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Getting crushed at .01/.02 cent online. But playing better than ever? Getting crushed at .01/.02 cent online. But playing better than ever?

05-07-2020 , 10:28 PM
Here are my 5 worst hands of the session.
Got stacked in each hand

Hand 1

Yatahay Network - $0.02 NL (6 max) - Holdem - 6 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 4

Hero (BB): 116 BB
UTG: 364.5 BB
MP: 117.5 BB
CO: 209.5 BB
BTN: 85.5 BB
SB: 295 BB

SB posts SB 0.5 BB, Hero posts BB 1 BB

Pre Flop: (pot: 1.5 BB) Hero has 9 8

fold, fold, CO calls 1 BB, fold, SB calls 0.5 BB, Hero raises to 3 BB, CO raises to 6.5 BB, SB calls 5.5 BB, Hero calls 3.5 BB

Flop: (19.5 BB, 3 players) 8 J 7
SB checks, Hero bets 9.5 BB, CO raises to 38 BB, fold, Hero raises to 109.5 BB and is all-in, CO calls 71.5 BB

Turn: (238.5 BB, 2 players) Q

River: (238.5 BB, 2 players) 7

Hero shows 9 8 (Two Pair, Eights and Sevens)
(Pre 22%, Flop 55%, Turn 36%)
CO shows A A (Two Pair, Aces and Sevens)
(Pre 79%, Flop 45%, Turn 64%)
CO wins 227 BB
05-07-2020 , 10:29 PM
Hand 2

Yatahay Network - $0.02 NL (6 max) - Holdem - 6 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 4

Hero (BTN): 111.5 BB
SB: 365.5 BB
BB: 138 BB
UTG: 113.5 BB
MP: 81 BB
CO: 197 BB

SB posts SB 0.5 BB, BB posts BB 1 BB

Pre Flop: (pot: 1.5 BB) Hero has J Q

fold, fold, CO raises to 3 BB, Hero raises to 9 BB, fold, fold, CO calls 6 BB

Flop: (19.5 BB, 2 players) Q A 3
CO checks, Hero checks

Turn: (19.5 BB, 2 players) 6
CO checks, Hero checks

River: (19.5 BB, 2 players) A
CO checks, Hero bets 19.5 BB, CO raises to 78 BB, Hero raises to 102.5 BB and is all-in, CO calls 24.5 BB

Hero shows J Q (Two Pair, Aces and Queens)
(Pre 26%, Flop 5%, Turn 0%)
CO shows Q A (Full House, Aces full of Queens)
(Pre 74%, Flop 95%, Turn 100%)
CO wins 213.5 BB
05-07-2020 , 10:29 PM
Hand 3

Yatahay Network - $0.02 NL (6 max) - Holdem - 6 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 4

Hero (BB): 110 BB
UTG: 366 BB
MP: 117.5 BB
CO: 121 BB
BTN: 87 BB
SB: 298.5 BB

SB posts SB 0.5 BB, Hero posts BB 1 BB

Pre Flop: (pot: 1.5 BB) Hero has Q Q

fold, fold, CO calls 1 BB, fold, fold, Hero raises to 3 BB, CO calls 2 BB

Flop: (6.5 BB, 2 players) T 9 J
Hero bets 3 BB, CO raises to 6 BB, Hero raises to 18.5 BB, CO calls 12.5 BB

Turn: (43.5 BB, 2 players) 4
Hero checks, CO bets 32.5 BB, Hero raises to 88.5 BB and is all-in, CO calls 56 BB

River: (220.5 BB, 2 players) 5

Hero shows Q Q (One Pair, Queens)
(Pre 78%, Flop 31%, Turn 16%)
CO shows 8 7 (Straight, Jack High)
(Pre 22%, Flop 69%, Turn 84%)
CO wins 209.5 BB
05-07-2020 , 10:30 PM
Hand 4

Yatahay Network - $0.02 NL (6 max) - Holdem - 6 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 4

Hero (SB): 128.5 BB
BB: 303 BB
UTG: 100 BB
MP: 97 BB
CO: 81 BB
BTN: 125.5 BB

Hero posts SB 0.5 BB, BB posts BB 1 BB

Pre Flop: (pot: 1.5 BB) Hero has 8 8

fold, fold, fold, BTN raises to 3 BB, Hero raises to 9.5 BB, fold, BTN calls 6.5 BB

