noob but I thought slowplay was a valid tactic. I'm pretty sure it has been in some books I have read. Could someone explain this to me?
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03-15-2012 , 06:57 PM
I won 5 buyins in 79 hands this morning. I assure you I was not slowplaying.
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03-15-2012 , 07:52 PM
Not sure how prominent they are, but I was doing the $200 freeroll on Lock and I got switched to a table and 1 guy had like 10k chips (Think I had ~6k) and everyone else had <1000. What I found odd is that over the course if ~10-15 hands, every single person folded (think I came in UTG and didn't get anything I'd call with, so I did too) except for the guy with 10k chips so he kept getting blinds. Now that's not odd, but what IS odd is that even if I was on the button, it almost seemed as if it would be my turn before I could even register in my brain what cards I had in my hand. These guys were folding before they could even recognize what cards they have in their hand, it's like they were just spam clicking where the fold button would have came up and were folding every hand they had. Then I got like pocket 10's after 10-15 hands I think and so I raised pre-flop, and then I got re-raised by that same guy (who has more chips now because blinds are like 100/200) which would put me all-in, and I thought he was trying to just steal my raise so I went with it and he had pocket was just REALLY weird...
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03-15-2012 , 08:22 PM
Originally Posted by YeahBro
Not sure how prominent they are, but I was doing the $200 freeroll on Lock and I got switched to a table and 1 guy had like 10k chips (Think I had ~6k) and everyone else had <1000. What I found odd is that over the course if ~10-15 hands, every single person folded (think I came in UTG and didn't get anything I'd call with, so I did too) except for the guy with 10k chips so he kept getting blinds. Now that's not odd, but what IS odd is that even if I was on the button, it almost seemed as if it would be my turn before I could even register in my brain what cards I had in my hand. These guys were folding before they could even recognize what cards they have in their hand, it's like they were just spam clicking where the fold button would have came up and were folding every hand they had. Then I got like pocket 10's after 10-15 hands I think and so I raised pre-flop, and then I got re-raised by that same guy (who has more chips now because blinds are like 100/200) which would put me all-in, and I thought he was trying to just steal my raise so I went with it and he had pocket was just REALLY weird...
Not sure if serious...
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03-15-2012 , 08:28 PM
I think a lot of these examples are perceptual issues by new players. Someone getting lucky and running hot might FEEL like cheating but it's not. Like another poster said. If they were going to cheat with software etc it's not going to be at micro limits. Most common form of cheating online at small to midstakes IMO is collusion.
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03-15-2012 , 08:30 PM
Originally Posted by IamaNooblet
I think a lot of these examples are perceptual issues by new players. Someone getting lucky and running hot might FEEL like cheating but it's not. Like another poster said. If they were going to cheat with software etc it's not going to be at micro limits. Most common form of cheating online at small to midstakes IMO is collusion.
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03-15-2012 , 08:44 PM
Originally Posted by cronolegs
"Fish on a heater."
The only LOL thing about that is that you think it's LOL. As Arty said, fish on a heater is exactly what it is, but you think it's "hacks".

Move to rigtard thread IMO.
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03-15-2012 , 08:47 PM
And in my experience live and online collusion is not that scary at small stakes because you are still full ring and the players colluding are not good. I think for most micro stakes to small stakes online players it's something to be cognizant about but don't become paranoid by any means. If you want to be concerned about something be concerned about when the US government will pass legislation for online poker again.
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03-15-2012 , 08:53 PM
Originally Posted by YeahBro
These guys were folding before they could even recognize what cards they have in their hand, it's like they were just spam clicking where the fold button would have came up and were folding every hand they had.
Were they all sitting out by any chance? I've often found myself at a table in a freeroll where only 1 other player was actually there. "Raise and take with ATC" is the standard play until you get moved to a table where there are some active players.
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03-15-2012 , 08:59 PM
Also there is some guy out there who's first 51 hands played are TT+ and he's lost every one of them. So talk to that guy he ABSOLUTELY believes everyone is cheating.
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03-16-2012 , 12:56 AM
Originally Posted by niltor
Not sure if serious...
The only thing that is weird is how fast they were folding man. I've never seen anything like it. I know that you can click the check marks (fold, fold if any bet, etc etc etc) but literally it happened in <1 second and even if I was on button it would be my turn instantly. That's happened to you before? I could barely even register what my cards were before it was my turn lol. I'm not talking hey everyone just folded over and over...that's normal as hell. It was just weird how insanely fast it was. You kinda had to be there to see it.

Originally Posted by ArtySmokes
Were they all sitting out by any chance? I've often found myself at a table in a freeroll where only 1 other player was actually there. "Raise and take with ATC" is the standard play until you get moved to a table where there are some active players.
Nope they were all in the hand.

I'm not saying that 100% the guy was cheating (maybe had friends register @ same time and tried to milk them for chips?) but I'm just saying it was weird. I don't really care tbh, I'm new and was just doing it to learn.
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03-16-2012 , 01:18 AM
Originally Posted by zumby
prolly meant softplaying
yep that's what I meant. Sry
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03-16-2012 , 07:05 AM
Originally Posted by YeahBro
The only thing that is weird is how fast they were folding man. I've never seen anything like it. I know that you can click the check marks (fold, fold if any bet, etc etc etc) but literally it happened in <1 second and even if I was on button it would be my turn instantly. That's happened to you before? I could barely even register what my cards were before it was my turn lol. I'm not talking hey everyone just folded over and over...that's normal as hell. It was just weird how insanely fast it was. You kinda had to be there to see it.

Nope they were all in the hand.

I'm not saying that 100% the guy was cheating (maybe had friends register @ same time and tried to milk them for chips?) but I'm just saying it was weird. I don't really care tbh, I'm new and was just doing it to learn.
I`m pretty sure they were sitting out. Not all sites show who is sitting out at the table, but when seven player fold before you`ve had a chance to look at your hand it`s usually a clue.
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03-16-2012 , 10:27 AM
People register in advance for freerolls then never bother signing in to play.
First time I saw this I was confused too.
Steal the blinds every chance you get and play heads up with the active player.
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03-16-2012 , 10:39 AM
how prominent are cheaters? Quote
03-16-2012 , 04:48 PM
Originally Posted by chad0x00
I won 5 buyins in 79 hands this morning. I assure you I was not slowplaying.
When you left the table did you type, "So long, and thanks for all the fish!" in the chat window?
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