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Had my longest grind session tonight, noticed a few things, and had a few questions. Had my longest grind session tonight, noticed a few things, and had a few questions.

03-28-2010 , 11:29 AM
Still super new to poker (~2 months) and I'm just starting to become a break even leaning toward winning player at micro-stakes. I had a 2,300 card session at NL2 running 5 NL2 tables and a 500 card session at NL5 with just one table. NL2 profited me $6.49 and NL5 was 56c.

Just a couple of things I learned tonight:

- People at these stakes seriously do not bluff often. I had a few times where I had a really good hand like two pair or the second nut flush and I had to call just to see, and 95% of the time they had the goods.

- The higher my chip-stack at a table I got the way more I could bluff them. I'm sitting at one NL2 table with 7x the buy-in and almost nobody calls me at this point. I've been playing tight and haven't been caught bluffing once (although I have a lot, but more on that in a second.) I was kind of wondering if this is normal at higher stakes, or if it's far too uncommon to see chip stacks that deep at a cash game? Mind you I've been sitting at this table for 5+ hours.

- One thing I learned that works incredibly well at these low stakes is that when you have somebody isolated and they check to you, I'd wager that 75% of the time a half-pot to 3/4 pot sized bet will fold them. I've done this so many times holding nothing but air and it's really reliable. If they call and I don't improve on the turn I check, if they bet I'll fold.

- People at these stakes go all-in a lot with AK. I don't know what else to say, but it's true. I think AK is one of the biggest money losing hands I play and I've become a lot more cautious with it.

Anyway, just wanted to highlight a few things for people, I'm sure they've all been said before, but I'm really proud of tonight and wanted to share with my fellow poker players.

Love you all!

PS: Why wont it let me post my PTR link? It comes up all asterisks.
Had my longest grind session tonight, noticed a few things, and had a few questions. Quote
03-28-2010 , 01:58 PM
1 - They don't bluff a lot at the river, but it's very common to cbet without a good hand. Also you'll find specific groups of players that bluff a lot (they don't last long at the tables)

2 - That's because their level of thinking is low. They think you got a good stack because you're a good player and win hands and they don't think any further. Most players don't care about that in the higher stakes

3 - Isolating and cbetting at most flops, plus not giving action when they resist is a very good strategy at small stakes.

4 - To fish, AK = nuts. And they put you on AK every time. Hope you don't do the same.

Had my longest grind session tonight, noticed a few things, and had a few questions. Quote
03-28-2010 , 02:14 PM
Originally Posted by jbleau

- One thing I learned that works incredibly well at these low stakes is that when you have somebody isolated and they check to you, I'd wager that 75% of the time a half-pot to 3/4 pot sized bet will fold them. I've done this so many times holding nothing but air and it's really reliable. If they call and I don't improve on the turn I check, if they bet I'll fold.
Good post, but regarding this point, I thought this for a while and was cleaning up at 2nl using this but then I got a very bad run where I kept getting called and reraised which ate into my BR a bit. It kind of knocked my confidence a small bit, it works well ,but I dont completely rely on it anymore.
Had my longest grind session tonight, noticed a few things, and had a few questions. Quote
03-28-2010 , 02:16 PM
what? its like never really a mistake to get it in of with AK 100bb's especially i assume in micros ppl will shove with like AJ and AQ
Had my longest grind session tonight, noticed a few things, and had a few questions. Quote
03-28-2010 , 02:18 PM
isnt AK against any pair -ev?
Had my longest grind session tonight, noticed a few things, and had a few questions. Quote
03-28-2010 , 02:19 PM
Originally Posted by adecleir
isnt AK against any pair -ev?
yes but they're not shoving any pair
Had my longest grind session tonight, noticed a few things, and had a few questions. Quote
03-28-2010 , 02:22 PM
AK is good to get in pre vs fish and other loose opponents but I wouldnt go crazy in saying its never bad to get all in with AK
Had my longest grind session tonight, noticed a few things, and had a few questions. Quote
03-28-2010 , 03:22 PM
equity win tie pots won pots tied
Hand 0: 53.300% 46.41% 06.89% 57218686 8493064.00 { AcKd }

Hand 1: 46.700% 39.81% 06.89% 49081074 8493064.00 { 88+, AJs+, KQs, AJo+}

Not bad when u consider you still have fold equity too
Had my longest grind session tonight, noticed a few things, and had a few questions. Quote
03-28-2010 , 03:51 PM
About the AK thing, I think he's talking about when people go all in with AK in a low card board.

It's obviously good to get it in pre, but it's common to see those guys getting check-raised at a 884 type of board and getting it in with AK high. Correct if I'm wrong OP?
Had my longest grind session tonight, noticed a few things, and had a few questions. Quote
03-29-2010 , 04:09 PM
I'm also pretty new to poker (I've been playing since December). So far, at least, I agree with OP completely on what works at the micros.

I don't know how it would even be possible to win if you never isolate and cbet with air or close to it. I do it often (almost every time I get checked to, actually). I do realize that at higher stakes, this will not be quite as successful/automatic.

I have also found that a lot of people at micros will stack off with AK after the flop against a low board. I love it, but it makes it very difficult to know where you're at if you happen to get reraised by the kind of idiot who will do this.

I dipped my toe in the water last night and played .50/1 for about a half-hour, just to see what it was like, and found that the players are much more aggressive and will 3-bet and put you in tougher spots before the flop. I won some nice pots, but decided to move my scared money out of there.

(Gonna bury a brag here: even though I wasn't rolled for it whatsoever, I shipped a $4.40 180-man on Stars last night and I'm now break-even for the first time. Now it's time to practice some BRM!!)

[edit: my graph]

Last edited by Ace Jackoff; 03-29-2010 at 04:17 PM.
Had my longest grind session tonight, noticed a few things, and had a few questions. Quote
03-29-2010 , 04:18 PM
Sitting .50/1 and winning a $214 to be breakeven. Good luck with the BRM!
Had my longest grind session tonight, noticed a few things, and had a few questions. Quote
03-29-2010 , 04:20 PM
Originally Posted by ChurroDonk
Sitting .50/1 and winning a $214 to be breakeven. Good luck with the BRM!
I know, pretty bad. Thanks for wishing me luck though. I seriously am going to start doing it the right way now.
Had my longest grind session tonight, noticed a few things, and had a few questions. Quote
03-29-2010 , 05:06 PM
Originally Posted by jbleau

- The higher my chip-stack at a table I got the way more I could bluff them. I'm sitting at one NL2 table with 7x the buy-in and almost nobody calls me at this point. I've been playing tight and haven't been caught bluffing once (although I have a lot, but more on that in a second.) I was kind of wondering if this is normal at higher stakes, or if it's far too uncommon to see chip stacks that deep at a cash game? Mind you I've been sitting at this table for 5+ hours.

interesting. at 10nl i seem to notice the opposite, where people seem to play into the highest stacks, making them go even higher!
Had my longest grind session tonight, noticed a few things, and had a few questions. Quote
