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How often do you fold the best hand? How often do you fold the best hand?

02-14-2009 , 12:20 AM
Originally Posted by LunaEqualsLuna
wait what the hell you folded the QQ preflop to a 3bet.?

please tell me thats a misclick.
nope, it's a 4 way pot but if u don't count the short stack a 3 way pot with a 25/3 and a 10/8 so 1 looks knitty and 1 looks like he raises only with AA-KK but plays way too many hands. i am the big stack and the other are sorta of full buy in. i've been in many multiway pots where we are all deepstacked and i've ran into my KK vs QQ vs AA and yesterday my KK vs KK vs AA and a couple of my AA losing vs AA.

I put the 10/8 guy on AA-KK or AK and unfortunately it was AK and I flopped a set which is lucky yet not. I've had people 3-4 bet me and tell me they folded QQ against me but I play very knitty as well..

i was 12/10 there but QQ is not a big hand for me unless it's HU. When I see a flop, I am willing to get it all in more likely than preflop with QQ. My preflop luck is not working for me and no, I've never folded QQ before but nor was I in a multiway with it.
How often do you fold the best hand? Quote
02-14-2009 , 10:15 AM
Not really folding, but no more than 15 minutes ago my connection just decided to disconnect me when I had AA vs an all-in re-raise preflop. Obviously, when it finally decided to reconnect, my AA had been folded and I'd pretty much missed out on making a whole BI...
How often do you fold the best hand? Quote
02-14-2009 , 10:22 AM
Originally Posted by Pete-aka-Adi
Not really folding, but no more than 15 minutes ago my connection just decided to disconnect me when I had AA vs an all-in re-raise preflop. Obviously, when it finally decided to reconnect, my AA had been folded and I'd pretty much missed out on 80+% equity
How often do you fold the best hand? Quote
02-14-2009 , 10:42 AM
80+% equity
I once had the computer lag so much that I SEE MY HOLE CARDS BUT CAN'T RAISE/RERAISE/CALL. So basically I had 20-24 tables up and in the timeframe of 2-3 minutes I saw myself time out with AA, KK, AQ, AK, TT, and another KK. Sure I wasn't slated to win all of those hands, but it was so bs. It put me on huge tilt. How much RAM could HEM use, for christ sake? How can you lag PLAYING POKER?!

btw, re OP, yeah, that's silly. That's like thinking that just because any two cards can win you should play every hand.
How often do you fold the best hand? Quote
02-14-2009 , 11:25 AM
Originally Posted by Ice_W0lf
Yeah, ty, still greatly annoying though.

Last edited by Pete-aka-Adi; 02-14-2009 at 11:49 AM.
How often do you fold the best hand? Quote
02-14-2009 , 03:23 PM
Originally Posted by RoSeeker

btw, re OP, yeah, that's silly. That's like thinking that just because any two cards can win you should play every hand.
No, I would never think that. The purpose of this (admittedly dumb and I wish I'd never started it) thread was to ask others how much this happens to them. It seemingly happens to me way too much to be normal. It is slightly paranoia inducing. Esp. when the hands I play don't win.

For Example

My pathetic personal playing stats for that tournament:

37 hands played and saw flop:
- 1 times out of 4 while in small blind (25%)
- 2 times out of 5 while in big blind (40%)
- 3 times out of 28 in other positions (11%)
- a total of 6 times out of 37 (16%)

Pots won at showdown - 0 out of 1 (0%)
Pots won without showdown - 2

Finished 23rd of 45

Compared to Stud:

7 Card Stud:

44 hands played:
- saw fourth street 22 times (50%)
- saw fifth street 17 times (39%)
- saw sixth street 13 times (30%)
- reached showdown 9 times (20%)

Pots won at showdown - 8 out of 9 (89%)
Pots won without showdown - 18

I might play a SnG where I only play the cards I'd normally fold, just to see what happens. I can't do any worse than now.
How often do you fold the best hand? Quote
02-14-2009 , 03:42 PM
Originally Posted by donked_to_death
It seemingly happens to me way too much to be normal.

