Originally Posted by DasCoupe
Lets make 2016 a record year
Do you have any goals? Hands played? Stakes?
Hi DasCoupe thnx for the reply and Happy New Year I'm feeling very positive about 2016
Goal for 2016 in a nutshell pick a game and b profitable lol I'll be starting a proper Goals post with updates soon as soon as i decide what i'm going to focus on Cash or Tournament
Cash all time since 2012 Hands: 42000 bb/100: -42
2NL 2015 (what i might want to focus on) Hands: 15000 bb/100:-44
Tournament all time since 2012 Tournys played :2355 ITM%: 18 ROI:-34% 1st:249
2015 Tournys played: 1305 ITM%:18 ROI: -33% 1st:128
don't know if you can make out the stats if you would like any other stats more than happy to share.