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How to combat an aggressive blind restealer? How to combat an aggressive blind restealer?

11-07-2009 , 07:40 AM
I was at a table yesterday at NL5. There was this guy who was pretty much running over the table. Whenever he was in the blinds he would 3-bet each time I raised. His 3-bet % was really high, something like 36%. I eventually had to find another table because I was tired of being owned by this guy.

How do you combat such a player? 4-bet lighter you normally would? Call and try to outplay him on the flop? Having him on my left also made it harder.
How to combat an aggressive blind restealer? Quote
11-07-2009 , 07:42 AM
I don't understand how having position on him made it harder.

Pretty much any option is good.

You can tighten up.
You can 4-bet lighter.
You can call and play in position.

Pretty much love to have a guy oop who is putting in a lot of money.
How to combat an aggressive blind restealer? Quote
11-07-2009 , 08:23 AM
If you post some hand histories you will probably get much more accurate answers.
How to combat an aggressive blind restealer? Quote
11-07-2009 , 08:44 AM
Just stop bluffing against him and you should be fine. If he's ALWAYS restealing, stop stealing with crap. Alternatively you could 4-bet light but at these levels you probably don't even need to put yourself in that position to extract from this guy. You just need to stop bluffing against him, because at this level he's probably not smart enough to fold when you DO play back at him.
How to combat an aggressive blind restealer? Quote
11-07-2009 , 09:38 AM
ed miller has an excellent 3bet 4bet game video about this sort of thing on stoxpoker.
It's worth watching.

Sambo and lenny summed it up ok but he explains it all really well and has some interesting ideas in it.
How to combat an aggressive blind restealer? Quote
11-07-2009 , 11:36 AM
open fewer hands, maybe 20-25%
open smaller, 2-2.5x
4-bet much more frequently
call on occassion, be cognitive that you are playing a 3-b pot and his range is massive, and you have position.

following those steps will get most of the job done at nl5 for sure. gl.
How to combat an aggressive blind restealer? Quote
11-07-2009 , 11:38 AM
Originally Posted by Rdysn5
I was at a table yesterday at NL5. There was this guy who was pretty much running over the table. Whenever he was in the blinds he would 3-bet each time I raised. His 3-bet % was really high, something like 36%. I eventually had to find another table because I was tired of being owned by this guy.

How do you combat such a player? 4-bet lighter you normally would? Call and try to outplay him on the flop? Having him on my left also made it harder.
do u play on party?
How to combat an aggressive blind restealer? Quote
11-07-2009 , 11:41 AM
Originally Posted by Rdysn5
I was at a table yesterday at NL5. There was this guy who was pretty much running over the table. Whenever he was in the blinds he would 3-bet each time I raised. His 3-bet % was really high, something like 36%. I eventually had to find another table because I was tired of being owned by this guy.

How do you combat such a player? 4-bet lighter you normally would? Call and try to outplay him on the flop? Having him on my left also made it harder.
it depends on ur hand. if he always 3-bets his BB, u can call with a wider range. raise only playable hands and play them lighter. like 89s, 97s. if he c-bets alot, always check the flop wether u make a hand or not. if u think they are weak, 3-bet the flop with nothing, call with something and let him hang himself.

4 bet monsters and stop giving them money by raising ur SB
How to combat an aggressive blind restealer? Quote
11-07-2009 , 12:35 PM
You just gotta tighten up and make him pay up when you get a big hand. Simple game in the micros
How to combat an aggressive blind restealer? Quote
11-07-2009 , 12:35 PM
I play on Stars. Thanks for the advice
How to combat an aggressive blind restealer? Quote
11-07-2009 , 12:41 PM
This type of play and player at the level you're playing only requires you to tighten and trap. Do this to him once or twice and especially if you stack him he'll remember and stop playing this way. You'll have the added benefit of being able to bluff the rest of the table.
How to combat an aggressive blind restealer? Quote
