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Hi. Here's my terrible stats. Advice? Hi. Here's my terrible stats. Advice?

03-10-2011 , 01:50 PM
[WARNING: a little long]
Just signed up after reading through posts for the past month. Loving the site.

I play on FullTilt with the name jinjouk. Since around October. I had never played poker before. Since then I have probably deposited $400+ and have $6 left!

I got poker tracker in January to start graphing my hands.

Here is cash games and here is tournaments.

I would like to add that I play live locally and can win around £60-100 a night no problem and over the past 3 months I am in the profit there.

Yesterday I decided to actually start analysing my hands and saw some interesting things. The most wins I have are with high pairs (9+), AK, KQ and some Ace rag suited.

Almost all my losses are on hands that are high card or one pair, even 2 pair is in the red.

I also noticed such poor bank roll management. I had played a lot of 10nl games I wasn't rolled for. 10nl Heads Up has lost me most money (and won the most but I assume that's luck).

I have read Chris Fergusons and Jennifear's bank roll guides now.

Also got Slanskys Theory of Poker and Small Stakes Holdem.

I have took a lot of what I thought were bad beats at 2 cents games but I tried using the HUD and I notice that I play more hands than anyone, VP around 45.

So I have realised a few mistakes and now I was wondering this:

Can I "beat" the micros by only playing those hands listed above, with maybe some suited connectors if I play enough tables?

I know it sounds a long way off after seeing my graph but my goal would be to build my bank roll slowly before moving away from 2nl while still being able to cash out $100 every week.

Any tips on acheiving this goal? Specifically how many tables should I play and how many hours a session to reach that Goal?

Finally seeing as I currently only have $6 I won't be cashing out for a long time since I will want to build my bank to at least $60 first, I will probably deposit more next week though.

Thanks and hope to learn a lot my time here.

Hi. Here's my terrible stats. Advice? Quote
03-10-2011 , 01:52 PM
the link to your cash game stats is not working for me, but it sounds like you are playing way too many hands.

First, if you are first to enter the pot - RAISE. if you are not first and there is like 1 limper then oyu should still prob be raising. when there are 2 or more limpers raising depends on your hand and stack sizes then.

stop playing A rag unless its a steal from late position, its only gonna get you in trouble when you flop an ace and they have you outkicked. i will post some more if i can get ur stats to work. maybe try imageshack to host the image

edit: as for cashing out $100 a week it depends on how much you are playing but that prob wont be happening til you get to 25nl at least
Hi. Here's my terrible stats. Advice? Quote
03-10-2011 , 03:36 PM
45% vpip? lol yes this is precisely why you are losing. Cut that number IN HALF and try again. I dont care how pretty K6 suited looks, or JT offsuit under the gun, just quit playing these hands completely. I would suggest you start with a strict hand range of 77-AA, and AJ-AK. Throw KQ in there too. Thats it. Nothing else, no matter what. These are all hands which will form strong top pairs and overpairs to get value from weaker hands that players like you normally call with. You probably have zero capacity to hand read other players, so your goal right now is to just blindly get value out of any sensible hand and hope for the best. DO NOT FLOAT other players. If someone raises and you call with 77 and the flop comes AJ8, dont call a cbet. Unless you have top pair or better, you are folding every single flop.
Hi. Here's my terrible stats. Advice? Quote
03-10-2011 , 03:58 PM
with a VP of 45 you are playing wayyyyyyyy to many guess is you are not as positionally aware as you should be

in poker tracker look at the "Positions" tab and see where you are winning and where you are losing your most money as a guess would be you're raising and/or limping way to light in early position and possibly overplaying those hands as well (Like an ace-rage suited UTG with an ace on the flop)
Hi. Here's my terrible stats. Advice? Quote
03-10-2011 , 04:26 PM
Look, even though this forum frowns upon starting hand charts I think you should have a look at this:

If you played according to this for a while at 2nl and I am pretty sure you would completely turn around your game. Preflop at least, and post flop will be much easier as you rarely have to worry about being dominated using this. After you have got the gist and understood why this starting chart is constructed the way it is then of course you can become more sophisticated and situational with your starting hands. Just my opinion, as I said I understand why it is frowned upon here but I found it very helpful when starting out.
Hi. Here's my terrible stats. Advice? Quote
03-10-2011 , 04:46 PM
I'm new to 2+2 and just got done reading this:

The OP posted 'dream stats' where you should be playing 20/17 and there was a lot of debate over things like when to raise, when to call, and when to fold, which contained a lot of good info (and conflicting opinions).

if you're seeing 45% of the flops that's waaaay too high.

