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Difference between PS 2NL and FT 2NL? Difference between PS 2NL and FT 2NL?

09-30-2009 , 03:08 AM
I recently made the switch to PS from FT because I couldn't get rakeback. I have 30,000 hands logged at 2NL FT with a 4ptbb winrate. I'd like to think that's a big enough sample to know that I'm beating 2NL at FT. However I'm getting DESTROYED at 2NL on PS. I'm playing my normal game but I'm down 6 buyins ($30) in the last 2 days.

What's worse is I'm losing to those 70+/30+ or 70+/0+ spewtards that I would normally crush on FT. Seems like everytime I have just one pair they always hit some hidden two pair or straight draw and stack me when I have TPTK. OTOH people regularly fold TP to me when I have the nuts and shove which almost never happens on FT. Are the players just better, or am I getting worse at poker?
Difference between PS 2NL and FT 2NL? Quote
09-30-2009 , 03:16 AM
I play micros at PS, but nowhere else. I will say, though, that I don't really see the complete donks that I read about here when I'm playing there. Players are a little fishy, but most players seem to me to be thinking about their game on some level. These are purely guesses, but I'm thinking it may be because there are a lot of multi-tablers in the micros there, and because there are a lot of foreign players who have skills but have to play smaller stakes because of a poor currency exchange rate or something.
Difference between PS 2NL and FT 2NL? Quote
09-30-2009 , 03:26 AM
call more pre
Difference between PS 2NL and FT 2NL? Quote
09-30-2009 , 03:31 AM
dont over play top pair, And dont be dicouraged by a 2 day losing streak it happens to us all , varience.
Difference between PS 2NL and FT 2NL? Quote
09-30-2009 , 04:01 AM
The cash game players on stars are good, period. Even at the lower stakes, compared to other sites. Sng's on stars are another story, plenty of donks.
Difference between PS 2NL and FT 2NL? Quote
09-30-2009 , 04:29 AM
I thought FTP games were tougher, not really sure about 2NL, I thought so at 5 and 10NL back when I played those.

But still, players are not good at uNL anywhere, even at stars.
Difference between PS 2NL and FT 2NL? Quote
09-30-2009 , 05:33 AM
call more pre
Even though you're joking I actually think I should be limping a ton because stars NL2 is 250bb deep whereas FT is only 100bb. It's working for those super loose players who keep stacking nits like me anyway.

dont over play top pair, And dont be dicouraged by a 2 day losing streak it happens to us all , varience.
Can't just be variance though cuz it's 2NL. Even when I FIRST started playing online and I was hella bad I never lost this much in 2NL.

The cash game players on stars are good, period. Even at the lower stakes, compared to other sites. Sng's on stars are another story, plenty of donks.
Actually one of the reasons I moved to stars was to play the DoNs and I've been crushing them so far. They're the best bankroll builder ever but I don't feel like I'm getting better at poker grinding those.

Originally Posted by uofi2012
I thought FTP games were tougher, not really sure about 2NL, I thought so at 5 and 10NL back when I played those.

But still, players are not good at uNL anywhere, even at stars.
True they're still bad, I guess I just need to adjust. I was just shocked at the (apparent) skill gap between the two sites. Like so far I've never had anyone call an all in overshove with just TP. On FT I could regularly make a 10x the pot all in bet and get called by any top pair. I had read a few posts that said PS cash games were harder but at the time I thought they were exaggerating.
Difference between PS 2NL and FT 2NL? Quote
09-30-2009 , 06:49 AM
i think pretty much the opposite, i just moved to PS from FT for the same reason.
I'm running at 26ptbb/100 after the last couple days, not a massive sample but enough to get a feel for the play style.

Maybe i'm just taking all your monies
I'm moving to 10nl when i get back from rome, i'll make sure to leave some fish for you.

Oh and how good is the rake at PS. I'm paying 60% less rake than at FT, If i had RB it would still be 40% less.


Last edited by Melder83; 09-30-2009 at 06:55 AM.
Difference between PS 2NL and FT 2NL? Quote
09-30-2009 , 10:31 AM
With the large mass on super micro players on both sites I really dont see how anyone can compare the strength of "overall" players, its just too vast! I sampled most sites but prefer PS solely for the software and professional support they have.
Difference between PS 2NL and FT 2NL? Quote
09-30-2009 , 10:44 AM
Originally Posted by Johnnywalker
With the large mass on super micro players on both sites I really dont see how anyone can compare the strength of "overall" players, its just too vast! I sampled most sites but prefer PS solely for the software and professional support they have.
This. With the huge sample size of 2NL players I would have to think there is isn't a noticeable difference in strength between the sites. You are just running better or had an "aha" moment and got better at that level.
Difference between PS 2NL and FT 2NL? Quote
09-30-2009 , 10:44 AM
timezones make a difference. Full tilt has fewer european players and being from uerope playing 7-10 pm gmt which is midday over in america = regs.
Moved over to Pokerstars and there are many more fish around = win
Difference between PS 2NL and FT 2NL? Quote
