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Figuring out regs Figuring out regs

06-14-2012 , 12:13 AM
I'm grinding 5NL and basically playing ABC poker.

I'm finding that a few regs are noticing exactly what I'm doing.

For example if I raise and they call in position and I cbet flop that I miss, they call and if I check they then raise and I have to fold.

I am running into a lot more aggressive players at 5NL 6Max than 2NL with stats like 28/26 or even 38/36 and they just bet bet bet and I have to fold weak hands. When I do get a monster they fold fast.

So obviously ABC works against the fish and a high volume will most likely be enough to beat the limit but how do I start playing back at regulars making these types of play?

What things should I be looking out for and taking notes so I can stack them by the end of the session?
Figuring out regs Quote
06-14-2012 , 01:58 AM
There are more than enough fish at 5nl dont worry to much about regs, if they are floating you to much its maybe cause youre not double barreling enough and maybe your cbet% is too high.
Figuring out regs Quote
06-14-2012 , 02:04 AM
Fix your turn cbet, profit.
Figuring out regs Quote
06-14-2012 , 02:25 AM
play against the fish, don't worry about the regs yet.
Figuring out regs Quote
06-14-2012 , 04:41 AM
Hello guys,
It is the part of the job to make the notes on the players. You will mark the regulars and will not play with them. Personally I leave the table when I see somebody playing like you've described. It is better to play with fish )
Figuring out regs Quote
06-14-2012 , 05:47 AM
dont leave the table if you see one reg as long as theres one fish at the table it will be profitable to stay
Figuring out regs Quote
06-14-2012 , 06:50 AM
to be honest, its possible that you are having one of those periods when the regs don't make many/any hands when you are betting. ie they are folding because they don't have a hand that can call and not because they soul read you.

I'm not saying they aren't running huds to get stats on you but I am saying you can overthink these things.

I am running into a lot more aggressive players at 5NL 6Max than 2NL with stats like 28/26 or even 38/36 and they just bet bet bet and I have to fold weak hands. When I do get a monster they fold fast.
against these guys you may need to show them that you are capable of chk/calling when you have a big hand so if they are paying attention they will see that when you play weak you aren't necessarily weak. Or play aggressively when you don't have a hand - becareful here and pick your spots - see no matter how good tehy are at poker there is no statistical way that tehy have a good hand everytime they bet but they do it cos it doesn't matter what they have if you fold alot
Figuring out regs Quote
06-14-2012 , 07:15 AM
if the players are 28/26 at 5nl, they will not be able to cope with you 3betting them alot. I managed to increase my win rate at 10nl and 25nl by 2-3bb/100 by 3betting rather than calling alot of the time. take the initiative in hands. make out you are crazy and players will start playing back at you with awful hands
Figuring out regs Quote
06-14-2012 , 07:22 AM
I like to take a different lines against 'regs', they know that you cbet so they float and bet when you check turn. Try check raising flop then barrel turn, increase your double barrel bluffs and 3 bet a bunch instead of calling.
Figuring out regs Quote
06-14-2012 , 07:41 AM
Start mixing up your lines a bit. When playing somebody who's been floating you, bet the flop then check-raise the turn a few times. You may also be cbetting too much or playing too many hands out of position. Also start double barrelling scare cards if you think they're doing this.

For the second part, you can't just c/c always with marginal hands or it's completely exploitable. There's nothing wrong with folding marginal hands, especially out of position.

Last edited by TheDefiniteArticle; 06-14-2012 at 07:42 AM. Reason: Accidentally caught post button
Figuring out regs Quote
06-14-2012 , 11:35 AM
Yeah mix up your play a bit, you won't make much money doing this against the regs, but you will definitely lose a lot less.
Figuring out regs Quote
06-14-2012 , 05:54 PM
If u think they "have your number" mix it up a bit. Double barrel and even triple barrel occasionally , check raise , don't value bet every good hand - let them hang them self.
Risk sometimes losing a bet or two by calling them down with just second pair, etc...

"If I never get caught bluffing it means that I don't bluff enough, and If I never catch them bluffing it means that I'm folding to much. " - Little green book
Figuring out regs Quote
06-14-2012 , 06:02 PM
Originally Posted by arlecchino76
If u think they "have your number" mix it up a bit. Double barrel and even triple barrel occasionally , check raise , don't value bet every good hand - let them hang them self.
Risk sometimes losing a bet or two by calling them down with just second pair, etc...

"If I never get caught bluffing it means that I don't bluff enough, and If I never catch them bluffing it means that I'm folding to much. " - Little green book
Thanks. So I guess it mostly just comes down to mixing it up then. I'm in that view where I'm trying to value bet so much that it might not be the optimal play against some regs.
Figuring out regs Quote
06-14-2012 , 06:38 PM
Originally Posted by arlecchino76
If u think they "have your number" mix it up a bit. Double barrel and even triple barrel occasionally , check raise , don't value bet every good hand - let them hang them self.
Risk sometimes losing a bet or two by calling them down with just second pair, etc...

"If I never get caught bluffing it means that I don't bluff enough, and If I never catch them bluffing it means that I'm folding to much. " - Little green book
I think he also said something to the effect of, "If I never get bluffed off the best hand, it means I'm calling too much."
Figuring out regs Quote
06-17-2012 , 05:30 AM
Originally Posted by CarliC
dont leave the table if you see one reg as long as theres one fish at the table it will be profitable to stay
It is definitely a great advise.
I think another detail is - your position at the table. It is not so comfortable to sit just before and after the reg.
Figuring out regs Quote