My pathetic personal playing stats for that tournament:
37 hands played

Compared to Stud:
44 hands played:
I know you aren't basing all this on only 81 hands, but I do wonder if you know how many hands you've played online? Perhaps there is more variance in the game than you were expecting?
How often do you fold the best hand? Quote
02-14-2009 , 05:32 PM
Originally Posted by ganstaman
I know you aren't basing all this on only 81 hands, but I do wonder if you know how many hands you've played online? Perhaps there is more variance in the game than you were expecting?
Right. I'm more basing it on how often I cash in HORSE STT's (about 1 in 3) to how often I cash in NLHE (hardly ever).

I've no idea how many hands I've played. According to Sharkscope I've played 384 SnG's, with a ROI of -10%. That's in about 2 years or so.

Up 'til now I've played just for fun (tho obv. I want to win them) but recently I've started to read books and this forum to see what I'm doing wrong at NLHE.
How often do you fold the best hand? Quote
02-14-2009 , 07:16 PM
Whether the cards re predealt or randomly shuffled means nothing. Each preflop hand has a set of flops, a % of them being preferable to the rest. Which one actually arrives is random either way.
You see these patterns because your brain is actively seeking them out and remembering them. They make no difference to the odds.
This is really fundamentally basic stuff but that doesn't necessarily make it easy to digest. You get used to it. I was playing badugi and plo8 and surprise I get lots of badugi hands in the o8 and o8 hands in the badugi. But I know I don't really.

EDIT: You cannot trust your brain to do the right thing unaided. Teach it with experience and probability and keep emotional responses to a minimum. Prove to yourself that certain plays are correct and others are wrong and apply it at the table. Lots of people can't.
How often do you fold the best hand? Quote
02-17-2009 , 06:17 PM
Originally Posted by spadebidder
To my knowledge they did not evaluate bet sizes or pots won at all. The study is being used in current court cases and I don't think it has been published yet. You can see references to it in the Amicus brief the PPA filed in the S.C. case.
I would love to read about the methodology of this report.

Did they get complete hand histories from a poker site? If not, how would they know whether or not a hand folded before the showdown would have won?
How often do you fold the best hand? Quote
02-17-2009 , 09:08 PM
Originally Posted by RoSeeker
I once had the computer lag so much that I SEE MY HOLE CARDS BUT CAN'T RAISE/RERAISE/CALL. So basically I had 20-24 tables up and in the timeframe of 2-3 minutes I saw myself time out with AA, KK, AQ, AK, TT, and another KK. Sure I wasn't slated to win all of those hands, but it was so bs. It put me on huge tilt. How much RAM could HEM use, for christ sake? How can you lag PLAYING POKER?!

btw, re OP, yeah, that's silly. That's like thinking that just because any two cards can win you should play every hand.
For me at least, on stars this has everything to do with the internet connection taking a s**t (i.e., bittorrent running at full throttle) and little to nothing to do with how much processing is occuring (and I've played while encoding h.264 videos and the like), but it does suck.

As for the OP, I notice when i fold rags and would have hit the best hand, but its usually a chuckle and a nod to back when i started playing and would have been fumed.
How often do you fold the best hand? Quote
02-17-2009 , 09:50 PM
I start tilting when I keep getting rolled up in Razz, and stuff like (85)2 in Stud.

Simple fix: I don't play much HORSE.
How often do you fold the best hand? Quote
02-18-2009 , 03:11 PM
usually i don't notice it

if i do hit a monster that folded, the vast majority of the time there is no action anyway.
How often do you fold the best hand? Quote
02-18-2009 , 03:16 PM
I must admit that it frustrates me as well, but I'm new to poker, and from what my friends tell me I'm too loose as it is. I guess I need to get used to seeing monsters pass my J3 by.
How often do you fold the best hand? Quote
