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Honestly: is it wrong to play without Hold 'Em Manager or Pokertracker? Honestly: is it wrong to play without Hold 'Em Manager or Pokertracker?

03-13-2011 , 10:54 PM
I've been playing every single one of my games without any tools, relying on my own reads and my own calculations. Is any of this wrong for a "new" player? I mean, won't it make me a better player in the long run (especially live) if I just relied on my own reads or calculations rather than just reading stats about a player? Just wanted to know what you guys who constantly use all these stats and tools think.
Honestly: is it wrong to play without Hold 'Em Manager or Pokertracker? Quote
03-13-2011 , 10:57 PM
Playing tables without those tools is perfectly fine.

But not having the tools to review your leaks is..well.. leaking money.
Honestly: is it wrong to play without Hold 'Em Manager or Pokertracker? Quote
03-13-2011 , 11:00 PM
I think it's BETTER to play without a HUD when you first start. So many people use a HUD and look at stuff like vpip and pfr and they don't realize how meta game and table image can change the way a person plays. I have a friend that started playing recently, he uses a HUD and I think its hurt his progress as a player in the game flow area.
Honestly: is it wrong to play without Hold 'Em Manager or Pokertracker? Quote
03-13-2011 , 11:17 PM
huds are a aid, you dont need it and some pros claim they dont use it

if your playing like 4 tables then it is not needed to win, if your mass tabling i dont even know if its possible to beat 25nl+ without it........
Honestly: is it wrong to play without Hold 'Em Manager or Pokertracker? Quote
03-13-2011 , 11:24 PM
i would give a HUD a try to see if you like it. As someone who had never used a HUD for 5 years and then trying one for 3 months. My personal preference is to play with out.

best of luck
Honestly: is it wrong to play without Hold 'Em Manager or Pokertracker? Quote
03-13-2011 , 11:40 PM
Thanks for the input everyone. I appreciate the insight.
Honestly: is it wrong to play without Hold 'Em Manager or Pokertracker? Quote
03-13-2011 , 11:43 PM
Yes, it is a bad idea to play without HEM or PT3, it's just so useful. Using a HUD will not turn you into a superstar over night, but it will def improve your win rate as long as you can interpret the information correctly.
Honestly: is it wrong to play without Hold 'Em Manager or Pokertracker? Quote
03-13-2011 , 11:45 PM
boywonder didn't use them. search him up. His graphs will give you an instant orgasm.
Honestly: is it wrong to play without Hold 'Em Manager or Pokertracker? Quote
03-14-2011 , 12:52 AM
You don't have to use them and probably don't need to start with. It would be pretty silly to not use them multitabling tough games though IMO, unless you are some kind of cyborg.
Honestly: is it wrong to play without Hold 'Em Manager or Pokertracker? Quote
03-14-2011 , 05:10 AM
The is no reason not to use a HUD. Since it gives you and advantage to people not using one, and the price of HEM & pokertrackes is so small.

If you are just playing 1 table or maybe two, the HUD is less usefull, but still if you play the same people over and over everyday, it will give you a pattern about how they play, combined with notetaking this will give you and edge over them.

If you are playing more than 2 tables, the HUD becomes absolutely necesarry, because there is no posible way you can follow the action on all tables at the same time.
Honestly: is it wrong to play without Hold 'Em Manager or Pokertracker? Quote
03-14-2011 , 09:59 AM
Originally Posted by Ice_W0lf
But not having the tools to review your leaks is..well.. leaking money.

