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How are players exploited live what tactics do you use to compensate for not having a HUD How are players exploited live what tactics do you use to compensate for not having a HUD

06-28-2015 , 12:42 PM
How are players exploited live what tactics do you use to compensate for not having a HUD Quote
06-28-2015 , 12:59 PM
I will avoid the temptation to troll and just simply say that people use their memory of previous interactions to substitute for having HUD statistics.
How are players exploited live what tactics do you use to compensate for not having a HUD Quote
06-28-2015 , 01:46 PM
How are players exploited live what tactics do you use to compensate for not having a HUD Quote
06-28-2015 , 02:18 PM
Paying attention to what is happening and remembering it is your first step. The second step is to continue doing step one.
How are players exploited live what tactics do you use to compensate for not having a HUD Quote
06-28-2015 , 02:21 PM
Originally Posted by Bene Gesserit
Paying attention to what is happening and remembering it is your first step. The second step is to continue doing step one.
Ok how do you notice when opponents are exploiting your tendencies? (except from the obvious answer of just observation) I just want some insight
How are players exploited live what tactics do you use to compensate for not having a HUD Quote
06-28-2015 , 04:29 PM
Focus your study time on learning fundamental good poker. Once you master that you should easily be able to beat the smaller stakes live games. But that will also teach you what to look for in your opponents play.

As for them exploiting you, they simply aren't. People are quite bad at paying attention, so for the most part they will just play their own game.
How are players exploited live what tactics do you use to compensate for not having a HUD Quote
06-28-2015 , 05:37 PM
Originally Posted by BrbCale
Ok how do you notice when opponents are exploiting your tendencies? (except from the obvious answer of just observation) I just want some insight
Never played online enough to consider using a HUD, so my answer seemed honest and simple enough. Pay attention to what people do and try to remember for future reference. Exploiting you? Believe it or not at lower stakes folks do not do this with any skill. They know if you are drunk, tilted badly, or an asshat ,but beyond basic observations like this stuff, skilled exploitation is too rare to be a major concern.

I am assuming you meant low stakes live poker because this is the Beginners Forum after all.

Last edited by Bene Gesserit; 06-28-2015 at 05:48 PM.
How are players exploited live what tactics do you use to compensate for not having a HUD Quote
06-28-2015 , 06:49 PM
Originally Posted by Bene Gesserit
Never played online enough to consider using a HUD, so my answer seemed honest and simple enough. Pay attention to what people do and try to remember for future reference. Exploiting you? Believe it or not at lower stakes folks do not do this with any skill. They know if you are drunk, tilted badly, or an asshat ,but beyond basic observations like this stuff, skilled exploitation is too rare to be a major concern.

I am assuming you meant low stakes live poker because this is the Beginners Forum after all.
Can you give me some insight how how a highstakes player would observe and exploit?
How are players exploited live what tactics do you use to compensate for not having a HUD Quote
06-28-2015 , 08:48 PM
Can you give me some insight how how a highstakes player would observe and exploit?
He'd notice that you call to much on the river, he'd bluff much less, and he'd value bet versus you more thinly.

He'd realize that you decide to randomly bluff hands when you haven't won one for a while and know that your bluffing lines don't tell a story that makes sense. Thus, you'd bluff some card that you think is a scare card and he'd correctly hero call you with like K high.

Focus your study time on learning fundamental good poker. Once you master that you should easily be able to beat the smaller stakes live games. But that will also teach you what to look for in your opponents play.
This is the start. Once you have solid fundamentals, you'll see when other people don't. At that point, it will be clear how you have to adjust to take advantage.

Here's one that really should be charged for. Sorry for giving it out for free, but here goes: So many live players (heck all poker players) are desperate for respect. They geek out about the game, and want everyone to know how much they know. Thus, a key at the live table is to listen to people tell you exactly how they think about the game. "He bet that??? I'd never bet there, because..." Dude just explained his reasoning on river value bets. He's never lying.

It works better as a lady -- people will fall over themselves to explain poker to any female. I've sat in games with Bellatrix (mid/high stakes online player and former DC coach). She's likely the best player at the table. Half the regs are desperate to explain how to "play better" to her. She's just sitting there giving polite but non-committal responses and her whole end of the table is telling her their life stories and how they think about the game. She managed not to say "did you see my 20 part video series on game theory in poker?" That would have stopped them. Otherwise, these guys needed to show the weaker person who knew the most. They had no idea.

So, just listen. HUD? That's garbage compared to what paying attention will get you live. There's so much info live, you can't believe it.
How are players exploited live what tactics do you use to compensate for not having a HUD Quote
06-28-2015 , 09:31 PM
Pay attention and memory. Two things young folk have apparently all suffered simultaneous genetic mutations to make them incapable of.

As for a HUD who needs that when as Doug said most live players will talk you through their entire thought process on a big hand.
How are players exploited live what tactics do you use to compensate for not having a HUD Quote
06-28-2015 , 09:33 PM
Give yourself 10 years, denks. It gets worse, soon. Bona probably can't tie his own shoes due to forgetting how, at this point.

