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A good spot to bluff on the river? A good spot to bluff on the river?

02-15-2019 , 12:02 PM
Originally Posted by Kelvis
Then never bluffing against certain opponents isn't automatic -EV. At 2NL many opponents are easily beaten by never bluffing them. And by bluffing I don't mean flop betting hands that are 40% equity against their range when called but 50bb bets on the river with air.
What stats would be best to know against whom I can bluff and whom I cannot? I try to bluff all non fish or non maniacs.
02-15-2019 , 12:16 PM
People who fold a lot. People at 2NL don't fold much
02-15-2019 , 01:19 PM
If we change the hand to 98s(the bottom of my sb iso range here), and then we bet the flop(straight flushdraw woohoo) like we should, and then we check the turn unimproved sometimes, and then we have nine high on the river, I'd bluff there(I like all streets as played and now I have the bottom of my range, thus I bluff 1/2 pot as I would with many value hands).

I don't "look for spots to bluff on the river." I bluff when I end up on the river with the bottom of my range.

Oh and I'd call preflop.
02-15-2019 , 04:14 PM
Originally Posted by baal666
I try to bluff all non fish or non maniacs.
Your plan is to bluff good players?
02-15-2019 , 04:24 PM
I am beginning to feel that baal is a troll of magnificent proportion.....I know, slow pony is slow.

Moderation of troll to begin with the next continuance of posts like the one you quoted.
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