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Did i play this hand correctly? Tpgk oop Did i play this hand correctly? Tpgk oop

06-16-2014 , 08:21 PM
Zoom fr 5nl , 100BB stacks , im readless

Hero raises to 0.15 from Hijack with QTs

Villain calls from Co

Flop: Qs-7d-9h Pot: 0,37

Hero bets 0,18 , villain calls

Turn: 3s , Pot: 0.73

Hero checks , villain bets 0.36 , hero calls

River: 4c , Pot: 1.45

Hero checks , villain bets 0.80 , hero folds

I called the turn bet because floating is popular and his bet could easily be a bluf but what about the river? did i play this hand correctly?

How would you have played it from the start?
Did i play this hand correctly? Tpgk oop Quote
06-16-2014 , 08:26 PM
Bigger OTF, turn is close. As played you have to call river.
Did i play this hand correctly? Tpgk oop Quote
06-16-2014 , 08:37 PM
Have to see the river there.
Did i play this hand correctly? Tpgk oop Quote
06-16-2014 , 09:00 PM
I should clarify I meant turn is close between betting and checking.
Did i play this hand correctly? Tpgk oop Quote
06-16-2014 , 09:09 PM
Could bet more OTF, in case villain has JTs.

Don't like turn check. You are giving up initiative, and what if villain has two spades?

As played, would call river. Villain may think you c-bet having missed flop, and his A7 or K9 is good.

If I bet turn and villain called, I might be able to x/f river.

Is 4th kicker really considered a "good" kicker? My personal standard is TPGK means either second or third kicker. Is there any recognized standard?
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06-17-2014 , 05:22 AM
So basically if i induce a bluff on turn then i have to believe he will follow up with one on river too?

What difference would it make if i bet the turn and c/f the river? isnt he capable to double float and bluff me on river? do i narrow his range to value hands with a double barrel? Draws are capable to double float and bluff on river.

Also what do you think about check/folding on turn?
Did i play this hand correctly? Tpgk oop Quote
06-17-2014 , 02:38 PM
Originally Posted by Summoner500
So basically if i induce a bluff on turn then i have to believe he will follow up with one on river too?
If you check the turn and he bets A7 or K9, it's not a bluff - it's a value bet. He thinks your c-bet was a bluff. Only problem is, you can't tell he has less value than you.

Originally Posted by Summoner500
What difference would it make if i bet the turn and c/f the river?
Fold equity. Less likely to make him think he might be good, therefore less likely to be put in a situation where you can't tell if you're good.

If you don't think he's good, you've got to call river.

Originally Posted by Summoner500
isnt he capable to double float and bluff me on river? do i narrow his range to value hands with a double barrel? Draws are capable to double float and bluff on river.
Fewer players at 5NL will be capable of double floating and then bluff than will call a c-bet and bluff the turn when you check, which is fewer than will bet the turn with second or third pair when you check.

Originally Posted by Summoner500
Also what do you think about check/folding on turn?
If you're not going to x/c the river if you x/c the turn, you might as well x/f the turn. That way you lose less money with incorrect play.
Did i play this hand correctly? Tpgk oop Quote
06-17-2014 , 02:53 PM
I also think turn close but prob bet vs random guy c/c river for that size cant be so bad prob.
Did i play this hand correctly? Tpgk oop Quote