Flop: (20 BB, 2 players) 5 A J
Hero bets 10 BB, BTN calls 10 BB

Turn: (40 BB, 2 players) K
Hero bets 20 BB, BTN calls 20 BB

River: (80 BB, 2 players) 3
Hero bets 40 BB, BTN calls 40 BB

Hero shows 8 8 (One Pair, Eights)
(Pre 55%, Flop 4%, Turn 2%)
BTN shows T A (One Pair, Aces)
(Pre 45%, Flop 96%, Turn 98%)
BTN wins 152 BB
05-07-2020 , 10:30 PM
Hand 5

Yatahay Network - $0.02 NL (6 max) - Holdem - 6 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 4

Hero (CO): 49 BB
BTN: 301.5 BB
SB: 100 BB
BB: 97 BB
UTG: 82.5 BB
MP: 198 BB

SB posts SB 0.5 BB, BB posts BB 1 BB

Pre Flop: (pot: 1.5 BB) Hero has K J

fold, fold, Hero raises to 3 BB, BTN raises to 10.5 BB, fold, fold, Hero raises to 49 BB and is all-in, BTN calls 38.5 BB

Flop: (99.5 BB, 2 players) 6 4 4

Turn: (99.5 BB, 2 players) 5

River: (99.5 BB, 2 players) 6

Hero shows K J (Two Pair, Sixes and Fours)
(Pre 26%, Flop 17%, Turn 7%)
BTN shows J A (Two Pair, Sixes and Fours)
(Pre 74%, Flop 83%, Turn 93%)
BTN wins 95 BB
05-08-2020 , 01:18 AM

I would just check pre-flop. If you're going to raise, I'd make it more like 5.5 big blinds.

As played, I would check/raise the flop. Getting it in here is fine.


Fold pre-flop.

As played, probably fold to river raise. If you're not folding though, it would be a call. Why are you 3betting all-in on the river? He's never folding a hand better than yours and if he has a hand worse than yours, it has to be just air or a missed draw so it isn't calling.


I make it about 5 big blinds pre-flop.

As played, I'm thinking just call the flop raise and then check the turn.


Pre-flop is fine. I probably 3bet to 11 or 12 big blinds though.

Just check/fold the flop. That flop sucks for you. There's 2 overcards and one is an A. And there's 3 hearts and one of your 8's isn't even a heart. Betting 1/2 pot on all 3 streets here seems really really really bad.


Consider making your raise size smaller, especially 49 big blinds deep.

Fold to the 3bet.
05-08-2020 , 02:16 AM
Why do you keep going crazy with middle strength and weak hands? I can't even tell if you think you're bluffing or value betting

Also, when isolating limpers follow this rule:

3bb + 1bb for each additional limped + 2bb if OUT of position
05-08-2020 , 03:35 AM
So, to summarise, we:

a) don't just see a flop with a flop that wants to see a flop, meh, at least it gives CO a chance to say "I have aces, please stack me on the perfect flop", we get almost the perfect flop, it's a flip, we get it in and lose it, it happens
b) we turn our hand into a bluff pre, flop second pair, rather than betting out with an ace on the board to try to be consistent with our preflop action, we check, then when villain wakes up on river we mash it in where nothing worse calls
c) we flop a decent hand, when villain raises us we for some reason 3bet, he calls us which is him saying "I am beating a single pair hand", so naturally when he bets the turn we checkraise all in
d) we have a hand that could set mine which, given everything we've read so far would be the best thing to do, but we 3b pre, which is fine in isolation as long as we then don't just triple barrel having probably one out to win the pot. Take one stab, meh, shut down from there
e) we've worked out that playing with less than a full stack will make postflop errors half as bad. This is not necessarily a bad plan, but that doesn't mean you should just start making the errors earlier in the hand

Ever see that film Groundhog Day?
05-08-2020 , 11:05 AM
Poker tracker is insane, and I can finally learn from my mistakes!
I have a whole new interst in learning poker now.

Hand 1: 98h. Got slow limped by AA. I should have folded after his 3-bet. In hindsight, this guy was TAG, so I should have known he was very strong. After flop, I had 50% equity, so I don't mind my shove. Flush draw and straight draw. But when TAG goes aggro, I should have folded. Let it go!

Hand 2: JQ. OTB. I was beat and he checked to me THREE times. Damn smart player. He stacked me like a PRO. Should have folded to his 3-bet, but I was fooled by his THREE checks!

