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Is it ever good to fold KK pre? Is it ever good to fold KK pre?

09-23-2014 , 07:21 AM
Originally Posted by WereBeer
I don't think we disagree enough to argue about folding KK pre, I do think that villain's behaviour is more important than the raw unlikelihood of them having the one hand that beats us though.

So when we have K and the board has 4 hearts on it and the weak-tight villain overbet jams, just because it's 'unlikely' that they have A...the fact that their play is extremely congruent with them holding A is way more important than the odds against them holding it.
If anything I would say we agree more, your right that from a behavioural analysis point of view, the villains behaviour in relation to a board of this texture is peculiar at the least and would lead us to believe that the overaggressive nature of villain on such a board would be in accordance with him holding the A, though it would depend on the pre flop betting and if the villain has a usual tendency to overbet jam. If there is no previous history of villain doing this then as you say this behaviour would be more important in helping us to conclude that the likely hood of holding the A in this spot is probable, though would you still be inclined to fold a K ?
Is it ever good to fold KK pre? Quote
