How do some people advance so fast at poker?
Join Date: Jul 2013
Posts: 250
So I've been playing for over a year now and I've sort of been on and off. I'm a winning 10nl player over a 70k sample 3bb/100 (though Ive been running pretty **** at the end) and I think I can beat 25nl also but I only have an 14k sample at .6bb/100 (which ive been running bad at too). I feel like I'm stuck at these stakes and just wanted to know how do others advance so fast? Should I study the game more, review my own hands or what helps you improve the fastest?
Join Date: Oct 2014
Posts: 19
I don't know what works for you or others and how much literature you've already read, but when I'm running bad I take an opportunity to slow down a bit. I usually stop play all together and take a break. During this break I read a poker book (or two). Sometimes I'll pick up a abc's book just to refresh on math, etc. or sometimes a strategy book relating to cash games, tourney play, or whatever. I always feel like this is refreshing and boosts my confidence to get back to playing again. Confidence is big, especially if you are trying to employ a somewhat aggressive play style.