Hand 3: QQ. Should have folded to the TAG aggro.

Hand 4: 88. Flop AJ5h. I like my donk bet, but should have folded when he called. So obvious playing terribly!

Hand 5: KJ. Not sure of this one.
05-08-2020 , 11:08 AM
Originally Posted by Lego05

Why are you 3betting all-in on the river? He's never folding a hand better than yours and if he has a hand worse than yours, it has to be just air or a missed draw so it isn't calling.

How do you know what he will call or fold with? He could have called with QT or even worse.
05-08-2020 , 11:11 AM
Originally Posted by sixfour
So, to summarise, we:
then when villain wakes up on river we mash it in where nothing worse calls
I dont' get this concept. How do you know what he will call with. Nothing worse calls? He might have folded since he was checking 3 streets. He might have called with QT. You have no idea what he will call and fold with. Are you a mindreader?
05-08-2020 , 11:15 AM
Originally Posted by sixfour
So, to summarise, we:

c) we flop a decent hand, when villain raises us we for some reason 3bet, he calls us which is him saying "I am beating a single pair hand", so naturally when he bets the turn we checkraise all in
Huh? I had QQ and flop with T9J. He could have easily had a pair of T or J and I had him crushed. Not seeing at all what you're seeing. You have no clue if anyone has all pairs beat. He might raise with TPTK (AJ) and he is beat by QQ. You can't assume he flopped a straight
05-08-2020 , 11:20 AM
ACR players are nits. I like my AGGRO betting, but need to learn to respect when these nit call and raise. I can't wait to play a few hours today and see if folding more improves my results. I need to back off when they are showing strength in later streets.

ACR is filled with slow rollers who check with the nuts. If I get 3-bet, they have a monster.
05-08-2020 , 11:54 AM
Originally Posted by legionrainfall
Huh? I had QQ and flop with T9J. He could have easily had a pair of T or J and I had him crushed. Not seeing at all what you're seeing. You have no clue if anyone has all pairs beat. He might raise with TPTK (AJ) and he is beat by QQ. You can't assume he flopped a straight
I'm not assuming he has flopped a straight. I am assuming that, after he has minraised your flop bet and then called your flop three bet, 100% of his range is stuff that is pissing all over your QQ from a great height. If he has the hand you think you have "crushed", he is either just calling you on the flop, or is folding to your 3b. Literally the best you can hope to see is something like ATdd or QTdd, where you are flipping
05-08-2020 , 12:02 PM
Originally Posted by legionrainfall
I like my AGGRO betting,
05-08-2020 , 12:12 PM
Found my stats on PT4

VPIP 41 (aggro LAG table image)
PFR 25
Total AFq 74 (nice!!)
Won at showdown 16 (BIG LEAK. FOLD BRAH)
05-08-2020 , 12:13 PM
PT4 Leak Tracker says "No hands meet criteria"
Is this broken? I have a huge leak by not folding to aggro nits
05-08-2020 , 12:32 PM
Originally Posted by sixfour
I'm not assuming he has flopped a straight. I am assuming that, after he has minraised your flop bet and then called your flop three bet, 100% of his range is stuff that is pissing all over your QQ from a great height. If he has the hand you think you have "crushed", he is either just calling you on the flop, or is folding to your 3b. Literally the best you can hope to see is something like ATdd or QTdd, where you are flipping
On flop, How do you know he's not just playing aggro LAG and trying to bully me out of the pot?
He could be 3-betting with a pair of J's (flop was 9TJ) which are beat by my QQ
But yea, turn i should have folded

Last edited by legionrainfall; 05-08-2020 at 12:39 PM.
05-08-2020 , 12:52 PM
I tried to C-bet, got called, and then backed off.
I think I am learning.
Should I have folded pre when I got 3-bet?

Yatahay Network - $0.02 NL - Holdem - 6 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 4

BTN: 79.5 BB
SB: 55 BB
BB: 131.5 BB
Hero (UTG): 143 BB
MP: 100 BB
CO: 121.5 BB

SB posts SB 0.5 BB, BB posts BB 1 BB

Pre Flop: (pot: 1.5 BB) Hero has J J

Hero raises to 3 BB, fold, CO raises to 9 BB, BTN calls 9 BB, fold, fold, Hero calls 6 BB

Flop: (28.5 BB, 3 players) 7 K 3
Hero bets 14 BB, CO calls 14 BB, BTN calls 14 BB

Turn: (70.5 BB, 3 players) 8
Hero checks, CO checks, BTN checks

River: (70.5 BB, 3 players) T
Hero checks, CO bets 52.5 BB, fold, fold

CO wins 67 BB
05-08-2020 , 01:21 PM
Got stacked yet again!

