Originally Posted by mOeeOm
Just assume everyone has a broken fold button, a giant call button, and a very tiny raise button.
Wrong wrong wrong!
Whenever you get beat by someone hitting 2nd pair on the river, there's a thing you made wrong - you did not make him fold before the river. And yes, calling stations do fold if you make them to.
Forget all the fancy plays. Whenever you're dealt a hand, think to yourself "do i want to risk all my stack on it?" if no - fold. If yes - bet, raise, 3-bet, do whatever it takes to either get all your money in, or to make the villain fold. You won't experience any more bad beats from that moment on (well, at least no more than you will bad beat the villains yourself).
It works for my last 1,5K hands perfectly. Just make ONE decision - "allin, or fold". Then follow it. Sure, there may happen things that make you reconsider (like the guy minraising your 3bet PF while you hold JJ, you may want to drop your "allin plan" then, etc.), but these should happen less than 10% of the time.
So remember, 1st decision preflop. 2nd on flop. And follow it. If you decide the hand is worth allin then bet/raise/3bet for about 2/3 PSB until you're allin. If not, then just fold.
Also, if ever not sure what to do post flop, or where you stand - just check/raise the villain. He plays his cards open then.
And remember - if the idiot hit his low set or second pair on the river - you played it wrong to not make the idiot either fold or go allin before that river.