ok i been thinking about poker a little bit lately and more specifically i have pokertracker 4 now and it allows me to see the strength of hands and got me thinking about rake... and live poker and online for that matter too.
now if rakes roughly 5% or even 6.5% 7.5% etc, also people big up partypoker but i think there cap is actually quite high for rake least micros it seems like it is, the stake i actually play at (played headsup potlimit omaha somehow beat the other dude stacked him deepish after the little sesh but was up in money sense very little i was shocked....) but yh back on to my point after sort of thinking properly about it and factoring in rake only about 40.87% of hands are playable at all from a +ev see the river stand point and chunks of them are breakeven or very marginal winners in terms of expectation presuming your going to showdown each time (which is kinda what i was basing this little thought experiment on) mainly as im interested in going to play live poker and im definitely gonna be underolled substantially doing so so i wanted to see what hands really truly are profitable hands and alot of so called playable hands although playable and your win pots with them say off opposition/opponents when you factor in the rake and the many times your not there just bleeding you money/chips it seems
this seemed to be the hands that actually had positive expectation (based upon 3 random hands and i used the weighted thing on the hand range modellor...) so most of them low connectors just go bye bye completely and pockets 22s and 33s seem almost worthless (i personally hate 22s myself and actually only open them in the sb ha in 6max) but yh surprised me and made me wonder and question quite alot about my online 6max ranges too as maybe im still sort of unnecessarily wide in certain spots and positions and am overadjusting getting involved with hands that are far far too marginal just because ooh i have position
currently in 6max im raising first in 27.92% of hands and i actually honestly put quite alot of thought into the ranges but now i questioning them alot and wondering if i should just shave alot of them off and go for more big fat ev hands... and just i dont know increase table count a bit, as not like people really adjust online particularly small stakes and with texas (as personally i feel lotta of regs i have come across play with Ego particularly texas omaha feels more chill affair less ego even though crazy swingy ha, mean so many reg seem palyers float every flop or stay to the river with hands with next to no equity whatsoever or make funny ace high calldowns in 3bet pots ha just cause i think they feel entitiled or something to the pot just cause they 3bet i dont know..., i dont mind i just size up my bets against them alot! and near never pure bluff as i dont care for getting into weird leveling wars specially when im playing with penny/cent blinds ha ill let them stroke their ego and exploit me in certain small pots ha, i rarely ever pure 3 barrel or any bluff anymore actually its always semi value or building nice pot to win with good draw or if a good good spot to bluff that i cant pass up cause texture, blockers to nuts that nonsense).
yh but 6max RFI i do
12.37% EP
14% MP
(treat them seats as nutty mcnugget seats personally)
24.43% CU
38.31% BU
50.53% SB
but yh now im questioning if i should just open way tighter.
the other thing is with live ive been you know browsing these forums and apparently tippings customary so if you factor that in too and a possible badbeat jackpot its bit like can you really play too tight ha particularly 9handed? i dont know i just need some help advice something as now i dont know if i should just scrap my 6max range ideas completely and rebuild them or stick with them and i dont know how to adjust hand ranges for live play at all with rake considerations tipping etc so anyone thats a winning live player if you could give me advice id really really appreciate it thank you.