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Feeling overwhelmed about learning. Feeling overwhelmed about learning.

06-28-2014 , 11:49 PM
I'm a winning player, but after watching some videos, like the following:

by Paul 'lnternet' Otto,
I feel like I know nothing about poker! This person's commentary while playing is so amazing, and often spot on.

So I want become great, but I don't know where to start.

I've heard some good books recommend like crushing the microstakes and kill phil. I see at least four good websites that should be on my radar.

What do I have to do to start thinking like 'Internet' while playing the game? I only have so much time and energy in a day. Where do I start? I wish there was a guide to become a great player like the following:

Where do I begin? Do I start going over every video in one of the four mentioned sites? Do I finish one of the books first from start to end? I do want to mix it up a bit, like I enjoy watching videos at night time, so I can see reading a book during the day, and watching video at night, but where do I begin?

There's so much poker material out there.. Almost too many choices.. I want to focus primarily on being a cash games player. I've also saved up a $1000 USD for coaching, but I'm not sure if I'm ready for it yet.

Last edited by dgiharris; 07-01-2014 at 02:51 PM. Reason: Edit requested by OP
Feeling overwhelmed about learning. Quote
06-29-2014 , 12:19 AM
Watched 10 mins of that youtube offence but I can't really see what's 'amazing' about his commentry, seems very basic and standard really.
Feeling overwhelmed about learning. Quote
06-29-2014 , 04:57 AM
Originally Posted by oldschool_vegas
So I want become great, but I don't know where to start.
Focus on understanding concepts, fundamentals, and theories. Not just reading them, but being able to articulate and explain them.

Get to where you are answering posts and giving advice that all stems from those concepts and fundamentals and theories.

And learn how to do EV calculations.

Test out your EV calculations when answering the posts of others.

basically, strive to understand the hows and whys.

I get the sense from your posts that you tend to focus on the whats. What is this person doing, what is that person doing...

Instead, focus on the hows and whys. Once you understand the hows and whys, then you will be able to develop your own whats (if that makes any sense)

Feeling overwhelmed about learning. Quote
06-29-2014 , 05:55 AM
Don't watch videos just for entertainment. Take notes or watch very actively, else you forget it easily.
Way i would approach your situation is: learn how to beat one stake at a time. If you beat 4nl by having solid preflop game and making small bluffs, go for it. If at 50nl you need to 3-bet aggressively and make more bluffs, learn it.
You always need to apply what you have learned at the tables. It may seem easy on video, but hard on the tables itself when you play.
I work one concept at a time. Previous experience (assumptions) --> Theory --> practise --> review --> practise practise practise practise
Don't just grasp all the concepts. Something i saw in DC video was coach teaching 10nl player how to 5-bet bluff small. ABSOLUTE BS!!! Same goes for 5nl player watching Phil Galfond videos.

I would just rather focus on having SOLID default game and learning how to deviate. Knowing the basics is very essential.
So i would focus on: Opening ranges preflop, cbetting flop, 3-betting and valuebetting. And of course knowing the math behind. And learning poker hand combos.

And that video was not by Paul Otto. Someone else made it.
Feeling overwhelmed about learning. Quote
06-29-2014 , 10:21 AM
Yah I posted the wrong video! Lol, can a mod edit it and put in this one:

Thanks for the responses so far. DGI I will start trying to focus on the how and why when I'm thinking Fishtankz good idea on taking notes and watching/playing actively.
Feeling overwhelmed about learning. Quote
06-29-2014 , 10:41 AM
learn a different game.
Feeling overwhelmed about learning. Quote
06-30-2014 , 01:40 PM
Originally Posted by dgiharris
basically, strive to understand the hows and whys.

I'm trying to make sense of this, so I'm trying to come up with examples of "what questions" vs "how/why questions.

"What do against a shortstack who is tilted and shoving all in preflop, with weak nit x(stack: x),gambling station y(stack: y), and solid loose aggro z(stack z) players behind?" vs
"I want to isolate against SS with my my range that is ahead of him, but how will each player respond to 3bet?"

"What do I in this position, with small pocket pairs pre. with these villian profiles and our current stack sizes"? vs
"How are these villians going to perceive an open raise vs limp? How much fold equity do we if we open raise EP vs UTG+2 and the BTN?"

"What do I do when this person make the following betsize on this board?" vs
"Why is this person betting this size on this board, how does villian see me if I call, or if I raise?"

"What do I do against a player who almost always raises his straddle and follows up with large preflop bets?" vs
"Why is this player always raising his straddle. How do we maximize our gains against his reasons for being so aggressive?"

"What to do against a player who is a weak nit who constantly overbets the flop when he hits it?" vs
"Why is our weak-nit overbetting the flop" or "How does a weak-nit perceive and react to me calling his overbet, will he give up on the turn or push shovel it?"

"What do we do when everyone limps" vs
"Why is everyone limping, how do villians see someone who opens or limps..."

If I'm off, maybe you can give me one or two quality examples of what you mean. Thank you DGI!
Feeling overwhelmed about learning. Quote
