Is flop donking % a good indicator of whether it's for value or bluff?
Join Date: Apr 2013
Posts: 189
Title. Of course, board texture matters too (particularly, everyone seems to donk bluff on paired flops). Also, it's far more likely to be for value multiway. But is it right to assume that most people who donk the flop heads up aren't being balanced? Decent regs don't seem to do it too often.
Of course someone who is donking 80% of flops is gonna be bluffing, but say, could you tell from a 20 or 30% frequency? Would it depend on other factors, like how loose the player is?
Join Date: Feb 2014
Posts: 2,340
From my own experiences, when they donk they usually have something, it's almost never air. Let it be second pair, draws, pair weak kicker, maube sets/two pair.
Join Date: Nov 2012
Posts: 6,410
Is this cash games?
<5% is sets / good draws. ~8-10% might be good range of value hands and occasional bluffs.
I think 15% might be too much already.
Pay attention to player reads. It's insane how often people just donk top pair impatiently.
Join Date: Feb 2014
Posts: 32
I think donk bets are weak hands and there trying to figure out if there hand is any good.
Or a set trying to donk bet into the preflop raiser to try to get a reraise from there.
But as stated above its usual never air