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A few questions about SnG's A few questions about SnG's

05-29-2008 , 04:26 PM
I have recently started playing $6.60 SnG's and find them more appealing than cashgames. It might be the stakes, I don't know.

So I'm thinking of playing primarily SnG's, which leads me to my questions; It seems to me that most people are playing Turbos rather than regular SnG's? (I prefer playing the regular ones myself.) Is Turbos the way to go if you wish to play higher stakes SnG's?

Second: I've been trying to get a hold of some decent STT videos but I feel that I keep running into Turbo vids.
Also; anyone got any books/forum posts regarding SnG's?
I prefer playing 6max btw.


Last edited by Gressklipper; 05-29-2008 at 04:40 PM.
A few questions about SnG's Quote
05-29-2008 , 05:08 PM
I personally don't like turbos, less poker, more craziness, if you don't get a hand it becomes very difficult to play them.
A few questions about SnG's Quote
05-29-2008 , 05:51 PM
if you're going to be playing SNG's I'll reccomend Sit 'n go strategies by Collin Moshman. I think it's amazing for SNG's. I actually bought it after reading a review on it, so I'll ship that review to you. I figure you should trust poker sites over Amazon when it comes to poker books:

As for liking SNG's better, I don't blame you. you have less risk, decent reward, and the ability to play and make moves, plus teh thrill of gambling, as you'll have to take at least one coinflip at some point.

Turbo's are just a way at forcing everyone to have to take coinflips quicker than in a regular sit n go. So to teh people wanting a little gambling excitement (cheap compaired to lots of cash games) they're a better choice.

And the sites love them because they don't last too long so they can run more and make more $.

I would rather never play anything with the word turbo in it as long as I can help it, but that's just me.
A few questions about SnG's Quote
05-29-2008 , 06:07 PM
I aggree that turbos are crazy forced coin flips.... they are fun to watch though. I have been watching a few of the new super turbos on FT 7.50 with 3 minute blinds and a starting stack of only 300. now thats crazy, 16 hands they were down to 3 handed. IMO very very - EV
A few questions about SnG's Quote
05-29-2008 , 06:09 PM
and I just read the add at the top of the page... I forgot that book's a 2+2 book, you should probably buy it off them not amazon, and I'm sure you'll find a review of it somewhere on here.... then again the site of the company who published the book probably isn't the best source for a review :P

that's the store. If you wanna play serious SNG's read it up
A few questions about SnG's Quote
05-29-2008 , 06:11 PM
In general:

1. Turbos are easier to multi-table because ICM takes over sooner.
2. A good player's ROI will be lower in turbos because more "luck" is involved.
3. A good player can play more than twice as many turbos as regulars, because they are about half as long and (1).

Therefore, most serious SNG players, I think, play turbos. This leads to

4. The competition is probably softer in the regular SNGs than the Turbos at the same level.

(4) is just a wild guess on my part, where as (1), (2), and (3) are pretty much the gospel.
A few questions about SnG's Quote
05-29-2008 , 06:27 PM
Well as much as I like the thrill of gambling, I actually like playing flops and making good valuebets and calls. And I'm ofcourse still learning alot of this game everyday, so I must say that I like actually playing poker more than just playing push/fold strategy ;D

Should I be sticking to cashgames or are there somewhat of a "market" for regular SnG's?

Oh, and atari I will look into that book, thanks alot.

Really appreciate your answers people.
A few questions about SnG's Quote
05-29-2008 , 06:33 PM
nothing wrong with playing SNGs. I actually rather enjoyed them for a while, til I went on a 25 buyin down swing and swore them's about time I picked that back up.

Dude who final-tabled at the WSOP ME last year (Hevad Khan sp??) cut his teeth as a SNG player if I'm not mistaken.
A few questions about SnG's Quote
05-29-2008 , 07:42 PM
Moshman's book is well worth the read. Kill Everyone has some good stuff applicable to SnG's too.

I learnt by playing one regular table at a time, but now find that my hourly winrate is higher multi-tabling turbos.

To the Op - when starting out, start by picking one type / style of game, and master it. Then you can pick up others. Whichever one you can properly master, there will be rewards with appropriate dedication and willingness to listen, learn and experience.

