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GOV. Body says "PokerStars rigged but in a way most might not see as being "rigged"" GOV. Body says "PokerStars rigged but in a way most might not see as being "rigged""

06-28-2010 , 06:52 PM
Statements were released today stating that PokerStars has a "rigged" card generator. By rigged they mean PS has files with pre-set hands to be dealt. Now as far as the Flop/Turn/River goes that is all random. "Pokerstars can do this without much detection due to the fact that the board is all random" Although alot might not see problem in this. Others do. When one player is dealt AA and another KK on purpose aka rigged. Pokerstars knows that the percent chance AA wins with a random flop is still very high against KK. "So why pre-set hands" The myth has been thrown around that it is to get players moving through games quicker thus creating more rake oppurtunitys. "WE HAVE FOUND THAT IT IS IN POKERSTARS BEST INTEREST TO HAVE A BIGGER CHIP LEADER TAKE OUT A SMALLER CHIP STACK TO GET THEM BACK INTO OTHER GAMES QUICKER INCREASING PROFITS FOR POKERSTARS" So why do smaller stacks sometimes win all-in against a bigger stack??? "Obviously Pokerstars could not just go around letting every big stack win every all in"..."That would not even last a day without being detected" "After intense observation of over 500k hands with our computer software it has become noted that 82% of the time big stacks take out the same or smaller stacks" Okay well maybe this is because the smaller stacks are more desperate and are shoving with anything right???!?? No. "57% of the time the smaller stack was a favorite pre-flop and ended up losing" Okay well obviously ever favorite doesn't win every time. But that means that over half the small stacks all in that are favored against big are losing. Something doesn't add up. . "Pokerstars has admitted that it's card generator is not 100% random and probably never will be.

This has made me not want to play online poker anymore. Its cool that the board is random but when your purposly dealt KK against AA or AK against AA it takes the fun out of the game knowing that was set up just to take you out. I'm not a winning player online. Ive prb. lost 100 dollars all time and im glad that i read this before i lost more. I'm not saying that this is the reason im a losing player. Im saying this makes it IMPOSSILBE to become a legit winning player without figuring out how the system works.

This is wrong on Pstars part and im glad some many FEDERAL groups are looking into it.

Search Yahoo search engine Pstars Federal investigation. One of the first ones for the quotes that i gatherd from this article. I hope they do get caught for the scam they are pulling. I soooooo just wish it was 100% !!! legit. it would make it SO amazing to be apart of. But i can't keep getting scammed.


06-28-2010 , 06:55 PM
Yeah, who found this again?

Also, links?
06-28-2010 , 06:56 PM
Lock this **** up please
06-28-2010 , 06:56 PM
what federal groups?
how big of a downsing are you on?
how much have you lost at stars?
why post this in beginers questions when it is clearly the wrong place to post it?
are you just trying to scare new players to the game?
06-28-2010 , 06:59 PM
06-28-2010 , 07:01 PM
Shortstackers are dieing out ??

Go riggers!!
06-28-2010 , 07:05 PM
But how much did you lose?
06-28-2010 , 07:12 PM

reporting to be moved to the rigtard thread in the zoo
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