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Here's how I'm currently studying No Limit Texas Holdem, am I going about this correctly? Here's how I'm currently studying No Limit Texas Holdem, am I going about this correctly?

12-13-2020 , 10:48 PM
Okay's how I've been studying lately:

I purchased a 74$/month subscription to for poker learning. I'm an extreme beginner. I'm still learning about proper ranges (RFI, vs 3bet, isolation raising), trying to keep in mind SPR / pot odds (+implied) when betting or being bet into, and getting more experience in general. I have a background in mathematics (just throwing that out there, not sure how useful that info is) and I'd like to know if I'm studying the right way:

I've been playing 1 hour per 2 hours of study. While I study, I am trying to watch live cash games and have been trying to put each player on a range (Using some preflop range charts I have), considering their potential continuing range, asking myself why they do what they do, trying to make the decision to bet / call / raise / amount etc before they do and see how they match up.

And I'm also trying to review my hands in this same way, asking what the range my opponent should have, taken into account some HUD stats, asking how I could have played differently, etc.

I'm also trying to memorize (or get a rough idea) of each preflop range I myself should be taking, and using those ranges from upswing to determine my opponent's range based on their HUD stats/tendencies I've been trying to pick out

Think this is the right way to go about it right now? And if so or if not, do you think there are some other things I should be adding to the way that I go about progressing for the time being?

Thank you in advance for any help.
Here's how I'm currently studying No Limit Texas Holdem, am I going about this correctly? Quote
12-20-2020 , 12:48 AM
I very much like your approach. It's exploitative and the most beneficial when you start imho. The maths is often simple in practice. Once you can calculate pot odds and fold equity, you can have a lot of fun with EV calc in spread sheets.

"I've been playing 1 hour per 2 hours of study." I like that ratio for a beginner. As you progress, the playing time will take over. Well done.
Here's how I'm currently studying No Limit Texas Holdem, am I going about this correctly? Quote
12-20-2020 , 06:43 AM
I believe experience is much better than studying.
Maybe it's just my personal style, but I'd much prefer 1 hour of studying and 2 hours of playing, probably even less studying.

Especially as a complete beginner, the experience of just playing is going to teach you much more than studying for hours.

The thing is poker is very much a muscle memory game.
So it's like saying you're trying to learn basketball by studying 2 hours and playing for 1 hour.
While it's probably much better to study something simple for 5-15 minutes then go try it over and over again until you get it.
Obviously studying is going to be useful, way more so than in basketball, it's just an example that sorta makes sense.

The studying is still useful, it's just much more important to practice actually applying what you study instead of just studying stuff, but never learning how to use it.
Here's how I'm currently studying No Limit Texas Holdem, am I going about this correctly? Quote
12-22-2020 , 04:53 PM
$75??? a month these wow looks like the fish are getting milked to the very last drop smh
Here's how I'm currently studying No Limit Texas Holdem, am I going about this correctly? Quote
12-25-2020 , 01:29 PM
Originally Posted by Eudaimonia
$75??? a month these wow looks like the fish are getting milked to the very last drop smh
upswings actually $100.00 a month, and if used correctly the ROI is easily worth it.
Here's how I'm currently studying No Limit Texas Holdem, am I going about this correctly? Quote
12-25-2020 , 11:29 PM
Originally Posted by JHT987
upswings actually $100.00 a month, and if used correctly the ROI is easily worth it.
Here's how I'm currently studying No Limit Texas Holdem, am I going about this correctly? Quote
12-27-2020 , 01:58 AM
Originally Posted by JHT987
upswings actually $100.00 a month, and if used correctly the ROI is easily worth it.
Let me tell you for a fact it is not but do as you wish.

You don't need it, and the money you save from not having to pay for coaching etc. and figuring things out on your own pays off in the long run money saved > making money.

The only thing id invest if i had to would be run it once
Here's how I'm currently studying No Limit Texas Holdem, am I going about this correctly? Quote
12-27-2020 , 08:33 AM
Originally Posted by Eudaimonia
Let me tell you for a fact it is not but do as you wish.
Going all cool guy on us stating facts, but not providing any evidence ...
Even if you show us a graph where you're winning 1000bb/100 over a million hands, that doesn't prove upswing is not worth it.
I'm not saying it is.

I just get annoyed by people slapping "facts" around on the internet without providing any evidence.
That's how Trump got elected ...
Here's how I'm currently studying No Limit Texas Holdem, am I going about this correctly? Quote
12-27-2020 , 11:08 AM
Play tight, wait for premier hands to start with.
Dont slow play after the flop when you hit it.
Dont get too attached to top pair, especially on drawy boards.
Beware going broke with a pair.
Watch out for flush draws, they love them.
Beware also of opponents flopping a set, although their hard to spot, if your raising flop and turn large and your being called beware a set.

You probably need to make your own mistakes before the penney drops.
You can learn all the theory but you need the playing experience as well.
Here's how I'm currently studying No Limit Texas Holdem, am I going about this correctly? Quote
12-27-2020 , 11:31 AM
Originally Posted by JHT987
upswings actually $100.00 a month, and if used correctly the ROI is easily worth it.
I find that incredibly hard to believe
Here's how I'm currently studying No Limit Texas Holdem, am I going about this correctly? Quote
12-27-2020 , 07:20 PM
Originally Posted by sixfour
I find that incredibly hard to believe
Well if you play enough volume and high enough stakes it's probably true ...
But for most beginners it's probably overkill to go for a $75-100 sub
Here's how I'm currently studying No Limit Texas Holdem, am I going about this correctly? Quote
