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Do stations call 4x pot to 10x pot all ins with TP? Do stations call 4x pot to 10x pot all ins with TP?

09-13-2014 , 10:07 PM
I notice calling stations will call hugely large value bets like 1x pot to 3x pot with as little as top pair, but I wonder if they do recognize they should fold to huge alls in?

I'm wondering if it's possible to bluff these players in small stakes online games like 5nl-25nl?

I haven't really tried it as I've been too scared, but I wonder if you all have been able to bluff them with hugely large all ins?
Do stations call 4x pot to 10x pot all ins with TP? Quote
09-14-2014 , 04:01 AM
Why would you wanna try to bluff calling stations? You get money from them by value betting them hard. You should also be thinly value betting them as they will call down with top pair no kicker or second pair etc.
Do stations call 4x pot to 10x pot all ins with TP? Quote
09-14-2014 , 05:50 AM
Calling stations might fold to huge all ins in a tournament but there isn't really any all in for a cash game since they can just reload.

Don't bluff, just value bet big
Do stations call 4x pot to 10x pot all ins with TP? Quote
09-14-2014 , 06:13 AM
Can't really generalize it to that degree.
Do stations call 4x pot to 10x pot all ins with TP? Quote
09-14-2014 , 12:20 PM
Originally Posted by Frozen_Starlight
Why would you wanna try to bluff calling stations? You get money from them by value betting them hard. You should also be thinly value betting them as they will call down with top pair no kicker or second pair etc.
This! If you can get them to pay off 1-3x pot bets with top pair, why are you wasting time trying to bluff them?
Do stations call 4x pot to 10x pot all ins with TP? Quote
09-14-2014 , 12:27 PM
Bluffing calling stations....not gonna work mate
Do stations call 4x pot to 10x pot all ins with TP? Quote
