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11-04-2009 , 12:45 PM
Hey all, im new to the forum, been here about a month i think. But im also pretty new to poker. Didnt follow BR management and busted (NEVER do that again, haha). But i will reload from any to 100-500. Just got Holdem Manager. I have a few questions. Would you guys be able to tell me what it takes in order to go pro? In what direction(s) i should be going in. I really want to increase the rate of my game as fast as possible. Right now, obviously, im pretty bad. But got all the time in the world it seems right now, and this is what i want to do with it. Im currently member of stoxpoker, i try to watch all the videos. But theres a a lot of things i just dont get. Also is it possible to be not just a winning player, but to go pro, and not know all the math. Or is that something I NEED? Im more than willing to learn it either way if it really helps my game. Should I be getting a coach? Will i learn faster? I have a lot more questions, but they seemed to have slipped me. Idk i feel as though I need more guidance. But anything or any answers that would help me achieve my (hate to sound cliche) journey, would be extremely apprecciated.
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11-04-2009 , 12:55 PM
in order to go pro:
-have a big enough BR that you can handle 20+ swings and not have it effect you financialy.
-have 6+ months rent behind you.
-some people go pro at nl50? Albeit you would make a pretty ****ty living that way. I wouldn't look at anythin less then NL200 personaly.
-and if you are a huge loser obv. there is no way you can go pro, but many are "rakeback" pro's who grind 24 tables at a time play very nitty and just live off the RB they get weekly.
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11-04-2009 , 01:01 PM
if you are new to poker, and it looks like it, do not go crazy and think about being a pokerpro.

first, try to actually learn to play poker.
then see if you actually LIKE to play poker.
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11-04-2009 , 01:07 PM
Yeah, first you need to see if you can beat the game. If you figure out that you can, then you need to see if you can beat the game enough to take home enough profit for it to be your vocation. If you see that you can, then you need to decide if that's Still what you want to do.
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11-04-2009 , 01:08 PM
Originally Posted by Bannnnnnn
in order to go pro:
-have a big enough BR that you can handle 20+ swings and not have it effect you financialy.
-have 6+ months rent behind you.
-some people go pro at nl50? Albeit you would make a pretty ****ty living that way. I wouldn't look at anythin less then NL200 personaly.
-and if you are a huge loser obv. there is no way you can go pro, but many are "rakeback" pro's who grind 24 tables at a time play very nitty and just live off the RB they get weekly.
I can do 24 tables+ pretty easily.... but it does not help as Im not that good lol. Would a coach be more of what I need? But yeah, im looking to increase my game and br so i can play high stakes and make a living. Its just what i really want to do. I'll do whatever it takes, put in 24+ hour sessions etc.. I cannot get rakebback from FT though. I made a mistake and got it beforehand (terrible mistake I know).
Help Anyone Quote
11-04-2009 , 01:10 PM

Go through that check all the links. Then check all the links in them links. Then check all the links within them links. Print off any material you may not be 100% sure on, go through that again highlight all the bits you feel you are still unclear on. Look them up.

Do it all again.

Only if your serious about making a living on it.

Granted this a bit OTT everything you find in that thread will be of utmost help to you!

Good luck
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11-04-2009 , 01:17 PM
Dont think about pro so soon.....things are more difficult than you think....
Learn and learn more and keep learning twoplustwo is perfect for that......but the most important thing for me is practice.....u need to play a lot of hands, thousands of hands.
Spend a lot of time playing and u will know if this is what u want to do to live....Its no so easy and sometimes isnt fun.....
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11-04-2009 , 01:17 PM
Originally Posted by KimBauer
if you are new to poker, and it looks like it, do not go crazy and think about being a pokerpro.

first, try to actually learn to play poker.
then see if you actually LIKE to play poker.
I love poker. I've played TCG's and video games (competetively) for a long time, and I love the mental aspect/ecitement of the game. I know it sounds like "wtf this new kid just came out of nowhere and was like I wanna go pro", even though really thats kind of what it is. But i've got s*** ton of dedication and I know i can do it. It's just a matter of time, and I didnt know is there more ways i can speed it up, or is it just experience etc... I know it may not come immediately. But if i can do something i like/love to do for a living, it would be one of the best things in the world (to me).
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11-04-2009 , 01:31 PM
Join Date: Sep 2009
Posts: 64 Re: Help Anyone


Go through that check all the links. Then check all the links in them links. Then check all the links within them links. Print off any material you may not be 100% sure on, go through that again highlight all the bits you feel you are still unclear on. Look them up.

Do it all again.

Only if your serious about making a living on it.

Granted this a bit OTT everything you find in that thread will be of utmost help to you!

Good luck

so apprieciated thanks!
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11-04-2009 , 01:40 PM
Originally Posted by Ridiculouz
Join Date: Sep 2009
Posts: 64 Re: Help Anyone


Go through that check all the links. Then check all the links in them links. Then check all the links within them links. Print off any material you may not be 100% sure on, go through that again highlight all the bits you feel you are still unclear on. Look them up.

Do it all again.

Only if your serious about making a living on it.

Granted this a bit OTT everything you find in that thread will be of utmost help to you!

Good luck

so apprieciated thanks!
Your welcome
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