I'm guessing the young ones easily remember stuff, once they try.
How are players exploited live what tactics do you use to compensate for not having a HUD Quote
06-28-2015 , 09:40 PM
In my (very limited) live experience, if no-one is currently deconstructing their thought process for the benefit of the table, you can simply ask your neighbour how they would have played a given hand and they will sit there and literally explain their game to you.
How are players exploited live what tactics do you use to compensate for not having a HUD Quote
06-28-2015 , 09:44 PM
Originally Posted by DougL
Here's one that really should be charged for. Sorry for giving it out for free, but here goes: So many live players (heck all poker players) are desperate for respect. They geek out about the game, and want everyone to know how much they know.
I once had a nice player, classic OMC, explain to me why he nits it up, he said something like this: "I don't play bad hands because you might win a hand but everyone will know you are a donk and that reputation follows you forever".

I was thinking "that sounds great!" but yeah. He wanted to be respected more than anything else, even more than winning I think.
How are players exploited live what tactics do you use to compensate for not having a HUD Quote
06-29-2015 , 09:32 AM
If you're worried about *your* play being exploitable, put yourself in the shoes of the villains.

The passive villain limps, for example, A4s, 3 other villains limp, then villain sees hero raise to 10bb from the SB. Not wanting to be pushed around, the villain calls, as do the other 3 limpers. Now there are 50bb in the pot. Flop comes 3 rags, totally missing you and hero c-bets 35bb.

You're the villain now. Are you sure enough that not only did *hero* completely miss the flop but *all 3 other villains in the hand" also completely missed it that you're willing to basically raise him all in (which you essentially have to do since you only sat down with 100bb) with ace high?

It's a scary proposition, even for experienced players. If the hero really is raising nearly every piece of crap he's dealt and c-betting 100%, *chances are* your ace high is good on a raggedy board - but what if this is the *one hand* where he happened to catch a pair? Your whole stack is gone and you'll feel really dumb, like you walked right into the maniac's trap.

FWIW that's why I play limit hold'em - if I think a villain is full of @#$% I can call him down and look him up and I'm not out a whole stack if I'm wrong or unlucky .
How are players exploited live what tactics do you use to compensate for not having a HUD Quote
06-29-2015 , 09:42 AM
Why does anyone ever post after DougL?

My buddy plays LHE and is constantly complaining about folks 'getting there' on the River. Limit creates almost no FE on any street and allows opponents to stick around at much 'more reasonable' prices.

I have played very little LHE so I can't do a complete comparison, but my 'attitude' about poker is so much better playing NL when I can get a guy to commit his stack at 9% equity. I could care less if he sucks out at that point.

It is all about attitude and bankroll ..

As far as our OP .. see DougL .. GL
How are players exploited live what tactics do you use to compensate for not having a HUD Quote
06-29-2015 , 11:30 AM
Originally Posted by DougL
So many live players (heck all poker players) are desperate for respect.
Not me. I want everyone at the table to think I'm a doofus. And I dress and play the part so well Jim Carrey himself would step aside and concede the academy award.
How are players exploited live what tactics do you use to compensate for not having a HUD Quote
06-29-2015 , 12:56 PM
Whenever I go to a new casino I wear a Disney or Cookie Monster shirt along with my trademark 'fishing' hat ... This gets me at least 3 or 4 curious calls the first couple of hours and then the 'gig' is up.

Good poker players see through it ...

Bad poker players never saw it ... GL
How are players exploited live what tactics do you use to compensate for not having a HUD Quote
06-29-2015 , 01:28 PM
A HUD is nice for when you are playing more than 1 table and don't have the time to see hands go to showdown, watch how often someone bets etc etc. Live it's one table and it goes slow as ****, why would you ever need a HUD. By the way if I play 1 table online I rarely look at the HUD.
How are players exploited live what tactics do you use to compensate for not having a HUD Quote
07-01-2015 , 03:18 AM
Originally Posted by BrbCale
The Exploitative approach makes sense when you have good numbers to work with and tools available.

Trying this approach live is a lot harder because you don't have these tools. Most importantly, hands/hour are WAY less. Even if you keep track of how many times each player performed certain actions, you won't have a good enough sample size. Heck, you don't even have a good sample size playing online unless you have played hundreds or thousands of hands against a player!!!!

I don't play live, but if you want to have an edge, I'd say perhaps start learning about reading tells such as Mike Caro's stuff etc. Or a book like this, which is about body language in general:

Last edited by lossisfutile; 07-01-2015 at 03:27 AM.
How are players exploited live what tactics do you use to compensate for not having a HUD Quote
07-01-2015 , 06:08 AM
I'd say you get a pretty good feel what a live player is going to do without needing a large sample. Anyone who has played live would have picked up that with any recreational player if they slowplay once they will slowplay every time. If they fastplay draws once it means they always fastplay draws. Body tells is way overrated for live play unless either the player has very obvious ones or you are stuck on a 50/50 decision based on every other source of information and it will tilt you one way or the other.

Another point with live sample sizes, keep in mind that each session may not consist of many hands but I can sit down at the casino and play with people I have been playing with for the past few of years. Total the hands and we would be well into the thousands of hands against each other across the felt.
How are players exploited live what tactics do you use to compensate for not having a HUD Quote
07-01-2015 , 08:37 AM

Also a valid point if you add home games and small underground rooms with mostly regs and semi regs over years of observation and being observed too.
How are players exploited live what tactics do you use to compensate for not having a HUD Quote
