I'm just curious if folks are calculating hand equity on the fly in live games. For example, let's say we are in this type of position. We are in the CO:
Board: K
Equity Win Tie
MP3 39.66% 35.59% 4.07% { 99+, ATs+, KTs+, QTs+, JTs, ATo+, KTo+, QTo+, JTo }
CO 60.34% 56.27% 4.07% { K
Let us say that opponent is short stacked and shoves on this board. We have K
so we have top pair with a gut shot and a backdoor flush draw. If we believe that our opponent's shove range is wide due to being short stacked, am I as a player in a live game supposed to run some rudimentary math in my head to come to the conclusion that I have 60% equity in this pot and I should always call (assuming I have his range correct)?
Maybe this example is a little too simple but I hope I am getting my point across.