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Does no-one talk? Does no-one talk?

01-11-2008 , 03:16 PM
OK im new to the entire online poker thingy, however i expected someform of social aspect.

Now so far ive only played for play money on but is this a common thing?

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01-11-2008 , 03:22 PM
Not at all uncommon to have a quiet table. You will also run across tables where everyone is talking.

Are you engaging conversation or waiting to see if someone else will talk?

More people are starting to take poker seriously and talking can sometimes take you away from the action.
Does no-one talk? Quote
01-11-2008 , 03:22 PM
At the lower stakes or play money im sure theres loads of very chatty tables, you just have to find them. Once you start playing higher people dont really play for the social aspect, its all about winning.
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01-11-2008 , 03:49 PM
You can always start a conversation if you find the table too quiet for your liking
Does no-one talk? Quote
01-11-2008 , 03:53 PM
When I play on Pokerstars most of my opponents are US and speak English. Chatting's easy.
When I play on PartyPoker (rare, but not unknown) most of my opponents are Germans, Dutch, Russians, Hungarians.
You can see the problem.
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01-11-2008 , 04:10 PM
More often than not tables will be silent. That's because most people multitable.
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01-11-2008 , 04:26 PM
Originally Posted by WheyFlex
More often than not tables will be silent. That's because most people multitable.
Or multi-task. (MSN, e-mail, surf the web, etc) while playing poker.
Does no-one talk? Quote
01-11-2008 , 04:34 PM
Yeah I think most people don't concentrate on playing poker, atleast a single table, when they are online.
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01-11-2008 , 05:41 PM
It also depends on how people try to get a conversation story. I saw this last night on PokerStars:

Player A had just filled up on the river to beat Player B's nut straight.

Player A: Woo-boy, that was a fun hand!
Player A: nh bud!

Player B: f@#$ u

I'm not advocating that response (though I did laugh), but you can see where perhaps Player A was trying to start a friendly convo and just failed to understand the context of the situation.
Does no-one talk? Quote
01-11-2008 , 08:40 PM
Ok thanks for the responces people.

I can see how it could be done.

Also i didnt realise partypoker had a lot of other Europeans playing.

I suppose poker is a world wide passtime.

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01-11-2008 , 08:51 PM
Yeah when people usually talk it's in some form of an insult
Does no-one talk? Quote
01-12-2008 , 02:57 AM
Originally Posted by DiamondDog
When I play on Pokerstars most of my opponents are US and speak English. Chatting's easy.
When I play on PartyPoker (rare, but not unknown) most of my opponents are Germans, Dutch, Russians, Hungarians.
You can see the problem.
Do they no longer have the English only rule any more?

When I started playing online some 4 years ago the tables were very chatty and I used to enjoy this. As "progress" has been made and multi-tabling is so easy and popular then this aspect has definately declined. Occassionally you find a chatty table but more often that not is is just one line of "OMFG wp donk, keep it up".

The ban on US players has definately done some damage here as well. All those new or occassional players no longer bother signing up and you are left with players just trying to make money, not have a cyber social life.
Does no-one talk? Quote
01-12-2008 , 02:59 AM
Originally Posted by count_zero99uk
OK im new to the entire online poker thingy, however i expected someform of social aspect.

Now so far ive only played for play money on but is this a common thing?


I've noticed that a lot more players seem to talk in SNG's and smaller tournaments than in ring games by far..I think this is due to a combination of the majority of players in ring games playing multiple tables at once, and the fact that some ring game players play for incredibly long lengths of's hard to be chatty if you're on your 12th hour of grinding in a 3/6 limit game.

Does no-one talk? Quote
01-12-2008 , 04:13 AM
Chatty tables are very seldom.
I've played play money full ring and i'm playing micro SNGs right
now, and i'll say there's a disussion at less than 10% of the tables
(not counting "nh"). But , if there's a chatty table there's more
often than not a flame war going on
("OMG OMG you're such a ******" "no you are the *****" ...).

To conclude, it's sad but maybe you should forget about
the social aspect of poker when playing online.

Most europeans can chat in english(like me).
If you want a gentle discussion i've made some good experiences
with "Wow you're from XXX ever want to go there..."
Does no-one talk? Quote
01-12-2008 , 05:07 AM
Yeah I would agree that the most chatty groups you will find online are the MTT players.

The majority of Ring and SNGs seem pretty quiet
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01-12-2008 , 08:54 AM
Also, I've noticed smaller poker sites have more table chat than the big guns (like PokerStars and FullTilt.) If you do decide to engage in chat at the table, just be aware that you could be giving away information that will affect how your opponents act towards you.

I've seen some good players acting like complete donkeys to try and get people to play back at them with weak hands thinking they are clueless. Just like live poker, be aware of your table image
Does no-one talk? Quote
01-12-2008 , 05:13 PM
Originally Posted by Psych0Mantis
Also, I've noticed smaller poker sites have more table chat than the big guns (like PokerStars and FullTilt.) If you do decide to engage in chat at the table, just be aware that you could be giving away information that will affect how your opponents act towards you.

I've seen some good players acting like complete donkeys to try and get people to play back at them with weak hands thinking they are clueless. Just like live poker, be aware of your table image
One of the reasons I recommend some of the 2nd Tier Sites for players who ask....A lot of them have more of a sense of "community" that sometimes puts players at ease to play a better game..than the cold quietness of the Big Guns
Does no-one talk? Quote
01-12-2008 , 06:07 PM
Ive started reading up and i suppose with all the thinking you need to do and such if your doing more than one table you ened to concentrate.
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