Originally Posted by zadignose
The bottom, according to your interpretation, illustrates the limit on how much money we should be willing to pay to draw, though we'd prefer to draw as cheaply as possible.
Besides, regarding the blocking bet, I think that's yet another concept in its own right, and not one we're going to employ nearly as often, or in the same circumstances, as semi-bluffing. If the purposes of the bets are quite different, they can't be so meaningfully intermingled, even though they are superficially the same in that they involve putting money in the pot.
Originally Posted by ajrenni
So the question really is how useful is knowing whether a semi-bluff shows an immediate profit. IMO it is most useful (1) when you have a decent amount of equity; (2) a decent amount of FE; and (3) reason to think that if you don't bet yourself, you are going to face a bet from Villain that you will likely have to call. In these cases, you would much rather bet yourself and exploit whatever FE you have rather than have to rely solely on your drawing odds....
Okay, ajrenni, work was slow, so I spent a fair amount of time contemplating the implications of this chart and I agree, I was a bit too harsh in criticizing it once I realized it wasn't showing what I thought it was: how much FE one needs when making various bet sizes to
increase their equity in the hand. However, after thinking about it, I do see the value of this chart. It shows what bet sizes and corresponding fold %s will yield an EV of 0. Since folding has an EV of 0, then it would be preferable to exploit even a tiny bit of FE or set the price of continuing our draw using the values in this chart, even if doing so means we sacrifice our current equity IF we're certain villain is going to bet such that we are not going to be able to continue our draw.
So, my understanding is that this chart shows what bet sizes we can make such that making that bet yields the same result as a fold; however, if we feel we have implied odds, then it would be okay to sacrifice our current equity by making a bet with an EV=0, right? I think? I believe you're correct when you say this information is more useful for deciding if/how we should use a blocking bet.
I just started working on a chart that sets EV=to our current equity in the pot, then I'm going to calculate what fold %s we need for various bet sizes to maintain our current equity. It seems to me this would be pretty handy to have pulled up while playing, as you could consult it when considering a semi-bluff, and if it says you need a fold X% of the time to maintain your present equity, then you would then bet that amount IF you felt it would lead to villain folding more than the the breakeven %
E.g., Hero holds 9 outs for the flush, meaning he needs a return of 4:1 to breakeven because hero's equity is 19% of the pot. Turn didn't bring the flush, so hero is considering making his standard 3/4 pot turn bet.
Ugh, just realized I already used this example lol. I really like FDs

.19P = fP + (1-f)[.19(P+0.75P)-.81(.75P)
.19P = fP + (1-f)[0.3225P-0.6075P]
.19P = fP + (1-f)(-0.285P)
.19P = fP - 0.285P + 0.285Pf
.475P = 1.285Pf
f = .3694
f = 37%
I'm also going to set EV=.50, giving hero 50% combined equity in the pot, so:
.5P = fP - .285P + .285Pf
.785P = 1.285Pf
f = 61%
Imo, this part of the chart will be more useful for selecting bet-sizes when semi-bluffing; if you're torn between betting 3/4 pot or just jamming for 1.5 pot, you could assign an estimated fold % to each bet-size and refer to the chart to see which one is more likely to boost your overall equity to +50%, given your estimated fold %s for each line.
As I already mentioned, Dwarrior's chart shows that hero needs 20% FE to
breakeven, but not maintain your equity. So, in practice, you could refer to the chart I'm working on to see if you can add value to your hand by semi-bluffing, whereas you could refer to Dwarriors to see if a particular line is preferable to C/F-ing to villain's bet, since the EV for folding is 0, his chart is really comparing the value of various lines compared to folding imo.
Cool story, huh?
Originally Posted by GrooGrux King
I have enjoyed reading this thread.
3 of the better posters in the forum, imo, posting strong. ajrenni,zadignose, and AAfull...nice
Good stuff guys

3 of the dorkier posters in this forum, I'll concede

There are certain posters that I'll attempt to bleed/milk dry before I let them escape a thread, however, and renni/zad are definitely on that list.
Originally Posted by Boxerz
nice graph, i wish FE existed at the micros
But it does!!! Just not much of it. Very, very little. Tiny amount. But it does exist. That's the reason I'm trying to go all book smart on the topic lol. I'm sick of over and underestimating my FE. But many players have posted graphs with breakeven or positive redlines as low as 2NL (though most redlines seem to get healthier @ 10NL+, I'll concede). Those respectable redlines are not entirely due to smart hand selection preflop. They're also attributable to rare, but timely, bluffs and intelligent c-betting (c-betting is exploiting FE, tis why we do it) imho.
I concede I haven't played much below 10NL (not a brag, as my poker education cost me more than it should have), but I know for a fact that FE does exist @ 10NL and above. I, and others, wouldn't be able to play so loosely and c-bet 70% of flops and 40% of turns profitably if it didn't.