This is basically why you should have a HUD.
Honestly: is it wrong to play without Hold 'Em Manager or Pokertracker? Quote
03-14-2011 , 01:13 PM
theres plenty of ppl that dont use huds, but when i talk to them about what they think their biggest leaks are, they tell me "not having a hud"
Honestly: is it wrong to play without Hold 'Em Manager or Pokertracker? Quote
03-14-2011 , 01:39 PM
It really depends on how may tables you play. If you're a mass multitabler then of course you're going to need a HUD. I don't play more than 3 or 4 tables at a time and don't find a HUD necessary at all. I haven't used one in a couple of years.
Honestly: is it wrong to play without Hold 'Em Manager or Pokertracker? Quote
03-14-2011 , 08:57 PM
Originally Posted by Wires
It really depends on how may tables you play. If you're a mass multitabler then of course you're going to need a HUD. I don't play more than 3 or 4 tables at a time and don't find a HUD necessary at all. I haven't used one in a couple of years.
Not wanting to start and argue, if you a winner playing 3-4 tables without a HUD then its great, but really you could proberly be and even bigger winner with a HUD.

THe HUD is not a replacement for playing solid Poker, but it gives you lots of additional info, about your oponents patterns, and it will quickly identify the fish.

There is simply no way you can follow the action on 3-4 tables at the same time, unless you are Rainman or something like that.

Also the software alone with out the HUD is a great way to analyse your own play, and your oponents play.
Honestly: is it wrong to play without Hold 'Em Manager or Pokertracker? Quote
03-14-2011 , 10:40 PM
I been playing since June 2010 and haven't used a hud and so far I'm winning in cash, mtt, and sngs, but I'm planning to get one after my finals this week. I'm getting them because I want to track my progress and also so I can spot who the regulars and who the fish are. I think playing without a hud is fine but playing with one will be better.
Honestly: is it wrong to play without Hold 'Em Manager or Pokertracker? Quote
03-15-2011 , 01:44 AM
The tracking/non HUD part of HEM or PT is so helpful there is almost no disadvantage.
Honestly: is it wrong to play without Hold 'Em Manager or Pokertracker? Quote
03-15-2011 , 03:03 AM

your brain is the most power computer in this world !!
Honestly: is it wrong to play without Hold 'Em Manager or Pokertracker? Quote
03-15-2011 , 03:32 AM
Originally Posted by evan20002

your brain is the most power computer in this world !!
can your brain player stats from 30 tables while they are stacked? If yours can then i guess you'll be crushing fairly hard.
Honestly: is it wrong to play without Hold 'Em Manager or Pokertracker? Quote
03-15-2011 , 06:49 AM
Originally Posted by evan20002
your brain is the most power computer in this world !!
The most power? As in, it has the highest voltage?
Honestly: is it wrong to play without Hold 'Em Manager or Pokertracker? Quote
03-16-2011 , 01:08 AM
If you dont wanna use HUD or HM or PT3 or whatevs jsut play Cake or Merge sites
Honestly: is it wrong to play without Hold 'Em Manager or Pokertracker? Quote
03-16-2011 , 01:42 AM
Originally Posted by mrcringles
can your brain player stats from 30 tables while they are stacked? If yours can then i guess you'll be crushing fairly hard.
maybe he's an autistic savant
Honestly: is it wrong to play without Hold 'Em Manager or Pokertracker? Quote
03-16-2011 , 03:20 AM
If you don't want to play NL 2/NL 5 for the rest of your life you should probably get a HUD

I don't think you really need the HUD for tournaments.
Honestly: is it wrong to play without Hold 'Em Manager or Pokertracker? Quote
03-16-2011 , 12:46 PM
I haven't used a HUD, but saw my buddy using it and it def seemed helpful. Is there a specific HUD that I should look into using? I mostly play on fulltilt.
Honestly: is it wrong to play without Hold 'Em Manager or Pokertracker? Quote
03-16-2011 , 03:01 PM
In poker, information is key. Winning players will gather and consider more information than their opponents. This gives them the advantage, and that is why they will consistently win. To me it's a no brainer that it is +EV to have tracking software.
Honestly: is it wrong to play without Hold 'Em Manager or Pokertracker? Quote
03-16-2011 , 05:49 PM
Originally Posted by sickvendetta
I haven't used a HUD, but saw my buddy using it and it def seemed helpful. Is there a specific HUD that I should look into using? I mostly play on fulltilt.
HEM or PT3. Both have free trials, see which one you like.
Honestly: is it wrong to play without Hold 'Em Manager or Pokertracker? Quote
