Originally Posted by manistyle
I have played Poker in Two years now and there is a problem about my Online Play which seems to lose a lot of Money.. I just cant keep focus on The Poker.. I usually start to watch Television, listing to music or just searching on the internet.. Anyone who can help me with this little problem.. Advice or something?
Yes. Don't watch television or search the internet while playing poker

. Music is fine.
Seriously though OP...If u get bored / unfocused easily while playing then maybe poker is not for you as it requires a tremendous amount of focus.
I browse the net / read here / watch poker vids (read: watch porn) in the early stages of a MTT sometimes...but that's about it. If I'm playing cash then it's just me, music and the tables I have open. I'm not sure what advice you are looking for.
If you take the game seriously and are in it to 'win it' then you should not be having these focus problems.
Try..Um...Focusing harder? lol