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he was winning this thread so much he made charlie sheen look like bumblebee (LC/NC nsfw) he was winning this thread so much he made charlie sheen look like bumblebee (LC/NC nsfw)

05-18-2011 , 02:30 PM
Me obv
05-18-2011 , 02:51 PM
0, 0, 0, 0.5
05-18-2011 , 02:52 PM
Originally Posted by TBobLP
Me obv
Maybe in opposite land
05-18-2011 , 03:03 PM
Originally Posted by bumblebee99
0, 0, 0, 0.5
/ Boobs debate

I was starting to wonder if anyone had some taste itt . Thanks Bee .
05-18-2011 , 03:06 PM
All I know is that the girls on the ends should make a nice girl sammich with me and that the two in the middle can gtfo. More than that is over rating.

Eta: and my answer is really bb, but I didn't want to offend anyone. :P
05-18-2011 , 03:08 PM
well i wouldnt turn any of them away, nor would any of you guys (excpet WDWF)

ive got rid of gif as you all apparently have caught the ghey
05-18-2011 , 03:15 PM
CF only got that shirt once they qualified for the champions league. Obv.glory hunter imo.
05-18-2011 , 03:28 PM
05-18-2011 , 03:30 PM
Well considering that pic was took way back in march or something i dont think champions league was guareented then. Also it may suprise alot of you to know that i am not actually a Man City fan.

I always liked them and was going to fully support just before they got bought over, then with the buy over i decided not to [i dont like bandwagoners ldo] but i do like to see them do well. I also got that shirt for free a friend used to sell [totally legit] football shirts and ordered the wrong size for someone and gave it to me for free

If i can remember the site he used to buy them off ill post it itt. Really good quality and are only ~£19 or so. Sizes can be a bit weird so ymmv
05-18-2011 , 03:45 PM
Originally Posted by inthepub5
when do we ever not take boobs into consideration. pull yourself together man
05-18-2011 , 04:52 PM
Originally Posted by crazyfool1985
Well considering that pic was took way back in march or something i dont think champions league was guareented then. Also it may suprise alot of you to know that i am not actually a Man City fan.

I always liked them and was going to fully support just before they got bought over, then with the buy over i decided not to [i dont like bandwagoners ldo] but i do like to see them do well. I also got that shirt for free a friend used to sell [totally legit] football shirts and ordered the wrong size for someone and gave it to me for free

If i can remember the site he used to buy them off ill post it itt. Really good quality and are only ~£19 or so. Sizes can be a bit weird so ymmv
Shame that shirt will never get to see a night like this!!!

CL Final '07 - Proper Team, Proper Supporter, Proper Match

TR is EPIC!!!!

Last edited by DirtyLittleF; 05-18-2011 at 04:53 PM. Reason: Shame we lost but F it! One of the best trips I've ever been on...
05-18-2011 , 05:05 PM
On another note, Lara Croft with Angelina Jolie is on TV right now. How distracting!!!
05-18-2011 , 05:07 PM
ffs we weren't paying attention and now soccerball has made its way back into the thread. Great
05-18-2011 , 05:11 PM
DirtyLittle F i approve of your photo!!!!!!!! ive never made it to a proper euro cup final (supercup final in monaco lol) from what ive heard its incredible! with any luck king kenny will have us back there in the next season or 2.

Tbob dont worry im sure in no time we will be back to talking about figure skating with sticks or whatever its called.

polo on ice would be pretty hilarious though
05-18-2011 , 05:15 PM
I am a cultured ignorant American. I don't really know much about soccer but I do know a little, however I still stereotype and make assumptions. For instance...I assume that all soccer fans are drunkards and that every picture of a soccer stadium is wembley
05-18-2011 , 05:18 PM
Was a riduclous week that even TBobby would have been proud of, got a ticket 10 days before hand, had mates Stag / Bachelors party weekend before, and there were no flights from UK to Greece so had to go over land cross Europe, praying on unsuspecting young ladies along the way...
05-18-2011 , 05:24 PM
But isn't wembley in London?

I don't really hate on any cool experience or the opportunity to see some cool match in any sport (except cricket which is gay as ****). I'm not a baseball fan at all but going to game 7 of the 97 world series was simply amazing and not something I will soon forget. If I was at a big soccer match drinking and around tons of ppl really into the game u can bet id be loud and excited for it
05-18-2011 , 05:44 PM
Originally Posted by TBobLP
But isn't wembley in London?

I don't really hate on any cool experience or the opportunity to see some cool match in any sport (except cricket which is gay as ****). I'm not a baseball fan at all but going to game 7 of the 97 world series was simply amazing and not something I will soon forget. If I was at a big soccer match drinking and around tons of ppl really into the game u can bet id be loud and excited for it
05-18-2011 , 06:54 PM
Since we were sterotyping people on the last page, I figured I would add a little from my favorite subculture, People of Walmart. Long but worth the full watch!

05-18-2011 , 07:21 PM
[X] lol'd
[X] would hit

just got 1st serious of boardwalk empire on DVD so am gonna start watching that
05-18-2011 , 07:49 PM
Steve Buscemi

really liked boardwalk empire
05-18-2011 , 09:35 PM
lol names

05-19-2011 , 01:24 AM
OK, so I already posted basic ranking, but here is the reasoning behind the scoring ...

From left to right ...

Furthest left ... very nice ... nice small nipples ... nice tan lines ... tatoo under right breast maybe covering botched boob job, but overall, my #1

2nd left ... 100% natural, but ... Meh ...

2nd from right ... way overdone fake ... ldo ... last ...

furthest right ... nice enhanced boobs, but still obv enhanced ... 2nd ...
05-19-2011 , 01:34 AM
Hey Tbob , how long do you have to keep that awesome avatar ?
05-19-2011 , 02:33 AM
Someone really needs to send me this gif!!