And yes, Hevad Khan started out as a SnG player, and was well known for multi-tabling 24 (up to 40 at one stage I think) tables.
A few questions about SnG's Quote
05-29-2008 , 08:21 PM
I've been wondering about the debate between Turbo VS non-turbo.
If you multi-table you join an SNG then register in another one and another one etc.. How many tables can you be playing at once before the first SNGs you joined finish up?

I'm asking because I sometimes play the .10/360s while a bit drunk and never seem to have more then 5 up at once. I assume if these were non-turbos they would take longer to play and allow for more then 5 to run at once.

If anyone plays the 180s Turbos I'm curious how many games you can get running at once if you register for the next one as soon as you get seated.
A few questions about SnG's Quote
05-29-2008 , 10:45 PM
I prefer regular myself. With Turbo you don't have as much time to sit through any dead card period and there is alot less strategy when you play turbo. I would think a good poker player would see greater rewards going with the regular compared to the turbos.
A few questions about SnG's Quote
05-30-2008 , 12:53 AM
if your good with post flop play, you should play the regulars since you have more time to see flops

but if your strength is knowing when to push/fold/call AI with 5-15BB stacks, turbos is the way to go.

The variance is quite high but your hourly rate is well compensated, however if youre still new, please stay at the regulars first. 10-15 buyin downswings are quite common in turbos.
A few questions about SnG's Quote
05-30-2008 , 01:54 AM
I think once you've mastered the basic tournament strategy, it all comes down to the fact that you can play more tables/hour at the Turbo tables than at the Regular tables.

Obviously this will lead to a greater hourly rate.
A few questions about SnG's Quote
05-30-2008 , 02:19 AM
I started playing the normal SnG's when i first started playing. But since i lost one of my monitors (to a slightly over enthusiastic outburst after a bad beat) i can only comfortably fit 2 or 3 tables on screen at once, so at the earlier stages of the SnG's where i tend to play a lot tighter i just seem to be sitting around for ages just waiting and get a bit bored. So moved over to the turbos, there is definitely a lot more varience but also as has been mentioned a higher hourly win rate and a lot less waiting round for premium hands. But as has already been mentioned it's all about what you feel comfortable with and what you find more enjoyable to play
A few questions about SnG's Quote
05-30-2008 , 09:13 PM
Thanks alot everyone!

I think I will stay at the regular ones for now, my bankroll would not withstand a big deal of variance at the moment.

To ronmar: yes, I feel comfortable playing postflop, especially at these limits. I love the feeling when I guess my opponents exact hand
A few questions about SnG's Quote
05-30-2008 , 09:57 PM
I've been playing SNG's since December (newbie) & really like them. I've played cash games but haven't fared as well. I just started playing Turbo's this week & didn't like them at first but starting to as you DO get to play quite a bit of them which means more games due to how fast they go by. My last 2 I've placed 2nd. By mistake I signed up for some Pot Limit Holdem games & that was interesting as I thought I was in a NO limit game till I had to PUSH (all in) & found out I couldn't. Placed 1st in one & 2nd in the other. Not sure if I'll continue playing Turbo's but I have noticed that most instructional vids feature Turbo games so I know what to do in them. Still it has taken me some getting used to.
As for books definately Moshmans "Sit N Go Strategy" is a must have. I first heard of it in Poker Pro magazine as they have a column from Moshman on SNG's in it. I haven't gotten "Kill Everyone" as it's hard to get at an actual store, or at least for me but a friend told me it's required reading for SNG bubble play.
Good luck with them. Jonathan "FieryJustice" Little was a huge SNG grinder as was Travis Rice as well.
A few questions about SnG's Quote
05-30-2008 , 10:01 PM
Im more confident with trying to determine ranges of what cards are being pushed by a specific player and when its good to call AI, so Ill stay in SNGs for now.
Once my bankroll is really good, Ill start playing cash as well
A few questions about SnG's Quote
06-03-2008 , 02:33 AM
Originally Posted by jesse8888
nothing wrong with playing SNGs. I actually rather enjoyed them for a while, til I went on a 25 buyin down swing and swore them's about time I picked that back up.

Dude who final-tabled at the WSOP ME last year (Hevad Khan sp??) cut his teeth as a SNG player if I'm not mistaken.
Yes, there is a video on YouTube of Khan 26-tabling SNG. He made the video to prove to PokerStars that he could play 26 tables. They didn't believe his numbers.
A few questions about SnG's Quote