There was also another thread (can't find the link) where the OP posted the stats of two very successful micro players (one named 'chargers' the other, i can't remember). Both players were winning nice money and they were playing something like 17.5/13.0 and 13/11.

the thread discussed the similarities in their play which was prototypical TAG. I'd definitely suggest finding it and reading it.

I'll look for the thread and post it if I find it.
Hi. Here's my terrible stats. Advice? Quote
03-10-2011 , 08:17 PM
Thanks for the responses. I found a guide by SirCuddles which is absolutely amazing.

I cut my hands down tonight, stats were more around 25 vp though not a large sample size. I used better starting hands too.

I played live for a few hours too and won 7x my buy in, I do so much better live but I think it's because I can get some reads on some regular players.

What kind of $ per hour per table should you expect on 2nl? I know that is obviously dependent on skill and a lot of factors but just looking for a rough figure you guys may make.

I also know that I definitely shouldn't play drunk (I have done a lot in the past few months and live games has a bar so it's easier)
Hi. Here's my terrible stats. Advice? Quote
03-10-2011 , 08:21 PM
Originally Posted by jinjouk
What kind of $ per hour per table should you expect on 2nl? I know that is obviously dependent on skill and a lot of factors but just looking for a rough figure you guys may make.
Very little. Say you beat 2nl for 10bb/100 and play 24 tables, you'll see 1200 hands per hour, so 2c x 10 x 12 = $2.40 per hour.
Hi. Here's my terrible stats. Advice? Quote
03-10-2011 , 08:30 PM
Originally Posted by jinjouk
What kind of $ per hour per table should you expect on 2nl? I know that is obviously dependent on skill and a lot of factors but just looking for a rough figure you guys may make.
I am certainly not as accredited as some posters on 2p2 and my poker game is weak.

That being said, focusing on $/hr at 2nl is probably not a good idea.

I believe that your goals at 2nl should be to understand the game, become more confident in your skills, and focus on bankroll mgmt for moving up.

Looking at $/hr for 2nl may lead to some discouragement or unrealistic goal-setting.

Good luck
Hi. Here's my terrible stats. Advice? Quote
03-10-2011 , 09:43 PM
Very little. Say you beat 2nl for 10bb/100 and play 24 tables, you'll see 1200 hands per hour, so 2c x 10 x 12 = $2.40 per hour.
That surprised me.

I know you say the point is to learn and build a bankroll however playing at the lowest stakes live I am making around £20+ an hour quite consistently.

I think I could really only play 4 tables at first also so taking that into account I would be making 0.40c per hour.

To build my bank to have enough for 5nl I would have to build from $90 to $225 for 45 buy ins. Playing around 3 hours per day that would take 112 days!

Please note I am not looking for quick solutions or anything here but almost 4 months to move up to 5nl seems a bit much no?

I also have read a lot that live players are worse so I know that's why I am winning so much at the level I am at, and I get the advantage of playing regulars.
Hi. Here's my terrible stats. Advice? Quote
03-10-2011 , 10:51 PM
Originally Posted by jinjouk
To build my bank to have enough for 5nl I would have to build from $90 to $225 for 45 buy ins. Playing around 3 hours per day that would take 112 days!

Please note I am not looking for quick solutions or anything here but almost 4 months to move up to 5nl seems a bit much no?
Well, a couple of things to note here.

If you are beating 2nl and are solidly rolled for that, you can always take shots at 5nl, as long as you have a strict policy about dropping back down if you lose a certain number of buyins so as to protect your roll.

Secondly it's unlikely to take you 113 days to add a lot of extra tables though you should take as long as you need.

Thirdly, obviously if you win at 2 different stake levels and one of them is 100x larger than the other, it should not be surprising that there is a vast difference in the hourly win rate.
Hi. Here's my terrible stats. Advice? Quote
03-11-2011 , 07:40 PM
yeah it may take you 2-4 months to beat a limit. Dont worry about this, you have to go down this road eventually, because a year from now you could be making decent money at NL50 or NL100.

You are probably doing better live not because you play better, but because your competition is so phenomenally worse you cant lose. NL200 live plays like NL2 online. You probably have 1/10th the hands accumulated and being able to value bet ANY pair wins you money. Notice how your loose style doesnt work out so well online anymore? That doesnt mean you should just stick to live, it means you should adjust to the new game structure and play accordingly.
Hi. Here's my terrible stats. Advice? Quote
