Hello and a couple of questions...
Join Date: Jan 2010
Posts: 25
Been playing for a few years now but its only in the last couple of months that ive decided to sit down and seriously work through my game. So my plan of attack was (and is!)
1.Worked through one of the bonus offers to get PT3, managed to do this at .25 relatively quickly while making a little bit while 1/2 tabling at most
2.Having done so now dropped back down the blind levels (i realise that this may of been slightly back to front...) and working my way up from the button. Pretty succesfully moved up from .01/.02 with relatively little trouble and currently not doing so bad. Made about 100$ all told in the past month multi tabling (10-16~ tables depending on how im feeling) which isnt so bad.
Now im planning to stay at .05 for a while as i feel like im still making a few too many mistakes. My main question is that im looking to play some tournaments as well to get that part of my game in shape.
So, low stakes tournaments , whats the best options? I generally like multi tabling and can handle it well , play mainly on pokerstars. the 25 cent buyin in tournies with no rake look like a good starting point, any pros or cons that anyone can think of?
Ive also been using the free trial for table ninja, and it is a big help when multi tabling. Is it worth dropping 60$ on or are their any alternatives?
Last edited by Goody; 02-14-2010 at 11:54 AM.
Join Date: Jul 2009
Posts: 5,325
Ninja's probably not necessary until you get above 8 tables.
Join Date: Jan 2010
Posts: 25
I do tend to play at 10+ tables so its a definite bonus to keeping things under control, just wondering if its the only/best option?
Join Date: Dec 2007
Posts: 361
It's not the only option, but it is the best option. No other program works as well or as easily as TN.
I wanted to comment on your mulitabling as well. If you are trying to improve you should not play that many tables. 4 is generally the accepted amount to play and still pay attention and improve your game. Any more than 4 and one usually gets into more robotic play. You should be paying attention to everything going on and trying to figure out how to maximize each hand.
If your goal is to keep moving up, and keep getting better, than you should really consider playing less tables.
Join Date: Jan 2010
Posts: 25
Valid point, I was planning on cutting back on the tables as and when I move up the stakes (at the moment i think my games good enough to win at .10, .25 probably too but thats going to be a lot more of a bumpy ride and would like to be totally confident in having a solid game before going that far).
What i might consider is keeping up the multitabling for general play and perhaps throw in a few smaller sessions at .10 with a lot less tables to work on my game. Main point im working on just now is upping the number of hands I preflop raise with, at the moment im probably slightly biased towards being a little passive with marginal hands even in late position.