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give a fish some teeth ? give a fish some teeth ?

09-18-2010 , 12:37 PM
first off, this is going to be a ramble so please bear with me (or not its your call)

im looking for advice/help on how to improve my game as i feel iv gone just about as far as i can on my own. iv been playing for around 5 years but only the last couple seriously. im a micro stakes player and feel MTT satellites are my strongest game i have won a pakage in wsop (worth $12k) from £60, a seat in ladbrokes irish festival (worth £900) from £9 etc etc. however my best cash in a MTT was 2nd in a £200 buy in with 360 players for around £6k this by far the best cash in a straight tourney and probably a fluke (i have won the odd one but with only 2-3 hundred players and low buy in). i feel my game is TAG but fear its too tight and that i raise nowhere near enough without "the goods"

i have tried the free trial of pokertracker but something wasn't right and couldn't get it to work properly and wouldn't really know what i was looking for anyway.
i have read many books including super systems and a few from mike cairo,
phil helmuth (lame) and others but feel they can only help so much, its the application of concepts to my game that needs work i think.

im playing my first live tourney in 11 days £500 buy in with around 7-8 hundred players, its a deepstack with 15k starting chips plus slow blinds. what adjustments to my (overly ?) tight game should i make ? or will the extended playing time suit a tight strategy ?
also how important are tells in a live game ? should i concentrate on improving my people reading skills to give me a better chance or is there something else to focus on before i play ?

thanks for taking the time to read (and reply possibly) all comments welcome including the "stop talking b****cks you fishy little donk" types

Last edited by kallindown; 09-18-2010 at 12:39 PM. Reason: spelling mistake. duh !
give a fish some teeth ? Quote
09-18-2010 , 12:42 PM
stop talking b****cks you fishy little donk

Last edited by Eatmynuts123; 09-18-2010 at 01:03 PM. Reason: this was in bbv first hence my post
give a fish some teeth ? Quote
09-18-2010 , 12:47 PM
I usually hate this reply because it's somewhat lazy but "post hands." Then we can start giving you concrete answers. Right now nobody here has anything at all to work on except your evaluation of your own game, in loose terms, and even if it was more detailed it'd still be from your perspective which is, of course, subjective.

So cough up some objective info (read; hands) and we'll start picking away.

give a fish some teeth ? Quote
09-18-2010 , 12:53 PM
Also reply to other hands and when you do post hands don't just post the hands and stats. include your thought process in the most detailed way you can.

Last edited by shane5495; 09-18-2010 at 01:00 PM. Reason: i'm an idiot
give a fish some teeth ? Quote
09-18-2010 , 04:20 PM
ok im about to be a pain in the ass !

how do i get my hand history's is it from the site i play on ? also iv seen on here where they are converted to look neat with the suit symbols displayed etc ?

if there an explanation/guide on this site just point me in the right direction n il do the reading instead of u having to post a detailed "how to" instruction to a noobish dude. cheers
give a fish some teeth ? Quote
09-18-2010 , 04:22 PM
hand history is stored in a folder on your computer, you can usually find out where by looking around the settings. I think you can email PS to get your hand histories not sure about FT though

This has a guide on converting HH
give a fish some teeth ? Quote
09-18-2010 , 05:39 PM
I'm about to play my frist donkament too. My only advioce would be to enjoy it. You obv have some skills from your results so far, so stop getting all het up, sit back and just enjoy it.

edit: and it looks like th perfect topurney to do just that
give a fish some teeth ? Quote
09-18-2010 , 06:50 PM
You said you are playing your FIRST tourney in 11 days and it is a L500 buy-in tourney...

Here is some advice I can give you that is solid gold.


Find a L100 or so tourney sometime this week and get some live experience 'before' you play the big tourney. Don't go into that big tourney cold on live experience. Granted, playing 1 tourney isn't going to give you a years worth of experience, but at the least it will pop your live cherry.

Also, you need to seriously work this site, use the search function.

Absolutely everything you need to be successful is on this site. You won't believe how many threads are started weekly on "How do I play a live tourney? What adjustments do I need to play live, etc. etc."

Lastly, yes you need to post some hand histories in the appropriate forums.

Good luck, and let us know how you do in that tourney.
give a fish some teeth ? Quote
