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10-31-2008 , 02:11 AM
For the beginners that haven't already, I ask that you follow the link below and become an active member. It's for your/our own benefit. And email/write/call/smoke signals/carrier pidgin (or what ever your means of communication may be), but CONTACT your congressmen and urge your member of congress to support sensible poker legislation.

On the home page near the bottom, you will see: "♠ Make Your Voice Heard" Click the links within and simply fill in the blanks.

'We are but one, but we are mighty'.



For the game Quote
10-31-2008 , 12:34 PM
And as a side note I'd like to add, that yesterday my home state (which is one of the 13 so-called "bad states"), blocked my play at DoylesRoom. The larger sites, such as FT and Stars are fighting (to some extent) the Kentucky ruling but some of the smaller sites are being hit hard. If you're not up to date on what's going on with the future of online poker and UIGEA (Unlawful Internet Gaming Act) I strongly suggest a visit to the Poker Legislation thread. And by all means, don't just sit there. Do SOMETHING! Get involved. Sign your name, write a letter, send an email, call your friends/family/neighbors/relatives/ANYBODY, just get involved and let your voice be heard.
For the game Quote
10-31-2008 , 05:13 PM
Hi BlindedOut
It's a great website. I hope that our futures are protected and we can play poker freely and legally. The situation seems strange right now. I'll have to check out the poker legislation thread. I wonder what will happen after the election. Thanks, Yojimgari
For the game Quote
10-31-2008 , 05:14 PM
For the game Quote
10-31-2008 , 05:54 PM
I wonder that too Yojimgari. I'm also wondering when/if my Cake and Stars account will be blocked! I talked to Kira Wilson (Player Services) at DR today and she told me that they (at DoylesRoom) where working hard to "get things in order". I surely hope so. And I also hope that everyone will get involved and let their congressmen know that they support all proposed legislation that clearly exempts games of skill like poker from the Unlawful Internet Gambling
Enforcement Act of 2006 (UIGEA).

Last edited by BlindedOut; 10-31-2008 at 06:10 PM.
For the game Quote
10-31-2008 , 08:39 PM
I don't like these laws in this situation in Usa. Hopefully your account works and the future laws are good for us poker players. We must protect our lifestyle BlindedOut! Good luck, Yojimgari
For the game Quote
12-20-2008 , 03:12 AM
This battle continues. If you haven't (already) joined, I ask that you do so. Take 30 seconds and email your state representative through PPA's home page.

Originally Posted by TheEngineer
Great news! Former House Majority Leader Dick Armey (R-TX) sent out an alert on online gaming/poker today.

He wants us all to send a letter to President-elect Obama, so please take 30 seconds to pitch in. Just go to :

An investigation on an internet gaming cheating scandal at the AbsolutePoker and UltimateBet websites has many calling for even more restrictions or an outright ban on online gaming.

But we should instead see this as a good example of the unintended consequences of government activity. Let us not forget that extreme regulation, due to the questionable passage of the Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act of 2006 (UIGEA), forced these companies to go offshore in the first place, likely exposing consumers to greater risks than they would face in a more open environment for online gaming.

Instead of trying to ban what is a popular billion dollar market with millions of users, consumers should have every protection that they enjoy when they make any other transaction—online or in their local store.

Online gamers shouldn’t have to hope for a fair hand, but instead know that their government is allowing markets to work while ensuring consumers access to the full force of the law in the case of irregularities or illegal activities.

The solution is not to drive the industry underground and offshore. The solution is to ensure that online gamers have access to the rule of law and that those who host and administer these sites abide by strict market discipline, where trust can be rewarded and a breach of trust means a business is not viable.

Even if you aren’t a user of these sites, I’m sure you can see the problems with the current tactics being used on this industry, and the potential implications that could ensue if these (or similar) regulations were to be expanded upon, or even tested on other industries.

Help us stop the government from tightening its stranglehold on business growth by clicking here to send a message to President-elect Obama, urging him to overturn this act and give the American people the ability to engage in safe and transparent internet gaming.


Dick Armey
For the game Quote
12-20-2008 , 01:35 PM
blinded out

You have money in doyles room and you cant access it??

Also, do you really think that letters will persuade congressman?
For the game Quote
