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Did I play this right #2? Did I play this right #2?

05-03-2011 , 01:30 AM
I won this hand, but I'm not 100% sure I played it right.

Hero has $9.95, UTG / villain has $10.35.
Everybody has c. $10, 5/10c 6max ring game.

Hero (small blind) gets A A.

UTG (villain) calls 10c, people fold, Hero raises 25c, BB folds, villain calls.

7 J 3 (pot size: $0.70)

Hero bets $0.70, villain raises $1.80, Hero raises $4.10, UTG raises all-in with $8.25, Hero calls all-in with $4.85, the 40c is returned to UTG.



Villain reveals J 4, with my AA pair beating his JJ pair.

Hard as it is to let go of aces, I'm not sure if the pot odds justified my re-raising Villain (calling at the end I think was justified as I was by then pot-committed). Surely not many people would raise so cavalierly with just a J pair. Okay, on the other hand, HAD he had a J pair, surely he'd have raised on the pre-flop? But what if he had a 7 pair or 2 pair? Then calling on the preflop, and raising on the flop, would be logical. In any case, I risked a lot there.

I'm also not sure if I sized my bets correctly. They drew him in, in either case, but were they optimally configured? I'm not sure.


Two more things, which I may as well ask in this thread.

1. I'm currently playing two tables on Bodog. Is there a convenient way to get them up to 4 or 6? If I open four of them, problem is that they get to small and moving them about / resizing them is a pain in the butt. Is there some plugin that eases this process?

2. Is $16 an attractive entry fee for a $100k tournament? (no further details that I can see, in my Tickets tab the ticket for it just appeared for some reason).
This is what the tournament description appears like: $100K Semifinal 16+1 $16+$1.00 Jul 20 08:59PM UNUSED
You have won this ticket in the following tournament: [redacted]
You can use this ticket to register for the following tournaments :Start Name
Mar 1 07:00AM $100K Semifinal
May 3 07:00AM $100K Semifinal
... [etc the list continues]
Or does the "You have won this ticket in the following tournament" mean that it would be free for me?

Last edited by Rootless; 05-03-2011 at 01:37 AM. Reason: More info
Did I play this right #2? Quote
05-03-2011 , 01:44 AM
Raise more... I'd make it at least .50... maybe even .60-.70 depending on the villain. As far as the flop goes, I doubt I'm folding unless the guy is a known nit. No draws.. so you are only beat by 33 and 77, meanwhile you could be up against AJ KJ QJ 10J... or any jack really.

1. 4 tables is the max on bodog.. as far as playing 4, idk, I just make them a little smaller than default and deal with overlap.

2. That's a ticket the the supersatellite.. winners of the super satellite get a ticket to bodog's $162 100k guarantee Sunday mtt.
Did I play this right #2? Quote
05-03-2011 , 01:52 AM
Thanks, Ice_W0lf.

One more question, if you don't mind. Approximately what percentile does one have to get into in this supersatellite to make the $162 buy-in Final? Sorry for the ignorance.

Second, is selling this ticket possible? I'm not going to, as I'm curious to see (for free!) what a tournament with more serious players is like, but for future reference.
Did I play this right #2? Quote
05-03-2011 , 02:17 AM
The ticket is a ticket into that event. It is a semifinal into the $100 K event, not the $100K event itself. You have won the ticket, and apparently need to play in the one tomorrow morning.
Did I play this right #2? Quote
05-03-2011 , 02:21 AM
Looks like about 1 out of every 10 entrants get a seat into the 100K.
Did I play this right #2? Quote
05-03-2011 , 03:27 AM
Vs most it is close between calling and 3-betting. However, vs this guy 3-betting is clearly the best option since he c/r any top pair and he limps as wide as J4s, so you def made the right choice. Also, on the flop you should bet smaller.
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05-03-2011 , 03:38 AM
I'd raise to about 5bb oop. The rest is kinda spewy without information against a tight player. But I think at these stakes the play is fine, since his stacking off range is 4 combo's of AJ, 12 combo's of KJ, 12 combo's of QJ and 12 combo's of JT (half of the times, so lets count it as 6 combo's.)

there are 9 combo's of hands that beat us (JJ, 33, 77) and 34 combo's that we beat and he'll stack off with. All excluding spazz AK plays.
Did I play this right #2? Quote
05-03-2011 , 07:32 AM
Originally Posted by britewire
I'd raise to about 5bb oop. The rest is kinda spewy
I agree with this.
Did I play this right #2? Quote
05-03-2011 , 08:36 AM
Yeah, I immediately thought raise more pre. Other than that he got his money in and you paid off.
Did I play this right #2? Quote
05-03-2011 , 09:19 AM
1. Raise more preflop.

You want to extract as much posibel value from the villain before the flop as posibel, while not offering him to good odds to call and beat your aces.

2. Rest of the hand is ok.

There are no draws out there, and most of the time these tards villain will slow play the hand if he hits 2 pair plus ( it dosent make sense to push you out of the hand if they hit big) although once in a while you will run into and idiot who flopped two pair or a set here, but over the long sample getting it in here is fine.
Did I play this right #2? Quote
05-03-2011 , 09:21 PM
Thanks all, your tips and advice are much appreciated.
Did I play this right #2? Quote