Yatahay Network - $0.02 NL - Holdem - 4 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 4

SB: 190.5 BB
BB: 98.5 BB
Hero (CO): 113 BB
BTN: 155.5 BB

SB posts SB 0.5 BB, BB posts BB 1 BB

Pre Flop: (pot: 1.5 BB) Hero has A A

Hero calls 1 BB, fold, SB raises to 3 BB, fold, Hero raises to 9 BB, SB raises to 190.5 BB and is all-in, Hero calls 104 BB and is all-in

Flop: (227 BB, 2 players) 7 J 8

Turn: (227 BB, 2 players) 9

River: (227 BB, 2 players) 2

SB shows J J (Three of a Kind, Jacks)
(Pre 19%, Flop 91%, Turn 91%)
Hero shows A A (One Pair, Aces)
(Pre 81%, Flop 9%, Turn 9%)
SB wins 216 BB
05-08-2020 , 01:53 PM
The QJo, 88, and KJ are some of the worst-played hands I've seen on this forum this week.

You are way too aggro and are apparently just clicking buttons to try and win pots that you have no chance of winning.

Stop treating checks and calls as "weak", and pay particular attention to when villain raises. Villains don't raise as a bluff very often, so when they raise it's usually for value. They want you to call and pay them off. If they want you to call, you should fold to save some money. The only thing worse than calling in those situations is shoving, which seems to be your favourite thing.
05-08-2020 , 01:57 PM
Yes, some bad playing! Glad to remind you of when you started@@
I am now respecting checks and raises.
05-08-2020 , 01:59 PM
Originally Posted by Didace
I like my AGGRO betting,

Because money !

Yatahay Network - $0.02 NL - Holdem - 8 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 4

MP: 111 BB
MP+1: 98.5 BB
CO: 95 BB
BTN: 71.5 BB
Hero (SB): 178 BB
BB: 125.5 BB
UTG: 211 BB
UTG+1: 38 BB

Hero posts SB 0.5 BB, BB posts BB 1 BB

Pre Flop: (pot: 1.5 BB) Hero has A T

fold, UTG+1 raises to 2 BB, fold, fold, fold, fold, Hero calls 1.5 BB, BB calls 1 BB

Flop: (6 BB, 3 players) 8 6 5
Hero checks, BB checks, UTG+1 checks

Turn: (6 BB, 3 players) 6
Hero bets 3 BB, BB calls 3 BB, UTG+1 calls 3 BB

River: (15 BB, 3 players) Q
Hero bets 7.5 BB, fold, fold

Hero wins 14.5 BB
05-08-2020 , 02:03 PM
Originally Posted by ArtyMcFly

Stop treating checks and calls as "weak", and pay particular attention to when villain raises..
Except when the check IS weak ??

Yatahay Network - $0.02 NL - Holdem - 8 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 4

BTN: 111 BB
SB: 86.5 BB
BB: 81 BB
UTG: 70.5 BB
Hero (UTG+1): 187.5 BB
MP: 120 BB
MP+1: 226 BB
CO: 30 BB

SB posts SB 0.5 BB, BB posts BB 1 BB

Pre Flop: (pot: 1.5 BB) Hero has 6 6

fold, Hero calls 1 BB, fold, fold, fold, fold, SB calls 0.5 BB, BB checks

Flop: (3 BB, 3 players) 6 9 8
SB bets 3 BB, BB calls 3 BB, Hero calls 3 BB

Turn: (12 BB, 3 players) 8
SB bets 6 BB, fold, Hero calls 6 BB

River: (24 BB, 2 players) 3
SB checks, Hero checks

SB shows 7 A (One Pair, Eights)
(Pre 44%, Flop 25%, Turn 0%)
Hero shows 6 6 (Full House, Sixes full of Eights)
(Pre 56%, Flop 75%, Turn 100%)
Hero wins 23 BB
05-08-2020 , 02:20 PM
Originally Posted by legionrainfall
Because money !
You like losing money?
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