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How Many Hands? How Many Hands?

07-27-2014 , 09:44 AM
So I'm getting into playing live $1/$2 NL at my local casino on a regular basis. On average I may sit at a table with 3-4 "regulars" (people I see often or people the dealers seem to know by name) and the rest are casual recreational players and college aged guys. The games seem to fall into 2 broad categories ... the limpy TAGs where flops can be seen for $2-$7 and the aggro LAGs where flops are $12-$22.

The question is, if the flop is cheap, should I play more hands in an effort to prospect flopping 2 junk pair or do I stay out of those and just raise and c-bet my solid starting hands? Is it position based? Meaning should I only prospect in position. Many of the regs are geriatric nits that are easily avoidable since they have limited range, but that is why the junk 2 pair seems attractive to me.

Any advice or insight is appreciated.
How Many Hands? Quote
07-27-2014 , 10:40 AM
what is a limpy tag?
How Many Hands? Quote
07-27-2014 , 10:47 AM
Originally Posted by tiltninja
what is a limpy tag?
Sorry ... that seems like a contradiction there ... I mean that when they raise they raise a small amount. TAG is the wrong term, NIT would be better suited.
How Many Hands? Quote
07-27-2014 , 10:56 AM
The first thing you need to do is get a pair of ill/sic/dope sunglasses.
How Many Hands? Quote
07-27-2014 , 11:46 AM
Don't start limping garbage. The other guys will hit 2 junky pairs as often as you do and you'll just trade coolers with them or each pick up a bunch of small pots since no one puts much more money into a limped pot unless they hit it hard.

I remember when I first started playing poker, I read that LAG's try and see lots of flops, LAG style was the most profitable, and so I thought OK cool I'll start limping like a 40% range so I can see lots of flops, lol. I actually thought I was playing LAG when really I was an ultimate fish, and you'll be the same if you follow the ideas in your OP.

Play tight, and if it's live, open raise big since your strong broadways don't really want to see multiway pots.
How Many Hands? Quote
