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FT Question FT Question

09-02-2009 , 05:43 PM
Hi, first post here, hope this is the right place.

So anyways i reach the FT of a $20+2 turbo, just under 200 runners, and im 5th out of 9.

The 2nd hand i get is AQs, and it folds round to me on the button. 2nd place is in the SB with 37k and 4th is in the BB with 23k. The blinds are at 1000-2000 and i have 22k in chips. I decide just to ship it and I run in to AK from the BB. Unfortuantely a King comes out on the flop and i dont catch a miracle so i hit the rail.

Now is my play right? Is it a standard shove with the blinds so high? Or should i have raised a small amount and then reassessed if he shoves?

Now i didn't really think about the 4 players with lower stacks than me. Although a most of them had about 7-5BBs. The payout for me if i finished first would of been quite significant ($999), whereas 9th place $84 isnt really. But i try to focus on the right play rather than the money, so was this the right play, and just a standard cooler?
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09-02-2009 , 06:32 PM
I might limp fold. I don't like AQ. A shove is prob standard with 22 blinds and folds all around to you in the button. It's certainly a cooler, and there really aren't many better spots if you are going to shove for a win. I prefer a blind steal with a pair rather than a high ace. A minraise or slightly bigger could work too. I like to tighten up when I first get to the final table to see what the short stacks do in the first round or two. Your stack is big enough that you don't have to play push/fold, but I don't see anything wrong with your play. You played to win and ran into the top 5% of the bb's range.

cliff notes:
AQ sucks.

Last edited by philobrian1; 09-02-2009 at 06:34 PM. Reason: standard
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09-02-2009 , 06:39 PM
The money is top heavy in those mtt's and so you constantly need to be stealing blinds, and AQs is definately not a bad spot to get it in when folded around to you on the button.

Unlucky that BB has AK but it happens.
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09-02-2009 , 06:43 PM
shove everytime, its 100percent correct imo
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09-02-2009 , 08:02 PM
Cool thanks guys, i think im happy with my line. I guess i could of waited a few hands to let one or two players go out first. As it happened someone busted the hand after. But at the time i didn't really think about sneaking up the ladder, i felt the hand played itself.

Btw i had 11BBs not 22.
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09-02-2009 , 09:28 PM
Originally Posted by OMGdougLEE

Btw i had 11BBs not 22.
LOL I misread that. Correct move, but AQ still stinks.
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