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explain 3betting light to me explain 3betting light to me

08-02-2010 , 01:41 PM
I understand what 3betting is but unsure when they say light. It seems to be weaker hands pf that you should 3b light with so I'm assuming it means for less $ than 3betting with AA.
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08-02-2010 , 01:48 PM
My understanding is that 3betting light has nothing to do with the size of the reraise, but simply means that you are doing it with less than a premium hand (e.g. AJ, KQ, 77, etc.)
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08-02-2010 , 01:53 PM
3 betting light is generally done with a trash hand....83 T6 for me it works best if the initial raiser is loose and you think is stealing
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08-02-2010 , 01:56 PM
Originally Posted by MaverickFlush
I understand what 3betting is but unsure when they say light. It seems to be weaker hands pf that you should 3b light with so I'm assuming it means for less $ than 3betting with AA.
No, your hand strength should never influence your raise size. It's been said twice, but 3betting light just means you're doing it with a hand you'd normally call a raise or fold with, but decided you could probably steal the pot by 3betting instead.
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08-02-2010 , 02:16 PM
Understood. Thanks all
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08-02-2010 , 02:17 PM
less calories than regular 3 betting.
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08-02-2010 , 02:20 PM
3 Betting light doesn't necessarily mean a bluff though. It is just anytime you 3bet for a specific reason, in a situation where without that reason you would be less incline to. Basically you're opening your 3betting range, but for a set purpose. For example if the initial raiser is PFRing a lot, or your image is tight, or you are re-stealing, or any other reason.
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08-02-2010 , 02:22 PM
So it is basically situational dependent 3b?
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08-02-2010 , 02:22 PM
The size of the 3 bet should not be based on the what hand you use as that gives to much information.

A polarized 3 betting range would have strong hands plus some light 3 bets which will be the best hands which are not good enough to call. Then hands in between this are the calling range.
explain 3betting light to me Quote
08-02-2010 , 02:30 PM
Is it better to 3bet light with a trash hand because if it doesn't go right you don't become attached to the hand? Or is it better to do it with PP's, SC's & AXs because there's an opportunity to hit a big hand if the initial raiser flats.
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08-02-2010 , 02:42 PM
Istead of trash it should be the best hands thats not worth calling
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08-02-2010 , 02:48 PM
Originally Posted by andyg2001
Istead of trash it should be the best hands thats not worth calling
Like say JQs JTs AXs? FR
explain 3betting light to me Quote
08-02-2010 , 02:54 PM
3 betting light has way less to do with what you actually have, and way more with your opponents image and range, and what you're representing, or trying to represent. I'm not saying your holdings are irrelvant, because they are not, but 3 betting with like a JK or JQ and telling yourself I'm gonna 3bet this LAG player light can get you in really tricky spots, because you may hit something with showdown value but too thin to value bet.

Basically, like someone else said, what you don't want to call with but you want to put the pressure back on the initial raiser.

Last edited by EpochFail; 08-02-2010 at 03:05 PM.
explain 3betting light to me Quote
08-02-2010 , 03:32 PM
Originally Posted by EpochFail
3 betting light has way less to do with what you actually have, and way more with your opponents image and range, and what you're representing, or trying to represent. I'm not saying your holdings are irrelvant, because they are not, but 3 betting with like a JK or JQ and telling yourself I'm gonna 3bet this LAG player light can get you in really tricky spots, because you may hit something with showdown value but too thin to value bet.

Basically, like someone else said, what you don't want to call with but you want to put the pressure back on the initial raiser.
So say you 3bet light then are 4bet, would the usual line be to fold as the 3b light was to induce a fold?
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08-02-2010 , 03:36 PM
Originally Posted by MaverickFlush
So say you 3bet light then are 4bet, would the usual line be to fold as the 3b light was to induce a fold?
or light 5 bet, depending on the villain.
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08-02-2010 , 03:40 PM
Originally Posted by MaverickFlush
So say you 3bet light then are 4bet, would the usual line be to fold as the 3b light was to induce a fold?
In tournaments and deep stacked higher stake cash games, I've seen and done it where I've over the top of a PF 4bet with a bluff and taken down huge pots but obviously this is really risky and you need a solid, solid, solid read and you need to trust your read. This is way more common in tournaments.

In cash games, especially anything 200NL or lower, you really have to respect a PF 4 bet, because you are usually not that deep so anything over that is almost always an all-in, but you can definitely find spots against real LAG players where you can jam it in for value, but this is less common PF and way more common on the river, where you have value but a small value bet doesn't make sense because of the pot and stack size. Basically if you're committed on the river, or more importantly if you know your opponent is, and you know you're ahead, you'll jam the river for value.

Preflop at lower stakes cash games, if I squeeze or 3 bet light and opponent comes over the top, a lot of the time you just have to let it go. Goes with the territory of 3 betting light.

Once again, let me repeat, 3 betting light isnt something you should do when you're bored, or just want to get cute. It's a play that should be made when specific indicators tell you it's +eV to do so.
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08-02-2010 , 04:04 PM
Thanks for taking the time to respond so informatively, I appreciate it. I think I now have the grasp of it.
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