How to progress in poker? Road to MTT
Join Date: Jul 2023
Posts: 2
Hi everyone,
So I've been playing poker since I was 7-8 years old because of my family. But I never played real cash games or tournaments until now, and now I really want to get into this.
Since I'm a criminal trial lawyer with a psychology side degree, I'm more into real-life MTTs. I just don't care about the money at the beginning, and I'm more into the experience itself. But I want to be a very good tournament player. Just for now, I don't want to get involved in online cash games in the beginning too much because I don't trust my self-control and knowledge.
So I have started with some of the 'bibles' of poker books and have a modest amount of knowledge of everything. Although I'll probably play very low-limit cash games online just to see more flop in general, I want to participate in a physical tournament environment around Europe.
I know that in order to be a physically good tournament player, I need to know the cash game very well. What exactly do you think my roadmap should be? And at what point should I involve those GTO software and all other stuff in poker?